Is anyone else ordering 3 months of HBO just for this show?
No problem. I assumed you had already seen it given how it's directly in your wheelhouse.Missed that Seven Devils trailer until now.. thanks Cornballer! Been a big fan of Flo's for many years now so I'm glad some new folks are being introduced to her.
Yup.Saying a person's name is not the same as say, going into the character's history and going into detail all of the things the character does in the future. The latter is spoilers, the former is a name.
There's the Game of Thrones RPG:Does anyone remember any funny GoT fan videos that I can put in the OP? I have "Damn it Feels Good to be A Lannister" and "Tyrion Slaps Joffrey for 10 minutes". Not sure if there's anything else worth including. Lemme know if you have ideas.
The thread title should be like season 1, saying 'NO SPOILERS AND NO BOOKS'
Is anyone else ordering 3 months of HBO just for this show?
Does anyone remember any funny GoT fan videos that I can put in the OP? I have "Damn it Feels Good to be A Lannister" and "Tyrion Slaps Joffrey for 10 minutes". Not sure if there's anything else worth including. Lemme know if you have ideas.
It also features the slapping scene but How Joffrey Became a Family Man is one of my favorite "Guile Theme goes with everything" videos. And another vote for the GoT RPG that sharbhund posted, it's a great one.Does anyone remember any funny GoT fan videos that I can put in the OP? I have "Damn it Feels Good to be A Lannister" and "Tyrion Slaps Joffrey for 10 minutes". Not sure if there's anything else worth including. Lemme know if you have ideas
Is anyone else ordering 3 months of HBO just for this show?
Once I started reading AGOT I couldn't put it down...until I finished
Is anyone else ordering 3 months of HBO just for this show?
It's not specifically from ASoIAF, but somebody posted the music video for Safety Dance which is like a Lannister family outing to King's Landing.
Hell yeah it is! I sincerely hope they have more ASoIaF songs on their next album. They played A Voice in the Dark (the other one I posted) at the concert I went to and... words cannot describe the joy of moshing with hundreds of other people to a song about your favorite book series by your favorite band. My life may have peaked at that momentThat War of the Thrones song is friggin awesome
Does anyone remember any funny GoT fan videos that I can put in the OP? I have "Damn it Feels Good to be A Lannister" and "Tyrion Slaps Joffrey for 10 minutes". Not sure if there's anything else worth including. Lemme know if you have ideas.
It also features the slapping scene but How Joffrey Became a Family Man is one of my favorite "Guile Theme goes with everything" videos. And another vote for the GoT RPG that sharbhund posted, it's a great one.
It's not specifically from ASoIAF, but somebody posted the music video for Safety Dance which is like a Lannister family outing to King's Landing.
The Tyrion and Bronn buddy comedy trailer is a classic.
+1Seconding this one. I like it way better than the 'Tyrion slaps Joff for 10 minutes' version.
Good call on the GoT RPG video from College Humor. I forgot about that one.
It's not specifically from ASoIAF, but somebody posted the music video for Safety Dance which is like a Lannister family outing to King's Landing.
These don't fit Cornballer's request, but I can never resist posting them:
And while we're at it, here's Ser Ilyn Payne.Talking about tangentially related music videos, here's Bronn sinigng:
Does anyone remember any funny GoT fan videos that I can put in the OP? I have "Damn it Feels Good to be A Lannister" and "Tyrion Slaps Joffrey for 10 minutes". Not sure if there's anything else worth including. Lemme know if you have ideas.
No problem. I assumed you had already seen it given how it's directly in your wheelhouse.
No problem. I assumed you had already seen it given how it's directly in your wheelhouse.
You gotta include the Larry Freakout Video over Ned.
Is anyone else ordering 3 months of HBO just for this show?
Is anyone else ordering 3 months of HBO just for this show?
His apt is exactly like my first apt. ha Must be a standard design.
Needs to be the first thing in the opening post:
Thanks to everyone on the thread for their assistance. Buckethead (graphics) & gutshot (lots of content) helped out a ton with getting it together, so thanks to them in particular for their efforts.
Needs house mottoes. I need a "we do not sow" picture.[IMG][/QUOTE]I threw some house wallpapers in there for you.
[quote="AngryMoth, post: 36174729"]One small niggle, in the schedule section you have episodes 3, 4 and 5 all down as airing April 15th.[/QUOTE]Got it, thanks.
Balon GreyjoyWho's the old dude in the banner next to Stannis?
Needs to be the first thing in the opening post: