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Game Freeze/Slowdown problem (PC)

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Grandma's Chippy
Ok...my nephew came over about a week ago and was playing games on my new system. Right before he left, he locked up the system (first lock up on it ever) while playing BF1942. Since then, I have noticed this "problem" in most of my games I play.

For example...

Max Payne 2 - The game will graphically lock up but the sound will still going. Eventually the game will "catch up" and I can continue...but eventually it locks up too much and I have to restart the game. It never out and out crashes, it just seems to lag or something.

Tiger Woods 2004 - Same thing....I'll be swinging the club and boom...graphics will lock up and eventually the game will catch up but more often with this one it just takes too long so I Alt F4 it rather than wait.

So it doesn't seem like the games are crashing, or permanently locking the system...just like a wave of lag/delay with the graphics. Like in MP2 the cut scenes will play all the audio while the video stays on the first image.

I have totally removed all drivers and reinstalled the newest ones again. Same thing with DirectX (9.0b). Aside from that, I have no idea what may be causing this effect.

Any ideas?


Grandma's Chippy
I'll check the overheating thing...seems like the RAM would have went bad months ago if there was a problem no?


Grandma's Chippy
Well according to my Speedfan app...temp is at a good level for MB/CPU and overall...opened the case and the vid card wasn't running too hot as far as I could tell. Inside case wasn't too hot either....hmmm

I notice on the last freeze it actually crashed my system and when it booted up Windows said that the NVidia driver caused the problems...so I am now trying a different driver set.

Crossing my fingers!
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