Interesting clash of class and food culture. A grilled cheese should be made with white bread and american cheese singles. There’s better ingredients sure, but lots of people have a emotional connection to this cheap dish they would receive as a treat when they were a kid. Fancying up a grilled cheese, it isn’t really the same thing anymore. Of course Gordon has to use fancy cheese, and his whole shtick is that he knows the proper way to prepare any food, but it just comes across as classist to tell people the proper way to prepare a grilled cheese is to use expensive cheese and artisan bread. Not like he’s gonna be able to appear cultured and superior by showing you how to make the classic diner food grilled cheese you already know.
Now if you want a good grilled cheese, here’s my white trash grilled cheese hack: add a little garlic powder inside the sandwich before cooking and sprinkle a little on the golden buttery crust when it’s done cooking. Easily twice as good as a standard grilled cheese, you donkey.