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Game Director Faceoff: Hideki Kamiya vs Shinji MIkami


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Geeze, impossible to pick. I think kamiya's collective works are probably better rated overall and cover a wider variety of genres and game types, but Mikami directed Re4. Kamiya directed re2. I'm not sure.

I guess kamiya but it is so close.


I prefer Kamiya's works,mikami it's a great developer nonetheless (and kamiya's mentor),but my vote goes to kamiya-san


I think Kamiya has a better body of work overall, but Mikami is his mentor and Resident Evil 1, Resident Evil 4, REmake, God Hand, The Evil Within and Vanguish are pretty fucking good.
I'd say it's a tie. I'm not choosing between these gods of game design.


Sorry Hydeqi, but Mikami takes this prize effortlessly.

They're both directing gods each with a near-impeccable body of work, but RE > RE4 > *


breaking down barriers in gratuitous nudity


mikami. his games are more focused and refined around a core mechanic or concept, kamiya is very talented but often goes way too far and tries to do too much.


Shinji Mikami because he has proven to be able to create great games of different genres (and succeed in all of them, if not even setting a milestone like he did with RE4) while Kamiya is still too focused on action games.
I like both anyway.


I have to go with Mikami. Devil May Cry and Bayonetta are 2 of my favorite games ever made, but REmake + RE4 + Vanquish is just on another level.


They're both different. I don't believe one is better than the other per se.

However if you asked which I prefer, I'd say Kamiya simply because his games tend to have lots of anime and manga inspiration. His games also really show how much of an anime veteran Kamiya is.
RE4 > Bayonetta > Viewtiful Joe > Wonderful 101 > REmake > RE2 > Vanquish > Devil May Cry > God Hand > The Evil Within > Okami > PN03

edit: forgot PN03, I think that one is actively bad, so points to Kamiya


Lots of nice responses so far. I'm glad to see Mikami's getting a lot of support, as I was worried this was going to be a little onesided in Kamiya's favour.

I'm not sure I'm going to go with next, whoever wins, but it won't be Hideo Kojima or Shigeru Miyamoto. I'm saving those big guns for last.
I think they pretty much have the same amount of masterpieces under their belts (Resident Evil 4, God Hand, and Vanquish versus Devil May Cry, Viewtiful Joe, and Bayonetta), so it's tough to pick one, but I'd probably go with Kamiya just because he's a bit more consistent outside of those. I'd probably take RE2 and Okami (definitely Kamiya's worst, even if it's still good) over RE1, its remake (which is at least better than RE2, but I'm not a massive fan of the old RE style), and PN03 (which is decent, but definitely the worst game between these two directors by a large margin).

I haven't played either of their latest games though, and I still need to play Dino Crisis (bought it when it was on sale on PSN earlier, but haven't gotten around to it yet).
This is a tough one.... I still have to play some of these games.

I'll give it to Mikami though. ReSi4 was gamechanging, Vanquish and REmake are phenomenal. I've yet to play Evil Within, but it looks scary as hell.
Kamiya because I can't do horror, so God Hand and Vanquish are the only Mikami games that have any appeal to me
and I've yet to get around to either :(

Kamiya's games are pretty much all in my personal top 20 (RE2 aside).


Kamiya is more consistent, Mikami has higher highs and lower lows.

I prefer Mikami's best games to Kamiya's best games.

They are both two of the best active game designers. IMO easily the best two Japanese game designers. Miyamoto is out to lunch, Itagaki is out for drinks, and who knows what happened to Ueda.


How was the first post not some confused post about mixing them up or them both being the same person?


Haven't played The Evil Within yet, but I still have to give it to Mikami.

Kamiya is awesome as well though.


Tough but probably Mikami due to God Hand, Vanquish and RE4.

Kamiya may have started things with DMC but to me Itsuno and his team are the one's that took things to another level. When I think of DMC I think of DMC3 (best overall package) and DMC4 (best combat ever).

I also don't like how Kamiya has a boner for including mini games and gimmicks in level design that have no business being in an action game.


How was the first post not some confused post about mixing them up or them both being the same person?

Because I've been paying attention to Game Directors ever since I had access to the internet. I really don't understand people who buy games completely blindly. I wonder if they fail to research their bigger purchases, too.


Looking at their worst games, Mikami's P.N. 03 beats out Kamiya's Okami.

Looking at their best games... I don't know if I can choose Mikami's best game right now. It's RE4, God Hand, or Evil Within. Kamiya's is either Devil May Cry, The Wonderful 101, or Bayonetta. I really, really can't pick between any of these. Edit: Hell, I'm even less sure about these being their best games. This is hopeless lol.

My gut says Mikami, but we'll see how long that lasts. This is really hard.
This is just cruel, both are masters. Kamiya has had the better consistent quality but damn Mikami made RE4, he invented RE I mean that is huge. What is more important to me the RE franchise or the action DMC like franchises and to me it's RE. He is also the teacher so there is that.

Mikami wins.

(I am blown away at how many people think okami is kamiya's worst game, it's a masterpiece)
I'd push Mikami out of the way of a sniper's bullet, but for Kamiya I'd dive in front of it in slow motion while shouting "NOOOOOOO!"


Kamiya is more consistent and IMO he really not overthhink shit in a philosophical way and just put fun things to do in the games, Mikami goes on his way to ruin and sabotage his own creations.

Kamiya is beter hands down.


Hideki Kamiya.
He is awesome, his games not only play well but also have that crazy over the top japanese vibe to them

I mean, he made Wonderful 101 and bayonetta. With that alone he already blows away most other developers


This is just cruel

Hideaki Itsuno gets to face the winner of this round. I'm going to make the choices tougher and tougher as we go on.

(I am blown away at how many people think okami is kamiya's worst game, it's a masterpiece)

I'd call Wonderful 101 his worst, personally, just because it's so obtuse to get into to find the fun. Everything else is a treat from the word go.


Is this a one off or is there like a "tournament" I'm not aware of?

It's not a tournament, it's more like a winner stays, loser pays deal. Each round, the winner faces a new games director until we eventually get to the final bosses: Shigeru Miyamoto and Hideo Kojima.


Mikami essentially created a genre and then reinvented the whole damn thing which ended up spawning even more imitators in its wake. Historically, Mikami is a king compared to Kamiya.

But hey, I'm a bit biased since I never was fully on board with stylish action.
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