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Gamecube: Warp Pipe screen names thread!


Getting involved!

*** Click here to get a copy of Warp Pipe 0.4.2

*** Click here to register a new screen-name for it.

This thread is for all of the Warp Pipe users at GAF's Gamecube community. Post in the following format:

Name: Thom
WarpPipe screen name: radioheadrule
Location: Liverpool, United Kingdom
How to contact without using Warp Pipe:
MSN Messenger: thomasgerman@hotmail.com

Feel free to add or take away any information you like. To add a user's screen-name to your WarpPipe buddies, log in to Warp Pipe, click Add Gamer and type in their screen name.

Hope this can become a useful thread!


edit: lol at me not editing IGN tags before posting. Yup carbon copy thread baby!
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