If you followed Blu-ray vs. HD-DVD, MS tactics today are straight out of the HD-DVD playbook. A very good poster on this board reminded me of this, the execs running the Bone were the same bunch who ran the HD-DVD clown show. Paying for forced parity was par for the course in the early days of that farcical episode.
Drivers can be patched....
Sometimes I do wonder if MS truly planned to launch this holiday.
Edge wrote more or less the same thing two weeks ago:
The French blog article is either a confirmation of what Edge wrote or a rehash of the the above paragraphs.
It's not about offending MS. It's about not pissing off people who only own XB1. Let's say there's a situation in which media reports that for example, Watch Dogs is notably better on PS4, and XB1 version is missing effects or has framerate problems or lower resolution, and reviews report that. Now, people who only own XB1 are going to say "well, if this version sucks, and they didn't bother spending time to make it work/look better, I'm just going to buy some other game". This mentality is what publishers worry about, and no amount of explaining that spending more time wouldn't make any difference, is going to help.
I think this has happened a lot with PS3 last gen, and publishers took note of it.
Fix the driver then?
This should be simple, since we know XB1 is clearly weaker.
Any multiplat that is identical between XB1 and PS4 = boycott publisher.
It's not about offending MS. It's about not pissing off people who only own XB1. Let's say there's a situation in which media reports that for example, Watch Dogs is notably better on PS4, and XB1 version is missing effects or has framerate problems or lower resolution, and reviews report that. Now, people who only own XB1 are going to say "well, if this version sucks, and they didn't bother spending time to make it work/look better, I'm just going to buy some other game". This mentality is what publishers worry about, and no amount of explaining that spending more time wouldn't make any difference, is going to help.
I think this has happened a lot with PS3 last gen, and publishers took note of it.
Let's discuss the driver situation:
Going from 1080p/30fps to 900p shouldn't double the framerate. Either the article is lying or Xbox One driver is really bad at 1080p.
Let's discuss the driver situation:
Going from 1080p/30fps to 900p shouldn't double the framerate. Either the article is lying or Xbox One driver is really bad at 1080p.
More than likely a rehash, which would fit with what many of the French Gaffers have said. They tend to recycle articles.
Let's discuss the driver situation:
Going from 1080p/30fps to 900p shouldn't double the framerate. Either the article is lying or Xbox One driver is really bad at 1080p.
If you want to get someone out of the industry for selling overpriced peripherals, using online passes, and shutting down studios...well there wouldn't be much of an industry left.
To the people saying we won't ever know if the PS4 version is gimped or not... if I were a 3rd party developer and some manager came to me forcing this parity, don't you think I'd do everything I can to make it public, one way or the other, after the game has been released? Personally I'd fucking hate if someone told me to spend my time to worsen a product I can be proud of.
I don't get the "don't wanna piss off Microsoft" part. Because by gimping the PS4 version wouldn't 3rd party devs royally piss off Sony, you know the company which will eat a few billion $ to get those superior specs in their machines. So why would those devs be afraid to piss off MS and not Sony.
It's not that simple at all, that does not take into account many things when people are working on the hardware. Some may not have the time, or skill, or money to achieve more than parity on each system.
It's odd the French site did not mention the ram *Or did it?*in this case, for possibly the first time ever, multiplatform development is easier on the stronger machine, platform agnostic builds are said to run far better on PS4 than XB1.
Even if the parity rumors are false I would still agree with you. This is a company that rushed out hardware and had widespread hardware failure as a result. This is a company that charged the customer a ridiculous dollar amount for accessories like hard drives and wi fi adapters. This is the company that ushered in paying for online gaming. To make matters worse, this same company blocks the user from using things like Netlix behind a paywall. They also routinely abandon their customers after three to four years by completely ceasing development on their current consoles because they've shut down so many studios. The ones they have remaining have been making avatars, long in the tooth franchises, and apps.
They tried, unsuccessfully, to usher in a console that was always online and had heavy DRM. So fuck this company. It was perfectly fine for games like Skyrim to run better on the 360, but now that the tables has turned Microsoft is protesting because of their fuck ups? I'll never buy another console from them again with the bullshit they've pulled and continue to try to pull.
Isn't locked framerate usually preferred?
Maybe with 1080p framerates are 40 - 50 FPS in those games?
Perhaps but if so has the site been known to blatantly lie about its information?
The clarification of the sources being 2 big publishers (one french, one American) is interesting to me
Do you think they would lie about that?
Serious question
That is true too.it's a balancing act though. If PS4 has a significantly larger installed base, then it would be more important not to piss them off than XB1 owners. Plus if you are pulling your punches on a platform, you leave yourself open to competition - both from first and third parties.
But they created DirectX!![]()
The timed exclusives thing is really the fault of both the publishers and the console makers. They want to lock in a base cash flow in case the game doesn't take off. Why not get a partial return on investment early and take option value on the actual game sales?
The courting casuals aspect is happening on both sides because they needed to broaden the pie. Mobile games are taking off while AAA game budgets are skyrocketing. Thus both sides are trying to get casual gamers in for the revenue stream. This industry can no longer survive solely on hardcore gamers. Do you really think there are hundreds of millions of hardcore gamers in the world?
Maybe as a big publisher they are expecting MS to foot a good chunk of the co-marketing bill, but that's not going to fly if all the reviews are unbalanced about the definitive console version being the other guy.it's a balancing act though. If PS4 has a significantly larger installed base, then it would be more important not to piss them off than XB1 owners. Plus if you are pulling your punches on a platform, you leave yourself open to competition - both from first and third parties.
Isn't locked framerate usually preferred?
Maybe with 1080p framerates are 40 - 50 FPS in those games?
possibly ESRAM related? Devs not being to tap it properly so they are limited? If so, then that might be a good thing if it can get unblocked in later drivers - gives the platform room to grow.
in this case, for possibly the first time ever, multiplatform development is easier on the stronger machine, platform agnostic builds are said to run far better on PS4 than XB1.
Maybe as a big publisher they are expecting MS to foot a good chunk of the co-marketing bill, but that's not going to fly if all the reviews are unbalanced about the definitive console version being the other guy.
True, but in a multiplat development, they are going to target a specific performance point for both systems surely, rather than individually. It could be the case that time and money is spent achieving this on the weaker system, leaving no room for enhancing the other version.
I just don't think it is at all as simple as, ''the games are the same, so that publisher was paid off''. Not at all.
Microsoft has done those things far more than any other company. Sony continues to expand their studios and even bought Media Molecule and Sucker Punch last generation. Microsoft bought Rare and neutered them. Rare isn't even allowed to work on their new IPs it seems. They're a negative influence on the industry.
you will lose your job the moment you go public by the publisher.
and people say competition is good....but in this case, competition is very bad.
On a side note, evidently Cboat was right yet again, despite all Microsoft insiders or PR saying the contrary.
is that what Penello meant when he said that MS won't give Sony 50% advantage?
Some of you Sony fanboys are truly ridiculous. Are we really going to talk about Microsoft charging exuberant amounts of money for accessories (mainly only the wifi adapter) and not even think about the Vita? Sure, they ushered in paying for online gaming but they also revolutionized it and and made Sony step it up. If it wasn't for XBL, there wouldn't be a PS+. How do they routinely abandon their customers when it has only happened once? (Xbox > 360) The PS2 was around for 10+ years and the 360 has been around for 8 and will probably be supported through 2014 and 2015, too. That's 10 years, which is what how long they said it would last. I guess nobody's ever going to let the DRM thing go, even if Microsoft offered to suck their dick and give them a Xbox One for free.
I'm just going by what locals have been saying. Several have now called that site out as unreliable, and known to basically take articles from else where and just rehash them. They've even been referred to as a tabloid. I'd take it as they are just trying to generate hits.
Third party devs will develop their IP to look similar to protect their own interests, not the platform holders, and to make sure they dont alienate one side or other. Differences will be slight, mostly resolution stretches, framerate locks or other subjectives. This is done at design/preprod to develop your scenes with this is mind and use graphical effects to maximise its look/impact. Think GOW3.
The MOST important aspect is the time taken to produce your basic complete - Faster complete means more time to polish, add extras etc. Will MS have direct control? Unlikely, even at the most pro-MS studios. There are too many tech-savvy fans out there and studios need all the goodwill they can get.
MS has a long history of being extremely negative for the market segments they jump into. For years they have generally entered a market, used their money to leverage a position, extinguish their competitors, then start profiteering with sub standard products (exchange, office, explorer, MS SQL) however they are not doing it as well as they used to and area's they had 'won' are firing back up. The worst possible thing for the industry is if MS pushes Sony and Nintendo out. Nintendo or Sony monopolies would also be awful but not to the same extent as MS.
Nope, it's just a rumor that fanboy's are going crazy over.
They think that UBISOFT for instance would sign a exclusive content deal with Sony but then intentionally gimp the graphics of those games to appease MS.
When did The boat, say all this? I missed that part. Searched all over for it. I'll look again though.
Right and I've taken that with a grain of salt
They were sent a review unit of the xbox one so clearly they're not nobody
I guess it could be a rehash though but then I would think they'd be lying about the publisher sources which is very very bad to do
I don't know
Also worth cross-posting from the EDGE thread
I still don't know what to take way from this post as you can read into either way