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Gayest superheroes ever... that aren't really gay.

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Namor the Sub Mariner definitely belongs on that list, esp. after his appearance on the cover of next week's issue of The Avengers. I do believe that, with that silly-looking crown he's sporting, he's actually managed to find an accessory that raises just as many eyebrows as the familiar tight, revealing speedo.


Yet amazingly enough, he's consistently proven his heterosexuality by managing to score with many a superbabe over the years, most notably the delectable (and married, btw) Sue Richards, better known in the Marvel Universe as the Invisible Woman.

So I'm thinking... who are some other superheroes (and superheroines too, I guess) that you'd think are "a little light in the utility belt," if you catch my drift, but actually aren't? Superficial or stereotypical reasons for choosing are fine, but feel free to pick somebody because of other reasons, like their attitudes or personal history. Just don't pick a superhero/superheroine that actually IS homosexual.

(BTW, "Batman and Robin" and "The Ambiguously Gay Duo" are too easy... Willco.

EDIT: "Why this thread?" Boredom + That Cover = 'Nuff Said. o_O
brooklyngooner said:
What's everybody looking at?
Yeah but see, that's the whole point of Ace & Gary; picking them is like saying "Michael Jordan" when you're asked to name a basketball player. So, much like the "ambiguously gay" Batman and Robin of old that they were based upon, Ace & Gary are really too obvious a choice.
Spike Spiegel said:
Yeah but see, that's the whole point of Ace & Gary; picking them is like saying "Michael Jordan" when you're asked to name a basketball player. So, much like the "ambiguously gay" Batman and Robin of old that they were based upon, Ace & Gary are really too obvious a choice.

I didn't mean it as a choice; picking superheros called the "Ambiguously Gay Duo" is cheating and uncreative. I just couldn't help thinking of it when I saw that pic.

For a while years ago hoods around my way called gay people "Human Torch" as denigrating slang, meaning flame on.
Damn it, why come to an online forum and not take the time to read? BATMAN & ROBIN AND THE AMBIGUOUSLY GAY DUO ARE TOO F*CKING OBVIOUS.



Hollywood Square
Spike Spiegel said:
Damn it, why come to an online forum and not take the time to read? BATMAN & ROBIN AND THE AMBIGUOUSLY GAY DUO ARE TOO F*CKING OBVIOUS.


You said Batman. Not Batman and Robin. You lose!
Willco said:
You said Batman. Not Batman and Robin. You lose!

Spike Spiegel said:
Yeah but see, that's the whole point of Ace & Gary; picking them is like saying "Michael Jordan" when you're asked to name a basketball player. So, much like the "ambiguously gay" Batman and Robin of old that they were based upon, Ace & Gary are really too obvious a choice.


Hollywood Square
Spike Spiegel said:
Awww, would you look at that? Thanks to the magic of the 'EDIT' button, they are! Thanks for playing, loser!


You cannot edit in rules after a member has already "broken" them to "get back" at offending member. I win. GO SPIDER-MAN!
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