Is HBO Select, an online HBO store exclusive thing?
No, but they're re-releasing it as a combo
Wait it says these combo sets are 7 discs for both bluray and DVD, last year the bluray one alone was 5 discs. Are they compressing the episodes more? Did they use single layer only discs last year or something?
I was talking about this one, were you thinkin the same one?
So what format do the digital copies come in?
Blu ray is exactly the same, even the same fold out accordion. The difference is the box it slides into and the Ned slipcover are slightly larger, to accommodate the new items. The DVDs have all episodes on two, double sided discs. So 2-3 episodes per side, or 5 episodes on each disc. I don't know if the extras are on the DVD version or not. I can imagine they may have been cut to avoid over compression of the episodes and having to produce an extra DVD.
Options of iTunes, Amazon video, or Vudu (I've heard that at least the iTunes version is HD, so the others probably are too.) You also get an Ultraviolet copy in addition. Pretty solid variety.
Game of Thrones Season 2 w/Target exclusive bonus Blu-ray (includes 20 minute feature interview with author George R. R. Martin plus 4 behind the scenes featurettes) (Blu+DVD+DC) $29.99 [/B]
pretty sure thats a reliable site.
will be at target right when they open on that day, or buy it from amazon, dont know..those extra future do sound good.
I'd be regretting that I paid $35 at Walmart already, but Target has a terrible track record with stocking heavily-discounted items, at least around here.
While I did buy the first season, I'm a bit torn about whether to wait from now on for the inevitable "complete" series. Does HBO do anything special for their full series blu-ray/DVD releases?
Game of Thrones Season 2 w/Target exclusive bonus Blu-ray (includes 20 minute feature interview with author George R. R. Martin plus 4 behind the scenes featurettes) (Blu+DVD+DC) $29.99 [/B]
pretty sure thats a reliable site.
will be at target right when they open on that day, or buy it from amazon, dont know..those extra future do sound good.
While I did buy the first season, I'm a bit torn about whether to wait from now on for the inevitable "complete" series. Does HBO do anything special for their full series blu-ray/DVD releases?
I imagine you'd probably be waiting for about 10 years for a complete series set to come out.
Oh man... Might just skip the best buy slip cover with that price difference! Doubt they would match seeing as the item is totally different.
Last year Best Buy dropped price at the last minute for Season 1 - if I remember correctly, the cheapest a few days before release was $35 at Amazon, and Best Buy dropped to $35 as well on release date.
Considering we still have over a week to go, I think it's a bit early to say how much the price difference with Target will be.
Oh man... Might just skip the best buy slip cover with that price difference! Doubt they would match seeing as the item is totally different.