Spike Spiegel

Oh, come on... what did you think I meant?
Today I was fiddling around with the Micro Heroes again, and decided to try a self-portrait. After about an hour I was finished, and it came out pretty darn well if I do say so myself (and I guess I have to, since none of you know what I look like). So there you go, there's the challenge; create a Micro version of yourself. Spend as much or as little time on it as you like; these things are super-easy to make, I promise you, and you don't even need Photoshop to do it - MSPaint works just as well.
First, some rules (because what's a Photoshop thread without rules, right?):
1. You must use a Micro Heroes template.
2. Be as creative as you like, but try to keep it real. This isn't "make yourself a superhero."
3. Don't be a jerk.
Easy, right? Now, for some resources:
Micro Templates - This site contains everything you need to get started. Templates for bodies, faces, hairstyles, clothing, weapons, whatever your desire; if you don't want to make it yourself, or you just don't know how, something can be cobbled together from here. It's a GeoCities site, though, so reliability is suspect; lemme know if it doesn't work for you.
Micro Héros - A massive archive for Micro Heroes. Mostly superhero stuff, but also characters from movies and television, and just a lot of "plainclothes" -looking folk that you can look to for inspiration (or borrow from).
Let me know if you need anything to get started, and I'll try to help out. I've made a few custom body templates, so if you're looking for something that suits your body type but don't see it on any of those sites (taller, for example), let me know and I'll hook you up.
To get the ball rolling, here's my own modest effort at a self-portrait:

Have fun!
EDIT: Oh, and is it too much to hope for a sticky? Mods?