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Game software sales charts for the 3DO Multiplayer, Atari Jaguar, and Amiga CD32|OCS|AGA systems

I managed to find sales for the missing 32-bit generation game consoles, although NPD did track two of them they never published any numbers unlike the sales in the Magicbox thread, but I found something even better, sales figures directly from Atari and 3DO themselves! They are incomplete, but I wouldn't hold my breath that we find anything more than this. Additionally, I found top sales figures for all 3 Amiga formats including the CD32 console. I figured since they were a pain in the ass to find, posting a thread on a site as popular and known as Neogaf will make for an easy reference point online, so people can easily find this information along with the sources for these sales figures. It's also interesting to look back at these consoles that had promise but died an early death,

I tried to make the charts straight but it just won't line up lol. They are still readable.

For 3DO​

Source 1
Source 2
Source 3
(No data for 1996)
Fmt   Publisher     Title                               Units Sold
3DO   3DO            Gex                                                     1,000,000
3DO   EA               Fifa International Soccer                     200,000+
3DO   Capcom      Super Street Fighter II Turbo              200,000+
3DO   CDYN          Crash N' Burn                                     100,000+
3DO   EA                Road Rash                                          100,000+
3DO   EA                Need For Speed                                 100,000+
3DO   EA                Shock Wave Invasion 2019                 100,000+
3DO   CDYN           Total Eclipse                                       100,000+
3DO   PANA           Pebble Beach Golf Links                     100,000+

For Atari Jaguar​

(Only sales through April 1st, 1995)
Fmt   Publisher     Title                               Units Sold
JAG   Atari Corp      AlienVPredator                 52,223
JAG   Atari Corp      Tempest 2000                   33,393
JAG   Atari Corp      Doom                                33,102
JAG   Atari Corp      Woldenstein 3D                 27,665
JAG   Atari Corp      Kasumi Ninja                      24,081
JAG   Atari Corp      Trevor McFUR                     23,829
JAG   Atari Corp      Raiden                                22,061
JAG   Atari Corp      Iron Soldier                         21,420
JAG   Atari Corp      Checkered Flag                   20,257
JAG   Atari Corp      Dragon Bruce Lee               19,274
JAG   Atari Corp      Evolution Dino Dudes         18,771
JAG   Atari Corp      Club Drive                           13,994
JAG   Atari Corp      Zool 2                                  10,358
JAG   Atari Corp      VAL D'ISERE SKIING              9,751
JAG   Atari Corp      Bubsy 3                                 8,788
JAG   Atari Corp      Cybermorph                         1,813


Fmt   Platform     Title                               Units Sold
AMI   OCS      Sensible Soccer Euro Champions       130,000
AMI   OCS      Cannon Fodder                                   100,000
AMI   OCS      Zool                                                     90,000
AMI   OCS      Sensible World Soccer                         70,000
AMI   OCS      Lemmings                                            55,000
AMI   OCS      Shadow of the Beast                            50,000
AMI   OCS      Canon Fodder 2                                   45,000
AMI   OCS      Blood Money                                       40,000
AMI   OCS      Worms                                                 35,000
AMI   OCS      Turrican 2                                            30,000
AMI   OCS      Turrican 3                                            25,000
AMI   CD32     Pinball Fantasies                                 20,000
AMI   CD32     Microcosm                                          20,000
AMI   OCS       PGA European Tour                            20,000
AMI   OCS       Jungle Strike                                       20,000
AMI   OCS       Menace                                               20,000
AMI   OCS       First Samurai                                       18,000
AMI   OCS       Bills Tomato Game                              11,000
AMI   AGA       Alien Breed 3D                                      10,000

The top games for each system were a platformer, an FPS, and a Soccer game.
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NVM, that user was crossed out, so this is the only sourced sales thread. Some other user made up 3DO numbers and said they were from NPD.

Surprised no one in that thread asked him for a source.
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The presence of a bunch of unreleased games on that jag source sure should throw a red flag and several released games with total sales of 6 is also questionable


I used to have a 3DO and I'm surprised that Road Rash had such low sales on 3DO, that was the absolute BEST Road Rash game ever made. I still play the PS1 conversion of it every now and then. But then again, it IS considered one of the top sellers....I don't know how many total 3DO's were sold....

And 3DO's Crash N' Burn.......well I guess they don't count the pack-ins as a sale? Because my 3DO had that game as a pack-in.

In fact, I owned every game in the 3DO list except the soccer game.
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I managed to find sales for the missing 32-bit generation game consoles, although NPD did track two of them they never published any numbers unlike the sales in the Magicbox thread, but I found something even better, sales figures directly from Atari and 3DO themselves! They are incomplete, but I wouldn't hold my breath that we find anything more than this. Additionally, I found top sales figures for all 3 Amiga formats including the CD32 console. I figured since they were a pain in the ass to find, posting a thread on a site as popular and known as Neogaf will make for an easy reference point online, so people can easily find this information along with the sources for these sales figures. It's also interesting to look back at these consoles that had promise but died an early death,

I tried to make the charts straight but it just won't line up lol. They are still readable.

For 3DO​

Source 1
Source 2
Source 3
(No data for 1996)
Fmt   Publisher     Title                               Units Sold
3DO   3DO            Gex                                                     1,000,000
3DO   EA               Fifa International Soccer                     200,000+
3DO   Capcom      Super Street Fighter II Turbo              200,000+
3DO   CDYN          Crash N' Burn                                     100,000+
3DO   EA                Road Rash                                          100,000+
3DO   EA                Need For Speed                                 100,000+
3DO   EA                Shock Wave Invasion 2019                 100,000+
3DO   CDYN           Total Eclipse                                       100,000+
3DO   PANA           Pebble Beach Golf Links                     100,000+

For Atari Jaguar​

(Only sales through April 1st, 1995)
Fmt   Publisher     Title                               Units Sold
JAG   Atari Corp      AlienVPredator                 52,223
JAG   Atari Corp      Tempest 2000                   33,393
JAG   Atari Corp      Doom                                33,102
JAG   Atari Corp      Woldenstein 3D                 27,665
JAG   Atari Corp      Kasumi Ninja                      24,081
JAG   Atari Corp      Trevor McFUR                     23,829
JAG   Atari Corp      Raiden                                22,061
JAG   Atari Corp      Iron Soldier                         21,420
JAG   Atari Corp      Checkered Flag                   20,257
JAG   Atari Corp      Dragon Bruce Lee               19,274
JAG   Atari Corp      Evolution Dino Dudes         18,771
JAG   Atari Corp      Club Drive                           13,994
JAG   Atari Corp      Zool 2                                  10,358
JAG   Atari Corp      VAL D'ISERE SKIING              9,751
JAG   Atari Corp      Bubsy 3                                 8,788
JAG   Atari Corp      Cybermorph                         1,813


Fmt   Platform     Title                               Units Sold
AMI   OCS      Sensible Soccer Euro Champions       130,000
AMI   OCS      Cannon Fodder                                   100,000
AMI   OCS      Zool                                                     90,000
AMI   OCS      Sensible World Soccer                         70,000
AMI   OCS      Lemmings                                            55,000
AMI   OCS      Shadow of the Beast                            50,000
AMI   OCS      Canon Fodder 2                                   45,000
AMI   OCS      Blood Money                                       40,000
AMI   OCS      Worms                                                 35,000
AMI   OCS      Turrican 2                                            30,000
AMI   OCS      Turrican 3                                            25,000
AMI   CD32     Pinball Fantasies                                 20,000
AMI   CD32     Microcosm                                          20,000
AMI   OCS       PGA European Tour                            20,000
AMI   OCS       Jungle Strike                                       20,000
AMI   OCS       Menace                                               20,000
AMI   OCS       First Samurai                                       18,000
AMI   OCS       Bills Tomato Game                              11,000
AMI   AGA       Alien Breed 3D                                      10,000

The top games for each system were a platformer, an FPS, and a Soccer game.

The Amiga list is questionable, but even if we consider the titles on there as 'verified'.. There are plenty of red flags on that list, possibly some guesswork.

Lemmings seems far to low (but it appears verified, I've swear I've read reports of over 100k in sales very quickly). There are a ton of heavy hitters missing from that list which could change the order dramatically. So obviously the list is flawed in terms of a top 10 or something, big gaps. Which is to be expected, but any ball park numbers are appreciated.

Turrican 2, Factor 5 has claimed they sold around 25-30k, but everyone had the Defjam version. Which is promising for the list at least.

European figures for ST and Amiga in particular are very hard to come by with any confidence, even more with USA imports and limited NTSC versions.
I applaud your effort and excitement for these numbers. Being so European centric, collating numbers from so many countries seemed to be a daunting if not losing endeavor. I wish they had something similar to a unified System from North America.

The Atari figures are hard to trust as another poster already stated. I say hard to trust, because Atari itself was hard to trust, dodgy as all hell. Imageworks were a similar level of mistrust.

3D0 seems pretty enlightening and cool to see,, who knew GEX sold that well. First time I've seen these. Crystal Dynamics and EA tried their best to make the 3d0 work.


What am I looking at here, is this life time sales? 3DO games sold a lot compared to the rest going by this list. Yet I only knew one person who had a 3DO. And only one game above 100k on the Amiga? Piracy was rampant but it seems awfully low.
The presence of a bunch of unreleased games on that jag source sure should throw a red flag and several released games with total sales of 6 is also questionable

You're misreading the chart, none of those are actually 6's, those are just place holders for releases, the only sales that were actually counted on it where the ones that generated sales. noticed all the ones with "6's" have the same $240? Those aren't actually sales.

The ones with actual sales totals along with their units sold are counted through April 1st 1995.

The Amiga list is questionable, but even if we consider the titles on there as 'verified'.. There are plenty of red flags on that list, possibly some guesswork.

Lemmings seems far to low (but it appears verified, I've swear I've read reports of over 100k in sales very quickly). There are a ton of heavy hitters missing from that list which could change the order dramatically. So obviously the list is flawed in terms of a top 10 or something, big gaps. Which is to be expected, but any ball park numbers are appreciated.
And only one game above 100k on the Amiga? Piracy was rampant but it seems awfully low.

I think people are forgetting the Amiga was marketed to play games, but not marketed for the games themselves which is why a lot of games have more even sales splits than other consoles would like 3DO, MD, PS1 etc.

Look at how many games sold in the area of 20,000 copies, or 25, or, 30, or 35, these are the types of close sales numbers that you don't usually see. I wouldn't be surprised if the OCS release of lemmings only sold that, some where pirated, and others were shared.

Then you have the developers and publishers themselves often not giving out direct numbers themselves nd usually giving them out when questioned in interviews, rarely do they announce anything at the end of shipments. so outside of those two a lot of sales are speculation.

It does give perspective on the CD32 though that only two games were verifiably over 10,000. That's probably the one Amiga format we don't have to worry about the publishers or developers because it was a centralized console platform.

it also gives perspective as to why the 100,000 CD32's sold in Europe didn't save commodore, If everything else is less than 10,000 sales across all the game releases on it, they never generated enough profit from software sales. If they had more games sell 15,000-20,000 they might have still survived.
I used to have a 3DO and I'm surprised that Road Rash had such low sales on 3DO, that was the absolute BEST Road Rash game ever made. I still play the PS1 conversion of it every now and then. But then again, it IS considered one of the top sellers....I don't know how many total 3DO's were sold....

We're missing 1996 sales so Road Rash may have sold much more, after Gex the 3DO had another price drop and was selling more than ever before, and they then added Gex as a pack-in which proved very popular, they also later in 1996 started giving more than one game away in the pack-in and cut game prices and the consoles price again, 3DO wasn't making money at that point, but they were selling consoles and software so we have no idea how many of those consumers brought Road Rash.

In this listing, Road Rash is "over" 100,000 but less than 250,000. We don't know how close to the latter it is, it could be 249,000 for all we know lol. The same goes for the rest of the games that sold at least 100,000 copies. Gex sold way over 250,000 but it's only listed as more than 250,000, same with Fifa which was also a popular game and became a pack-in.

Considering how the 3DO was selling before Gex and the price decrease to $299 I'd say that many of these sales are impressive. It means many more people than previously though wanted the 3DO enough that they spent between $700-$349 for it from launch until the the Gex+Price cut, so in the real of 1 million.

It shows they messed up demand with their hardware outsourcing strategy, 3DO should have found some way to push Panasonic to go with a lower price much earlier, and if they did the generation would have been over. Even $449.99 would have been been reasonable, still a high price but cheaper prices for games printed on CD could have off-set that.

And 3DO's Crash N' Burn.......well I guess they don't count the pack-ins as a sale? Because my 3DO had that game as a pack-in.

In fact, I owned every game in the 3DO list except the soccer game.

Crash N' Burn was a great early pack-in showcasing the 3DO but at some time in 1994 it was replaced and you had to buy it separately if you wanted it. But with games like Policenauts(JP), Need For Speed, Johan madden Football, Road Rash, street fighter, Guardian War, Star Fighter, Primal Rage, Cyberia, Fifa, and more there wasn't much of a reason for many gamers to buy Crash N' Burn other than curiosity of what it launched with. You already had more impressive fully polygonal games to choose from.

3DO switched the pack-in for the Panasonic consoles. The new 1994 Goldstar console came with Fifa and Shockwave included for free. it's not that pack-ins don't count, it's that Crash N' Burn was an early game that became significantly outdated as new releases came in.

The game may have sold a lot more as an early example of what the next generation of hardware could do if the introductory price for the console was lower.

3DO games sold a lot compared to the rest going by this list. Yet I only knew one person who had a 3DO. And only one game above 100k on the Amiga? Piracy was rampant but it seems awfully low.

While 3DO only sold half of the over 4 million Amigas, many of those Amigas weren't used for games, or where shared or pirated. Amigas also didn't perform well outside of Europe so it had that going against them, and the CD32 only sold 100,000 consoles so those two 20,000 sellers are impressive given the units available.

Bit surprised Microcosm was one of them though.

From the looks of it, games made for the AGA chipset weren't adopted highly and OCS games were the ones that were still selling in Europe at the time. This may explain why many CD32 games were just OCS games with CD audio. AGA was the 1200 wasn't it? I guess people weren't interested in games for the Amiga 1200 or other models using that chipset, or they were pirated at an even more than the OCS.


From the looks of it, games made for the AGA chipset weren't adopted highly and OCS games were the ones that were still selling in Europe at the time. This may explain why many CD32 games were just OCS games with CD audio. AGA was the 1200 wasn't it? I guess people weren't interested in games for the Amiga 1200 or other models using that chipset, or they were pirated at an even more than the OCS.
Yeah the AGA versions essentially had more colors, the hardware upgrade was decent but devs never jumped in fully and the A1200 had backwards compatibility issues as well. I kept playing on my kickstart 1.2 A500 instead, all the way til Commodore vanished.
CD32 was more or less A1200 without a keyboard and as a CD-based console before people realized that the CD medium could be great.
Yeah the AGA versions essentially had more colors, the hardware upgrade was decent but devs never jumped in fully and the A1200 had backwards compatibility issues as well. I kept playing on my kickstart 1.2 A500 instead, all the way til Commodore vanished.
CD32 was more or less A1200 without a keyboard and as a CD-based console before people realized that the CD medium could be great.

Actually CD was booming in 1993 although I'm not sure how Europe adopted it at the time. But AGA was a mistake that late.

if the CD32 was released earlier maybe 1990 that would have made a lot more sense. But they were practically doing the equivalent of releasing a Mega Drive to compete with the 3DO and PS1.

They were working on an enhanced 32-bit chipset and a 64-bit one, those should have been what the console was based on, with a plan to help transition developers to add features to their games and actually map buttons to the controller instead of throwing OCS games on a CD unchanged. They weren't looking ahead to beat PC and kept making incremental upgrades.


Actually CD was booming in 1993 although I'm not sure how Europe adopted it at the time. But AGA was a mistake that late.

if the CD32 was released earlier maybe 1990 that would have made a lot more sense. But they were practically doing the equivalent of releasing a Mega Drive to compete with the 3DO and PS1.

They were working on an enhanced 32-bit chipset and a 64-bit one, those should have been what the console was based on, with a plan to help transition developers to add features to their games and actually map buttons to the controller instead of throwing OCS games on a CD unchanged. They weren't looking ahead to beat PC and kept making incremental upgrades.

I can't speak highly enough about the Amiga, still own several and loved those years. The rushed to market product was DOA without the legendary AAA chip set. The Sega CD released in 1993 in the UK, that would be one of the better metrics for how well CD gaming was doing. Psygnosis was one of the few UK developers who truly pushed CD gaming as you mentioned with Microcosm.

I have always wondered what a cartridge based Amiga could have achieved in 1990s For anyone that played Amiga games, it was usually held back by the 512k standard in Europe, Most North Americans had 1M. Memory expansions and chip ram was very expensive. Also whilst it did support 2 button's joy pads, that feature was used by very few developers. Would also be really interesting if the Amiga got true support from Japan, but that's part of its quirky charm I guess.

The CD32 increased chip ram to 2M but then was restricted by CD load times in 1992/93, not sure how expensive that ram would have been in 1990 to make it viable.

And while piracy was out of control on Amiga, the ST was even worse. But I am pretty sure Lemmings sold well over 100k (not including ST) and broke records, despite the pirated Amiga release being smuggled form the duplicator and released several days earlier.
ST was even worse.

The ST was better at first, but after Atari pissed devs off giving games away it created an environment where many folks just pirated games.

But ST software sales are very hard to come back even before then, I found two or three games and then gave up, looking through various press and magazines and interviews. No leaks on the Atari fan sites or any company documents, nothing.

it's lucky I found those Amiga numbers.
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