It's an interesting discussion. When I started with digital photography - having only previously shot film, back in the '90s - I tended to try to do everything in-camera. When I upgraded to my D7100 and started to get a bit more serious about the technical aspects I moved into tweaking exposure, saturation, sharpening etc. in post, but I still tend to try and nail the composition in-camera as best as I can (though with the majority of my stuff being action of some sort, composition is often a compromise as the action can happen so quickly that just nailing exposure and focus and getting the subject in shot is a task, and thoughtful framing isn't always possible).
What I see a lot of in stuff like aviation photography though is heavy cropping using big lenses and high-megapixel bodies to get the kind of really tight, crisp shots that tend to be most popular. As the photographers can be a bit more distant relative to the aircraft, tracking is easier, AF is more effective and motion blur is reduced and then they can aggressively crop to get the "right beside the cockpit" look they're after and still get a solid image. I'm in two minds about that, as it seems like a smart way to work but also feels a little like cheating - almost "saving" the shot in post thanks to having a huge, high-res image to hack about.
I like post-processing with a relatively light touch. I use Lightroom for pretty much all of my PP, and I'm happy to give the exposure a little nudge, mess with clarity and vibrance, tweak saturation and colour correct, use the lens correction tools, sharpen and use a light vignette but I'm leery of going too aggressive. My aim is to try and get the image as I remember it, rather than push the processing too hard - that said, I do tend to be a bit more full-on with the PP tools for my B&W shots as I feel that it suits the more contrasty, processed look than my colour stuff.