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Gamecube + GBASP = $$$$$$$$$


I got this post from another forum.

The most recent "installed base" and "tie ratio" numbers are:

Cumulative Installed Base
PS2: 24,433,000
Xbox: 9,367,000
GCN: 7,672,000
GBA: 22,579,000

LTD Tie Ratios (Avg number of games bought per each console unit sold)
PS2: 8.52
Xbox: 7.01
GCN: 6.68
GBA: 3.67

On a modern console game, the hardware maker earns about $10 from royalties. I think the GBA earns less than that, and "greatest hits" titles also earn less, but $10 is just a convenient ballpark number.

So looking at the tie ratios, Sony has made $85 on every PS2. But Sony typically sells their hardware (both PSone and PS2) at roughly a $50 loss (Sony will never give us an exact number on that, but it's "heavily rumored"). So Sony has essentially only made $35 on every PS2.

Microsoft has made $70 per-XBox in royalties, but they're said to lose $100 on the hardware, so they're down $30 for every XBox.

Nintendo has said that at the time of price drops, they lose "single digit" (less that $10) money on the hardware. The rest of the time, they're making small amounts of money on it, so lets just say they're breaking even. So Nintendo makes $67 on each GameCube.

The GBA (like the Cube and the N64) isn't sold at a loss, so it gets $37.

So, multiplied by the "installed base" numbers, the PS2 has earned $855 million in America. The XBox has lost $281 million. The GameCube has earned $514 million. And the GBA has earned $835 million.

Probably this explains why:

(1) Nintendo is making a shitload of money.

(2) Nintendo's profits are increasing.


The GameCube is sold at a loss. I'm not sure if I believe that they were ever making money on the hardware.


A 20 dollar loss per system too supposedly.

Interesting info from the person who did this. However it very well is the case that all the numbers he is using to get this data is wrong.


Supposedly Sony makes a profit on every PS2 sold right now and has for awhile. They held onto that $299 price point for a LONG time. I think they only dropped when it was viable that they weren't going to lose money by dropping the price. And the emergence of the PSTWO at $149 = profit.


Teddman said:
The GameCube is sold at a loss.

How big is the loss?

How much money does Nintendo make from selling a memory card?

How much money does Nintendo make from selling a game?

The GCN can only play games.

So with each GCN sold, at least one game and one memory card will be sold with it.


I honestly thought the Gamecube was sold with a profit.




Leviathan said:
So with each GCN sold, at least one game and one memory card will be sold with it.

As opposed to the other systems, which folks are obviously buying strictly for the DVD player function. No, wait, that's not putting enough spin on it. Let's see...

How much money do Sony and Microsoft make from selling DVD player remote controls for their consoles?

How much money does Sony make from people buying Sony Pictures films on DVD and playing them on a PlayStation 2?

Sony distributes the Spider-Man movies on DVD, and everyone knows people who own video game consoles are really big fanboys, so that's at least 2 Spider-Man DVDs sold with every PS2. More if folks are suckered into buying multiple special editions.




FnordChan said:
As opposed to the other systems, which folks are obviously buying strictly for the DVD player function. No, wait, that's not putting enough spin on it. Let's see...

How much money do Sony and Microsoft make from selling DVD player remote controls for their consoles?

How much money does Sony make from people buying Sony Pictures films on DVD and playing them on a PlayStation 2?

Sony distributes the Spider-Man movies on DVD, and everyone knows people who own video game consoles are really big fanboys, so that's at least 2 Spider-Man DVDs sold with every PS2. More if folks are suckered into buying multiple special editions.



Why did Sony post a loss in their gaming division recently?


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
gamecube makes $300 profit per console

ps2 breaks even

xbox loses $650,000 per system

hey, my numbers are just as reliable as anyone else's

If I learned one thing it's that anyone who tries to theorize how much each company makes or loses per console ends up just talking through their ass.. none of us know.

play the games, debate the sales figures, but never EVER try to guess how much each console costs to make. you'll just look stupid.


memory cards are pure margin for Nintendo

Microsoft doesn't sell practically any compared to Nintendo...

BTW, the figure going around for Microsoft XBox losses at launch were $150 ($450 to manufacture, sold at $300). They lost even more months later when they dropped the price just a little after launch.

Surely an XBox doesn't cost $450 now, but I'd wager to say the losses for Microsoft are more than $100 per console...


Leviathan said:
I got this post from another forum.

Probably this explains why:

(1) Nintendo is making a shitload of money.

(2) Nintendo's profits are increasing.

Nintendo is making 50-75% profit margin on their full price games (From N64 per the Xbox book), not 20% like the post you quoted. I would think that the margin is still there for GBA and GC. THAT is where the money is made.


pilonv1 said:
Nintendo making profits helps me get more enjoyment out of my Gamecube games.

Strong reserves can be put into development for new games and systems... Just a thought. :D


P90 said:
Strong reserves can be put into development for new games and systems... Just a thought. :D

Like Mario 64 for DS? 20 year old NES games on the GBA? One first party Gamecube release a month?


PS2 is supposedly sold at a profit these days ($20-30 or so)... though that might change with the PS2 model (it adds the Network Adapter but has other cost cutting reviosions like losing the HDD bay). Xbox has always taken a notable loss though I doubt it's $100, more likely around $30-60 I'd imagine. GameCube's always turned a profit except at launch (where it was an estimated $20 loss) and around the $99 price drop (again estimated $10-20 loss). I'm not sure today though if it's a loss taker or not, we really haven't heard anything concerning that since last year.


Teddman said:
The GameCube is sold at a loss. I'm not sure if I believe that they were ever making money on the hardware.

They were making a small profit on it until the cut to $99. I'm not sure how the excising of the digital output affects things.

pilonv1 said:
Like Mario 64 for DS? 20 year old NES games on the GBA? One first party Gamecube release a month?

I hate this. A lot. It's endemic of people who, honestly, want something to bitch about. Nintendo ports older games to their newer systems because - newsflash - they sell by the truckload. You can bet your entire life that if Activision or Midway could get away with selling each game in their anthologies for $20 each, they wouldn't hesitate for a moment. And what's good about this - yes, there is a good - is that they're not straight ports. Nintendo often steps up the graphics a bit, throws a few minigames in, and just by the nature of the GBA port, you can now have a legit copy of the game that's portable.

Unless lugging a 20-year-old system with some juryrigged LCD and battery setup is your idea of fun.

To the point that they have "one first party GC release a month," feh. Nintendo's damned either way. If they don't shove out several games a month from NCL, they're obviously not supporting the system; if they release too many, 3rd parties and armchair analysts bitch that Nintendo's just proving that nobody ever buys anything buy Nintendo games for their systems.

Look at the NPDs that were just released. Most of the sales were from 3rd parties, that's the way it should be. Keeping them happy is more important than Nintendo dominating the software sales.
Not that it matters, as posters have already said, but as I can remember:

Perrin Kaplan said (after the price drop to $99, before the digital out removal), that the Cube was now (implying it wasn't before) making a negligable loss. Even if it was higher than $20, the attach rate and peripheral uptake is as such that they'd easily be making money on it anyway. I don't know why that's so hard to believe for some people here. Their annual reports have said implied such with GC software revenue for the past two years, if any of you are really counting.

I agree that this guys numbers are purely assumptive, but the formula extrapolation made in the title of this thread is almost certainly correct.


When people say a console is sold for profit/loss, are they considering the initial R&D costs?

I'm sure all the companies spent a lot of money creating the product, so I bet nobody is making a profit on a console when this is factored in.


thorns said:
MS makes $3 billion PROFIT a quarter. MS wins.

As a company, absolutely. MS, overall, is a profit monster. Very well run business. Steps outside of the law at times, but does wonderful charity work to diminish guilt. +1 MS for MS profitabililty

As a gaming company they are losing $$ big time. -1 MS for Xbox profitability.


jarrod said:
PS2 is supposedly sold at a profit these days ($20-30 or so)... though that might change with the PS2 model (it adds the Network Adapter but has other cost cutting reviosions like losing the HDD bay). Xbox has always taken a notable loss though I doubt it's $100, more likely around $30-60 I'd imagine. GameCube's always turned a profit except at launch (where it was an estimated $20 loss) and around the $99 price drop (again estimated $10-20 loss). I'm not sure today though if it's a loss taker or not, we really haven't heard anything concerning that since last year.

Will you read that fucking report already? The latest analyst numbers estimate that Sony makes $20 per console, Xbox loses $25 per console sold, and GC loses $20 per console sold.

I agree that this guys numbers are purely assumptive, but the formula extrapolation made in the title of this thread is almost certainly correct.

Actually, these numbers don't mean much of anything... there is so much more involved. Royalties change from developer to developer, there's marketing costs, and then there's the fact that these are sold through numbers not shipped.


Porthos said:
When people say a console is sold for profit/loss, are they considering the initial R&D costs?

I'm sure all the companies spent a lot of money creating the product, so I bet nobody is making a profit on a console when this is factored in.

Isn't it DCharlie that has insight/knowledge regarding that?


jedimike said:
Will you read that fucking report already? The latest analyst numbers estimate that Sony makes $20 per console, Xbox loses $25 per console sold, and GC loses $20 per console sold.

Actually, these numbers don't mean much of anything... there is so much more involved. Royalties change from developer to developer, there's marketing costs, and then there's the fact that these are sold through numbers not shipped.

1. After reading many analysts' reports and predictions I get the impression that they are even LESS reliable than the weatherman.

2. True, the numbers are not the whole picture, but the topic title is accurate.


jedimike said:
Will you read that fucking report already? The latest analyst numbers estimate that Sony makes $20 per console, Xbox loses $25 per console sold, and GC loses $20 per console sold.
I remember... but I find those numbers questionable. Nintendo's estimated loss is pretty big considering the savings from outsourcing manufacturing to China which brought the console production costs to under $100... reportedly in January 2003. For Nintendo to still be losing $20 per console in October 2004, after cutting out digital connectors even... well, you can see where the skepticism comes in, right?

Also given Microsoft's past troubles with the Xbox hardware (overpaying for small capacity HDDs, nVidia royalty fiasco, etc), Only a $25 loss seems almost best case scenario imo. Especially for a unit that was estimated at over $400 for production at launch (compared to GameCube's $220). So in the past 3 years, Xbox production costs dropped $225 while GameCube only dropped $100, despite Xbox using more (aging) off the shelf parts, having a track record of supplier difficulties and GC unloading production risks to hardware partners through profit sharing? How's that work?


jarrod said:
I remember... but I find those numbers questionable. Nintendo's estimated loss is pretty big considering the savings from outsourcing manufacturing to China which brought the console production costs to under $100... reportedly in January 2003. For Nintendo to still be losing $20 per console in October 2004, after cutting out digital connectors even... well, you can see where the skepticism comes in, right?

Also given Microsoft's past troubles with the Xbox hardware (overpaying for small capacity HDDs, nVidia royalty fiasco, etc), Only a $25 loss seems almost best case scenario imo. Especially for a unit that was estimated at over $400 for production at launch (compared to GameCube's $220). So in the past 3 years, Xbox production costs dropped $225 while GameCube only dropped $100, despite Xbox using more (aging) off the shelf parts, having a track record of supplier difficulties and GC unloading production risks to hardware partners through profit sharing? How's that work?

Fair enough... they are just estimates.

I think the difference is that Microsoft is using open standard equipment. The cost of the DVD player & media, GPU, CPU, and memory decrease exponentially because the product is a universal standard so manufacturers can and will use the same products in other equipment.

GC, on the other hand uses proprietary equipment. The DVD media and player, and GPU is only useful in the GC. Therefore the prices won't drop as fast as they would for MS.


jedimike said:
Fair enough... they are just estimates.

I think the difference is that Microsoft is using open standard equipment. The cost of the DVD player & media, GPU, CPU, and memory decrease exponentially because the product is a universal standard so manufacturers can and will use the same products in other equipment.

GC, on the other hand uses proprietary equipment. The DVD media and player, and GPU is only useful in the GC. Therefore the prices won't drop as fast as they would for MS.
Actually Xbox's NV2A GPU and intel CPU aren't exactly standard, they're customized revisions (like GC's gekko & flipper actually). Also Nintendo has profit sharing in place with their hardware partners in exchange for helping burden costs (meaning IBM, NEC, Matsushita & ATi are likely giving Nintendo things much closer to cost in comparison to Microsoft's contracted suppliers). Still, I find it hard to believe Microsoft's driven down costs more than twice as fast as Nintendo, especially given that they've decided to ape Nintendo's hardware strategy for Xenon...


So Microsoft cut down the cost of the XBox from $450 to $180 in 3 years?

Somehow I doubt that, as it was basically an outsourced machine...

If the GCN costs $120 to make according to those assertions, that would mean the XBox and all it's features would cost just $60 more (and that's not taking into account cost-cutting measures Nintendo took from the very beginning to make sure the price per unit would continue to fall...

you've got a broadband adaptor, a hard drive, a better processor and graphics chip, everything is just more expensive, plus the size of the thing and fans needed I'm sure add to the cost, not to mention the cirtuitry involved for the controller included is probably much more expensive that Nintendo's...

I have a hard time believing Nintendo could have had all those XBox features for $60 more per machine...

There was a $230 estimated cost difference when they were both released (XBox losing $150 @ $300, Nintendo losing $20 @ $200, and even that's doubtful), no way Microsoft got that down to $60 3 years later...
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