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Game Rush - Your thoughts


Hi - I work at a Blockbuster here in Oklahoma City and we are getting Game Rush in 11 of our metro stores here very quickly. I will be a game manager of one of them and I was was curious what you all thought of Game Rush (for those that have them).

If your going to say it sucks at least back it up with a reasonable explanation.

I will be doing by damndest to keep the kiosks in working order and with good games. Any other good suggestions would be great (within my ability).


works for Gamestop (lol)
I think the consensus is that Game Rush rocks because of this promotion thing they had that everyone abused. To make it short, you could turn 10 bucks worth of games into a ridiculous amount of store credit


YOUR FUCKING UP THE LOCAL GAME TRADE ECONOMY. by putting too many of these damn stores in my town. Games that could have been gotten for 20-25 bucks worth of credit now get me less than 15 at most all the other stores in town. Forcing me to go to your stores. Which i wont say is a bad thing, but the selection sucks, its not a real game store like EB, GameCrazy, or Gamestop.

Also it screwed with my MVP that i have at gamecrazy. They now give 25% less than what they used too. Over saturation of the market is a bad thing. Gentle introduction would have been nice with some nice deals on the way. Cause as a consoumer who just wants the best for his money. I feel forced to go to Game Rush.

NOTMSRP come on down you know you wanna shit theres like 8 of them here in fresno. They are putting one in ever store here by the end of september.


MrAngryFace said:
I hate blockbuster, hollywood video forever!

At least they have a real gamestore and they've done a nice job putting them into there rental stores. A lot better than say GameRush which is just like Blockbusters failed attempt back in the early 90's.
I went to two Game Rush locations and came away unimpressed both times.

Apparently everyone here loves GR because of the trade in value it has on a lot of games.

This would be great, if it weren't the same banal selection of "Hot Shit" software that BlocknutBuster typically stocks (See Also: 5,000,000 copies of Ready to Rumble Boxing circa 2000), only now - it's for sale!

Big whoop.

I took advantage of the trade-in for some games I have no interest in, and pre-ordered Bujingai.

I also greatly dislike the chaotic layouts. PlaystaGamecubXBoxGam^H^H^H^HCRAMCRAMCRAM!!! I turn my head in the PS2 section and suddenly I'm eyeing puke green packaging. A little uniform design goes a long way.

Aside from that, I don't see myself shopping there regularly for any reason. Legitimate retailers such as Best Buy / Circuit City are in more convenient locations, have a better selection of software, better pricing, and don't exist like a cancerous tumor inside an already plague ridden entity.

Right now my preferred game specific retailer is Game Crazy. All of the selection of the old coots of the retail industry, with none of the gutted games and pre-damaged "new" discs. ^_^


Drunky McMurder
I don't have a Game Rush or a Game Crazy around here. I don't think so, at least. I only know of one Blockbuster nearby and I don't go in it so there could be one there. Is there a place on their website that has this kind of info? I couldn't find it, myself.


keeblerdrow said:
Game Rush. Ah, the fools.

Cash invested: $18.00
Merchandise output: $2450.00

Like shooting fish in a barrel.

What about gas money? THis must have taken you a few days. I wanted to do this but i couldnt as i dont have a car. But still it was awsome while it lasted. They stoped a lot of the deals to where you could make that much money.


I think they need some stores in PA or MD so I can take advantage of the kickass trade-in deal. Otherwise, they're worthless to me.

Musashi Wins!

I abused my Gamerush (and surrounding) hard for about 2 months and now they've changed their policies. I still like getting new games there as you can trade in ass and get 10 dollars off. Still, for a time, it was too easy to use it as a trading mine. Like a wonderful CC sale...gone in smoke.
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