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GC Viewtiful Joe joins Player's Choice line + U.S. PS2 Viewtiful Joe boxart

Kumiko Nikaido

Confirmed in Capcom's own 2-page spread in the latest issue of GMR, Viewtiful Joe on GC is now officially part of the Player's Choice line. Along with the yellow stripe, the new box blares out a "GAME OF THE YEAR!" quote tag.

Also, the U.S. PS2 version boxart will be the same as the GC boxart, meaning that those of you hoping for a revised vision of the Japanese boxart:


will have to make do with the boring:


Viewtiful Joe on PS2 is due in the U.S. in late August, with a confirmed MSRP of $29.99.


Memles said:
I'd expect a Wind Waker drop for Christmas...wish they'd drop the Mario Parties too.

Not if they'll hurt the next Mario Party's sales. Maybe the beginning of 2005 they'll make them $20.


AniHawk said:
Not if they'll hurt the next Mario Party's sales. Maybe the beginning of 2005 they'll make them $20.

They sold fucking enough already, you fuckers at Nintendo! Let the cheap people get a chance to partay down!


Memles said:
They sold fucking enough already, you fuckers at Nintendo! Let the cheap people get a chance to partay down!

Yeah. I wonder if MK: DD!! will ever even drop $10 dollars, let alone, to $20 or $30.

Since, since this is a VJ thread, does anyone know when VJ2 is planned to be released?

Li Mu Bai

Kudie said:
Yeah. I wonder if MK: DD!! will ever even drop $10 dollars, let alone, to $20 or $30.

Since, since this is a VJ thread, does anyone know when VJ2 is planned to be released?

VJ will be released Feb. of '05 I believe. Expect WW to drop to player's choice this holiday season.

Li Mu Bai

Kudie, MKDD is still selling to well to be brought down to PC. Next year sometime before the release of the new LOZ. You must have forgotten how long it took Nintendo to bring SSBM to PC?


Yeah, I don't think they've ever made a Mario Party game Player's Choice, have they? It's not common anyway. I don't think they want people going to the store for a Mario Party game and seeing MP4 for $20 next to MP5 for $50.
I never hear bitches complain about HALO's price like you Nintendo bitches bitching about WW's price. You should have bought it right of the bat anyways, it was worth it.

I don't know how they think VJ ps2 is going to sell (unless its to do with Userbase); especially when VJ cube is now cheap.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
TheGreenGiant said:
I never hear bitches complain about HALO's price like you Nintendo bitches bitching about WW's price. You should have bought it right of the bat anyways, it was worth it.

I don't know how they think VJ ps2 is going to sell (unless its to do with Userbase); especially when VJ cube is now cheap.

I dont think the PS2 version will have a problem selling, its only $9.99 more. So I think the userbase will help it out. Although I haven't seen something from Capcom on the PS2 sell well in awhile...poor Onimusha 3 deserves so many more sales. :(


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
TheGreenGiant said:
I never hear bitches complain about HALO's price like you Nintendo bitches bitching about WW's price.

While it should have been made a platinum hit a while ago, Halo at least maintains a steady sales pace each month to justify the price. There isn't much of a reason for Microsoft to drop it yet if nearly every new system purchaser picks it up. It still gets about 100K every month.

poor Onimusha 3 deserves so many more sales

If you look at the sales of Onimusha 2 it's not that surprising. I don't think DMC3 will sell as well as the original either. Capcom has annoyed a lot of people this gen, and now a lot of people are basically ignoring their games. I'm definate picking VJ and Street Fighter Anniversary, but none of their 3D action games other than RE4 interest me very much.


Mooreberg said:
While it should have been made a platinum hit a while ago, Halo at least maintains a steady sales pace each month to justify the price. There isn't much of a reason for Microsoft to drop it yet if nearly every new system purchaser picks it up. It still gets about 100K every month.

If you look at the sales of Onimusha 2 it's not that surprising. I don't think DMC3 will sell as well as the original either. Capcom has annoyed a lot of people this gen, and now a lot of people are basically ignoring their games. I'm definate picking VJ and Street Fighter Anniversary, but none of their 3D action games other than RE4 interest me very much.

100K a month for Halo? I don't think so. It reached 100K last month due to the price drop, but around 40-50K sounds a bit more reasonable.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Link316 said:
its $10 more than the GC version

Well to be fair, I'm willing to bet there are more people out there that have just a PS2...meaning they missed out on Viewtiful Joe for the Gamecube. And if that is true, a price drop really doesn't matter because they don't have a Cube to play it on. Just my take on it. :)


Mooreberg said:
If you look at the sales of Onimusha 2 it's not that surprising. I don't think DMC3 will sell as well as the original either. Capcom has annoyed a lot of people this gen, and now a lot of people are basically ignoring their games. I'm definate picking VJ and Street Fighter Anniversary, but none of their 3D action games other than RE4 interest me very much.

Capcom should've saved everyone the trouble and just gone GC exclusive instead of flipflopping back and forth between Sony and Nintendo
Grizzlyjin said:
Well to be fair, I'm willing to bet there are more people out there that have just a PS2...meaning they missed out on Viewtiful Joe for the Gamecube. And if that is true, a price drop really doesn't matter because they don't have a Cube to play it on. Just my take on it. :)

Yeah, im one of those people Grizzlyjin just described. I have a PS2 but no GC and have been anticipating this game ever since it was officially announced for the PS2.


Mistaken iRobbery!
Link316 said:
Capcom should've saved everyone the trouble and just gone GC exclusive instead of flipflopping back and forth between Sony and Nintendo
Nintendo didn't have deep enough pockets to keep Viewtiful Joe as a GC exclusive ;)


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Link316 said:
Capcom should've saved everyone the trouble and just gone GC exclusive instead of flipflopping back and forth between Sony and Nintendo

Then they can become a Microsoft second party next gen. after reporting losses for five years straight. No more trouble!

fennec fox

ferrets ferrets ferrets ferrets FERRETS!!!
The PS2 version of VJ absolutely and completely rules, by the way. You're losing nothing by buying this one if you don't own a GC.


Mooreberg said:
Then they can become a Microsoft second party next gen. after reporting losses for five years straight. No more trouble!
Funny that Capcom's most high profile flops (Onimusha 3, Devil May Cry 2, auto modellista, Chaos Legion, etc) have been PS2 games though. While they tend to meet their annual targets on Nintendo platforms, they've never hit it overall on PS2 so far this generation. Last year they were more than a million units under in fact...

Defensor said:
See, Nintendo spent all that money on RE and not enough left for Joe ;)
Well they still had change for... uh...... PN03. :/


Mooreberg said:
Any estimation for those turds would be an overestimation.
Well there's tons of others that failed to mmet targets like Dragon Quarter, Gio Gio, Biohazard Outbreak, Clocktower 3, Maximo 1-2... in fact in the 3 years since DMC1's breakout success the only real "hit" Capcom has had on PS2 would be Monster Hunter (hopefully it manages to repeat it's JP success in the west) and GTA3/VC in Japan. It's not GameCube that's led to Capcom's losses anyway, they've always given PS2 their primary support by a wide margin (despite Mikami)...


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
So why do they set the highest sales goals for games that are obviously lousy? Just because crap like Enter The Matrix can sell on the strength of a liscence doesn't mean every other crappy game will sell. Even Driver 3 is selling less than expected, despite the amount of money Atari has poured into marketing it. And paying off british game reviewers. ;-)


jarrod said:
Funny that Capcom's most high profile flops (Onimusha 3, Devil May Cry 2, auto modellista, Chaos Legion, etc) have been PS2 games though. While they tend to meet their annual targets on Nintendo platforms, they've never hit it overall on PS2 so far this generation. Last year they were more than a million units under in fact...

they might've been flops in not meeting their sales targets, however that doesn't mean that Capcom didn't make any $$$ off them, Capcom's racked up 2 years of losses and coincidentally right after their RE, Capcom 5 deals for the GC, if their PS2 games were responsible for their losses then they should be shifting their resources towards making more GC games, but the fact that Capcom has shifted their focus towards the PS2 and away from the GC indicates that the GC is mostly responsible for their losses, afterall it wouldn't make any sense for them to make more PS2 games and less GC games if the PS2 were responsible for their losses
jarrod said:
Well there's tons of others that failed to mmet targets like Dragon Quarter, Gio Gio, Biohazard Outbreak, Clocktower 3, Maximo 1-2... in fact in the 3 years since DMC1's breakout success the only real "hit" Capcom has had on PS2 would be Monster Hunter (hopefully it manages to repeat it's JP success in the west) and GTA3/VC in Japan. It's not GameCube that's led to Capcom's losses anyway, they've always given PS2 their primary support by a wide margin (despite Mikami)...

It's not Sony's fault that Capcom likes to put absurd estimations on how much a game will sell. Putting high numbers on stuff like Clocktower, AM ect. were just a set up for a sales disappointment. Most of the games they've put high sales figures on never had any chance of selling that amount. And I have no idea how they could be disappointment in Outbreaks sales considering it's not even part of the main series and it wasn't nearly as well recieved as those. It outsold both of the GC RE's (in Japan it's on track to do the same in the US) despite both of those actually being part of the main series. Which just goes to show how crazy their estimations are. If you really want to point the finger at someone for Capcom's losses it should be pointed at them, they're the ones that moved their most succesful franchise off of the PS platform.


Link316 said:
they might've been flops in not meeting their sales targets, however that doesn't mean that Capcom didn't make any $$$ off them,
Did I say that? PS2 sales weren't responsible for any losses either most likely.

Link316 said:
Capcom's racked up 2 years of losses and coincidentally right after their RE, Capcom 5 deals for the GC,
Coincidence? You said it yourself.

Link316 said:
if their PS2 games were responsible for their losses then they should be shifting their resources towards making more GC games, but the fact that Capcom has shifted their focus towards the PS2 and away from the GC indicates that the GC is mostly responsible for their losses,
Er indicates how exactly? Coincidence?

Fact is Capcom's losses last year stemmed from real estate deals. And the decrease in GCN development likely has to do with several factors (lower GC userbase, Okamoto's departure, Mikami pursuing directing over management, sour grapes over Nintendo turning down their plea for investment) rather than their GC sales performance, which has actually exceeded expectations annually.

Link316 said:
afterall it wouldn't make any sense for them to make more PS2 games and less GC games if the PS2 were responsible for their losses
Capcom hasn't shifted anything, their focus has always been on PS2. And unlike PS2, GameCube actually met their sales expectations last year. Software wise Capcom's doing well enough (PS2/XBox sales not hitting targets got countered by strong GC/GBA sales) it's not the reason for any losses posted most likely.

SolidSnakex said:
It's not Sony's fault that Capcom likes to put absurd estimations on how much a game will sell. Putting high numbers on stuff like Clocktower, AM ect. were just a set up for a sales disappointment.
Er, I think "high" numbers were more put on games like Onimusha 3 and DMC2. But I agree overall, this is a problem Namco has as well.

SolidSnakex said:
Most of the games they've put high sales figures on never had any chance of selling that amount.
I agree on some, but for something like Onimusha 3, I don't think Capcom was really off base. It really should've at least done better than half what it's predecessor sold... makes me wory for RE4 & DMC3.

SolidSnakex said:
And I have no idea how they could be disappointment in Outbreaks sales considering it's not even part of the main series and it wasn't nearly as well recieved as those.
They were satasfied with Outbreak's sales (evidenced by the quick File 2 announcement), it just didn't make their 600k target (just over half actually). Still, sales were "good enough".

SolidSnakex said:
It outsold both of the GC RE's (in Japan it's on track to do the same in the US) despite both of those actually being part of the main series.
Actually there's conflicting reports concerning Japan (some numbers put it ahead of Zero, some are the reverse). And in the US it's still 100k behind Zero and 150k behind ReMake... it could probably catch them but it's still in line with them, Resident Evil doesn't really seem to sell better on PS2 or GC these days.

SolidSnakex said:
Which just goes to show how crazy their estimations are.
Yet they manage to reach those estimations on Nintendo platforms... guess they must not expect much there?

SolidSnakex said:
If you really want to point the finger at someone for Capcom's losses it should be pointed at them, they're the ones that moved their most succesful franchise off of the PS platform.
Rockman.EXE? Onimusha? Or did you mean Resident Evil, a series stuck in 32bit design that started it's steep decline on the PS platform? Besides they've already rectified that with Outbreak, "main series" or not....


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
jarrod said:
Excuse me, Onimusha 3 was obviously lousy? Could've fooled me?

I'm talking about the other three. DMC2 in particular was just a flat out dissapointing game. And even in Onimusha 3's case, after seeing how far Onimusha 2 fell short of the original game's sales, how can they act surprised that the downward trend continued? And releasing it around the same time as Ninja Gaiden was an awful move too. It also doesn't help that featuring a 15th century samurai in modern France for the part of the game was just a stupid design decision.

At this rate I wouldn't be surprised at all if DMC3 is a flop, but somehow they'll still be surprised...


At the moment, Capcom's expecting sales of 1.8 Million for BioHazard 4/RE4 worldwide. I wonder if they could be reached. I think it's a possibility.


At the moment, Capcom's expecting sales of 1.8 Million for BioHazard 4/RE4 worldwide. I wonder if they could be reached. I think it's a possibility.

I think it will reach 1.3 million at full price.


Mooreberg said:
I'm talking about the other three. DMC2 in particular was just a flat out dissapointing game. And even in Onimusha 3's case, after seeing how far Onimusha 2 fell short of the original game's sales, how can they act surprised that the downward trend continued? And releasing it around the same time as Ninja Gaiden was an awful move too. It also doesn't help that featuring a 15th century samurai in modern France for the part of the game was just a stupid design decision.

At this rate I wouldn't be surprised at all if DMC3 is a flop, but somehow they'll still be surprised...
There was no downward trend after Onimusha 2 in Japan, only in the west (and Oni3 is consistant sales wise with Oni2 here). Ninja Gaiden's not much of a factor in Japan (Oni's target market) as well. Anyone know how the game fared in Europe?

Vargas said:
I think it will reach 1.3 million at full price.
REmake made it to 1.2 million, I'd hope RE4 can go farther but you never know this late in GC's lifecycle. 1.8M doesn't sound impossible though...
For the record, Capcom has taken the biggest losses outside of the home video game market. Last year the single biggest reason for their losses was their insurance and banking unit, which lost $80 million (which led to their decision to shut that unit down).


Link316 said:
they might've been flops in not meeting their sales targets, however that doesn't mean that Capcom didn't make any $$$ off them, Capcom's racked up 2 years of losses and coincidentally right after their RE, Capcom 5 deals for the GC, if their PS2 games were responsible for their losses then they should be shifting their resources towards making more GC games, but the fact that Capcom has shifted their focus towards the PS2 and away from the GC indicates that the GC is mostly responsible for their losses, afterall it wouldn't make any sense for them to make more PS2 games and less GC games if the PS2 were responsible for their losses

They have things called "." (period) marks, y'a know.
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