Battlebus imprisoning me \m/ >.< \m/
ended up buying a hobbit house cottage that can’t handle my MASSIVE LOAD of games and movie collections.
Best way for storage in small spaces?
Was thinking of a combination of Billy big balls bookshelves scattered in corners and offloading cases to the loft.
So bookshelves for the classics and boxes of modern stuff in the loft, while the discs are in wallets?
Any better ideas?
My head is bouncing on a Johnny depp wine bender atm but I think
is the right boy to tag on this? And tag
because Bella is Kat
Best way for storage in small spaces?
Was thinking of a combination of Billy big balls bookshelves scattered in corners and offloading cases to the loft.
So bookshelves for the classics and boxes of modern stuff in the loft, while the discs are in wallets?
Any better ideas?
My head is bouncing on a Johnny depp wine bender atm but I think