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Game Informer SC3 article....

Chopin Trusty Balls

First casualty in the war on idioticy.
No direct links allowed for legal reasons,but GAF has an evil twin,and i hope you know what i mean.

Looks pretty much as good as PC,at least from those pics.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
yeah, i cant tell a difference in quality from those scans....


Just got that issue this week. The game looks really sick--dynamic weather, normal mapping, some Ubisoft fashioned "spectral" highlighting. Really crazy. The Xbox pics look extremely close to the PC shots (most obvious difference is the resolution).

Gameplay-wise, the biggest addition is the open-level structure which eliminates the trial and error style that so many peeps here tend to hate.


There are tons of little things that the game is adding that are just icing on the cake. Sam has that new knife he wields now--he can use that to cut holes in stuff etc. Also, the sound is getting a complete rehaul and is supposedly one of the most advanced models ever made. Rain gathers and bogs down Sam the more he is in a downpour. Some of the Spy co-op shots are great as well...


Yeah sounds awesome. This is the real sequal to Splinter Cell, pandora was released just to make more money.
I know EGM semi-confirmed it last month. But, does that article mention anything about whether the 2vs2 multiplayer will return in SC3?
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