Escape from Tarkov is a hardcore, realistic milsim survival online PC shooter with RPG elements. The basic premise is to outfit your character, then go out on a mission (solo or in a group) against other players and AI scavengers, where you'll complete objectives, kill opponents and take their gear, loot buildings, and attempt to extract from the map alive. If you die, you'll lose most of what's on your character (insurance can mitigate this as long as no one loots you). If you successfully extract, you'll carry back everything you had on you and be able to stash it for use later or sell it.
This game is intense. By risking all of your equipped gear every time you set out on a mission, you're provided immediate stakes that amplify the nerves of any firefight. As opposed to other games in the same vein, though, there is persistence with most of your progression through a safe stash of the rest of your gear, your secure container (which can carry a handful of items out of combat even if you die), equipment insurance, level and skill progression, and cash. There is also a recovery mechanic that allows you to join a mission (a "raid") as a scavenger ("scav"), where you won't risk any of your gear and spawn with random gear that you can bring back to your stash to use with your main character if you successfully extract.
Tarkov has been around for a few years, but it recently hit its stride with patch 0.12, and has quickly shot up to become one of the most watched games on Twitch.
Solo or with a group, if you have the balls to handle Tarkov there's a lot of fun to be had.
Let's use this thread to discuss, coordinate groups, and get new folks into the game.