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GameCube W Packs - did they ever come out?


I tried to order a W Pack from Lik-Sang but they removed the listings from their website. Amazon Japan also seems to have removed any listing of the W-Packs and no other importer seems to have acknowledged its existence - Nintendo of Japan has also not updated its GameCube website with any listings either. Any shoppers in Japan see these packs on store shelves?

TIGHT! I need those two games yet.


Damn! SSBM and SMK:DD??!!?? Why the fuck did these not fly off of shelves? Those are two of the best multiplayer Nintendo titles ever!


You're essentially paying 2000 Yen for the second game. That's technically a discount, right? I want to buy the pack but no store's carrying it and Ebay doesn't have it. :(


maybe Nintendo decided against the idea for whatever reason, though i think its a good idea - that or they're delaying it or something.


hirokazu said:
maybe Nintendo decided against the idea for whatever reason, though i think its a good idea - that or they're delaying it or something.

If I had to speculate, they may be postponing them until after PM2 Launches...figured they have a hardware boost already, and will wait a few weeks/months before boosting hardware again.
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