holy crap....lol i didnt think he would re start this beef but this is hilarious...non stop.
i would love to see 50 come back at hime but sadly he cant.
i dont think he can as in he doesnt have the ability. 300 bars? lol 50 could barely diss jeda or fat joe. all his disses have been weak. the only one he really got at was ja.
i dont think he can as in he doesnt have the ability. 300 bars? lol 50 could barely diss jeda or fat joe. all his disses have been weak. the only one he really got at was ja.
downloaded and listened to 300 bars, my only complaint, it took 5 minutes for the actually song to start..." This is a world exclusive with my boy Dj Skeet Blah Blah "
downloaded and listened to 300 bars, my only complaint, it took 5 minutes for the actually song to start..." This is a world exclusive with my boy Dj Skeet Blah Blah "
Good diss but it shouldve been 2-3minutes long tops cut all filler bs out. His flow gets boring fast and too much name dropping. :lol He really got at Olivia the worst.
By the way:
whoo kid said 50 will be playing the game change of heart video on the anger management tour and a video and pictures which shows game naked stripping in night clubs. :lol