Bummed out there's no Tabletops Adventures again this week
I linked the new one like three posts above yours, was just late!
EDIT: I'm blind anyway, Blood's already linked you. Blame being up at 5am for F1
Bummed out there's no Tabletops Adventures again this week
"That's Numberwang!"
Next week Elyse throws in Dad's Army's "You stupid boy!" and One Foot in the Grave's "I don't believe it!".
I think they want as little production as possible on these videos.
Ian works freelance for GT so every hour extra he spends on editing GT Time is billable.
I'll be the party pooper and say that I don't like the new studio that much. The old setup felt a bit more personal (probably a bit too personal for the three people sharing that small couch) and had a nicer, comfy atmosphere. This new one is so... professional and corporate (you sell outs! How dare you trying to make money!).
But it's okay, I'll live and get used to it eventually.
That's true, but i see this studio having more potential.
Especially if they can use those back screens for something useful, in the future, or for some joke, or what have you.
Yeah, but it also means that scenes like this won't be possible on GT Time.
That's from a Just Played anyway.
The couch was too cramped for something like that,.
Every video on youtube gets a lot of hate because it's youtube.The latest Mandatory Update is getting a lot of hate on Youtube for some reason
I thought it was a great episode. Huber's Sam Lake impression is brilliant.
This is the 3rd time them doing it and its still hilarious because its 100% spot on how Sam talks about his games.Michael Huber as Sam Lake is the best thing ever.
The latest Mandatory Update is getting a lot of hate on Youtube for some reason
I thought it was a great episode. Huber's Sam Lake impression is brilliant.
The latest Mandatory Update is getting a lot of hate on Youtube for some reason
I thought it was a great episode. Huber's Sam Lake impression is brilliant.
The more hate MU gets on youtube, that means the better the show is :3
It got a ton of hate on GT for ages, and today the likes are almost completely positive. I imagine eventually a fair portion of the YouTube haters will either grow accustomed to it or move on.
It definitely grows on you. I liked it from the start, but the first couple episodes were pretty rocky. I quickly grew to absolutely love it though. It's funny as hell.
It got a ton of hate on GT for ages, and today the likes are almost completely positive. I imagine eventually a fair portion of the YouTube haters will either grow accustomed to it or move on.
Honestly I think the best part of MU are the outtakes at the end. I like the whole show, but those are always the highlight for me.
There's also another Mandatory Update with Ian around GDC and Ben Moore using a camera and he's never used one before. Work experience for when GT goes out of business!
GDC-GATE: The Search for Elyse - Mandatory Update: http://youtu.be/DWBB5yohsBM
In Man Ups Nights, kinda love how they all don't really like Kinda Funny games and try to be polite about it.
Honestly I think the best part of MU are the outtakes at the end. I like the whole show, but those are always the highlight for me.
Btw, I totally miss the couch for GT Time. The Stage is cool, but there was just something about the Couch that added to GT Time's feel.
Can someone GIF Huber shaking his dice in the tabletop vid? 1:11.52 to around 1:11:56
I think it's not just the couch, but also the single camera view that added to GT Time's feel. You could always see everyone's reactions. Now, with the new setup, whenever the view switches to a close-up, I fear we're missing out on catching non-verbal reactions from the others.
My new go-to hype gif
I created a smaller one so we're not embedding 11MB gifs!