I played it for the first time two years ago. It took me till Mid 2023 to finish it. I got every item, upgrade and weapon. Found all the Gilded Falcons, etc. I basically

percented everything. The dungeons were hard when it came to the puzzles and platforming. Once you know the enemies patterns, you can easily destroy them. Remember that timed maze with the holes and if you don't jump over them in time they take you to the basement and you have to go upstairs and do the timed maze from the very beginning? It was the Desert Palace if I remember correctly. That was a pain. Each Dungeon had so many annoying segments. But once I got to the final boss, I was able to beat him easily since by than I maxed my stats, got all best equipments/weapons etc
Playing Alundra and hearing people talking though always makes me like this
I love the game though, it's now in my Top Ten 2D Top Down Adventure Games of All Time
I loved the OST, Story/Cast (Even though Working Designs butchered the translation when it comes to the cast) and especially loved the Pixel 2D Graphical Style and the animation
Still consider it one of the best looking 2D games to this day