Been messing around with my Yamaha Clavinova and guitar again... as to why I'm posting them on the OT forum, theyre tunes from games not games, they're not very long and I didn't use any patience whatsoever in making them. I thought I'd leave the Gaming Discussion to the actual gaming/news element.
Metal Gear Solid
Not happy with the guitar on that one. Bit too simple, which I thought would work initially, but it sounds overly such. Whatchya think? Lose the guitar? Change/add more guitar? Go back to the day job?
Mario Kart - Rainbow Road
Anyone know any good sites for soundfonts?
Theres an absolutely awesome version of the rainbow road theme on overclocked... in fact theres lots of awesomely superior stuff there.
Metal Gear Solid
Not happy with the guitar on that one. Bit too simple, which I thought would work initially, but it sounds overly such. Whatchya think? Lose the guitar? Change/add more guitar? Go back to the day job?
Mario Kart - Rainbow Road
Anyone know any good sites for soundfonts?
Theres an absolutely awesome version of the rainbow road theme on overclocked... in fact theres lots of awesomely superior stuff there.