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Gaming-Age's own picture Novel.

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Ok let's see how this goes. It's your basic someone writes a line of a story then the next poster continues the story. But now you have to accompany a picture to go along with it (and make it make sense).

Remember, only one sentence and *try* to somewhat keep the same plot (if there is one).

Here we go

It wasn't long ago, when in a small village, tragedy struck.


Chili Con Carnage!
And when the smoke cleared, his real face was revealed...


It seems our hero (whos name is not yet known) spent so much time in his room that the asbestos from the walls somehow seeped into his body making him INVUNERABLE TO FIRE...and also impotent...and a little blind.


Due to his newfound gift, he enlists within a local fire department and meets Al, who becomes his mentor - among other things....

... which inclue the two opening up their own homosexual ice cream parlor named after Captain Kirk of the U.S.S. Enterprise.

... months had past since the opening of their homosexual ice cream parlor, and their illegal lesbian mud wrestling league (ILMW) and things were going great for Al and our hero, who recently took the name of Johnny Strong. Sales in the ILMW were great, and they'd just created a new ice cream treat called "12 Inches Of Fruit". However, trouble struck when Inferno revealed himself, proclaiming:

"HA HA! So we meet at last lone sta.... Johnny Stong. It was I that destroyed your little world. Yes, the villagers died slowly HAHAHA!"

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