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[Gamespot] Japan's upcoming handheld fracas



Nintendo has the kind of headache most companies dream about. On one hand, Nintendo is confronting greater-than-expected consumer demand for its upcoming DS handheld. On the other hand--and here comes the headache--if Nintendo can't meet increased demand, Japanese consumers who can't locate a DS to purchase when it goes on sale December 2 might decide to spend their handheld budget on a Sony PSP instead. Sony's new handheld comes to market in Japan just 10 days after the DS, on December 12.
Damn, 10 days apart?


I'm waiting for the token "But Nintendo had a 10 day jump on the PSP, that's why the installed base is bigger!" posts


Nintendo's shipment is greater than the PSP, You couldn't ask for a better excuse for dissapointing sales.

Not saying the PSP nor DS will dissapoint, sales wise, just that Damage Control has probably already been written.
explodet said:
Wait.... so we're talking a million or so DS units, vs. 200K PSPs at launch?

Curiouser and curiouser.

Hey who told SONY not to wait until they could get a few million PSP units out the door before they launch - Jan or Feb 2005 would be okay


This article's premis is stupid. They are saying Nintendo is dealing with higher than expected demand (which is in the millions) and what people who can't get one of the millions of units will what? get one of the 200,000 psp units? :lol What a bunch of bullshit


"GAF's biggest wanker"
The demand is high for both devices and the initial availability is going to supply constrained in both cases as well. Hence, many people interested in buying either system are likely to face a wait until supply can meet demand. During such time, its quite possible that new facts may come to light that may sway some people's initial purchasing decisions...new games announced for one system that turn out to be "must have" for someone who was initially planning to buy the other handheld, impressions from actual owners that indicated the battery life is better or worse than hoped for either system, etc. Lots of things can happen to make someone reconsider a purchasing decision when they are forced to wait.


And even i am moderately surprised
This "The DS has sold out" crap is a total myth! EVERYWHERE still has units as far as i can see... everywhere in Aki, everywhere in Shibuya, my small mom and pops stores in TD, Yamada denki, Sakura-ya, EVERYWHERE...

this seems like spin to get people to rush out and preorder.

The preorder queue at Tsutaya on day one didn't exist
The preorder queue at Bic contained 7 people.

2 million preorders? maybe globally - but i seriously doubt they've even filled the 300,000 for JPN launch.

The PSP is being released in dribs and drabs on online stores, but i expect demand for that unit to be insane.


DCharlie said:
this seems like spin to get people to rush out and preorder.

I wouldn't be shocked. Looking at the DS launch lineup and looking at what's sold well on the Japanese market of late, I don't see anything that should be shipping two million units of hardware at launch. Shit, the PS2 didn't ship two million until the second month, at least.

iyox said:
This article's premis is stupid. They are saying Nintendo is dealing with higher than expected demand (which is in the millions) and what people who can't get one of the millions of units will what? get one of the 200,000 psp units? :lol What a bunch of bullshit

best junior ever
It seems like:

- DS shipments in Japan for the calendar year were going to be 300,000 on day one and an additional 700,000 before the end of December, meaning a total of one million.

- But, reports this piece, demand has "doubled to two million", meaning that this article is just discussing Japan numbers.

- Thus, "preorders" must mean "retailer orders", of which two million have been placed (in Japan).

- Not clear whether the "four million by March" number means Japan or worldwide. Seems like worldwide, as the number of units available through December is not expected to change (also per this piece).

So: One million units for US, one million for Japan in 2004. DS releases in PAL territories in March 2005; by the end of that month Nintendo expects to have sold four million units worldwide. They'll very probably hit that.


Four million shipped by March was always a worldwide number, per Nintendo's teleconference last month. The new two million orders number from the Nihon Keizai Shimbun is domestic, though, i.e. Japan only. They claim that they'll still only ship a little over a million in Japan by the end of this year, though.

The DS can hold it's own against the onslaught of the PSP. Remember.. it has two screens.. and uhh.. you can touch it.. don't forget that it can play a pixelated Mario 64.. and instead of using a primitive analog stick, you can rub your pen or thumb stylus across the screen and have Mario run into walls!

I'm just kidding though.. I'm very much awaiting the DS's launch.. can't wait.. :) Played it for a few minutes at EB the other day, and it was a lot of fun.. :D
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