jk saying men can't menstruate?
How can you be against someone by stating the obvious.
basically, yes. Because some people don't like the distinction between sex and gender. JKR talked mostly about the former.
While we have different words for both concepts, words like man and woman alone don't do that distinction for us. It's up to the speaker
and interpreter what it means when no further context is given. Sometimes the context is obvious, like when we talk about biological things as menstruation. Some people do want to get butthurt though and interpret the word wrong, sometimes willingly, sometimes, which I do believe, unwillingly.
Then some will say, 'why she needed to express the obvious in the first place if not to push for ideologies that could hurt people (not caring for context)'?
Because distinction and nuance is more and more lost in times with and more pronounced extreme sides. Her argument was, to justify said distinction, that some issues today, in terms of health care and social discrimination, only affects a certain biological sex. No male born will ever know how it is to live with menstruation. There's also a difference between discrimination against biological women and trans people (including trans women) because there are different types of discriminating against someone. and putting everything in the same pot will make practical actions to improve affected lives harder because it is omitting important differences that need to be tackled differently.
Imagine talking about only global warming and temperature in context of climate change, but omitting exploitative monocultural agriculture, rising natrium levels in ground water due to exploitative agriculture, invasive plants and animals because of globalisation etc.
While all of this is bad for our planet and the climate, every aspect needs different solutions, explanations and spreading of information.
So when a biological woman is harassed it may be due to different reason than a trans woman is being harassed. And in certain situations the trans woman (and vice versa btw) have no say in it because she wouldn't know.
A trans woman don't know how it is to be pregnant, what it does with your hormones and how your life practically change completely (at least not until they manage to transplant the uterus, and not a scientific once in a life time achievement but as something that could every trans woman have easily done to her) . How it is to menstruate and what implications and kind of discrimination this is meat upon.
But you know, when I see young people with an attention span only long enough for 15sec tiktok videos, websites telling you how much time it's gonna cost you to read an article, I doubt many people will read on what she wrote on her blog after the first worked up head shaking. The majority will probably paraphrase from hearsay and join in because their community said so and they believe they do something positive.
While doing their whole cause a huge disservice.