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GC Viewtiful Joe joins Player's Choice line + U.S. PS2 Viewtiful Joe boxart

"Rockman.EXE? Onimusha? Or did you mean Resident Evil, a series stuck in 32bit design that started it's steep decline on the PS platform? Besides they've already rectified that with Outbreak, "main series" or not...."

Going by Shrine of Data's numbers, it seems that RE is still their biggest series on a worldwide standpoint. Rockman is clearly it if you're just basing it on Japan. Onimusha was it early on but it's decreased in popularity pretty quickly. Just from a financial standpoint, the RE move made no sense. As pointed out earlier, when they made that announcement theris tock started going down.


SolidSnakex said:
Going by Shrine of Data's numbers, it seems that RE is still their biggest series on a worldwide standpoint. Rockman is clearly it if you're just basing it on Japan. Onimusha was it early on but it's decreased in popularity pretty quickly. Just from a financial standpoint, the RE move made no sense. As pointed out earlier, when they made that announcement theris tock started going down.
I'm not too sure about that, Battle Network 3 sold a good 300k+ in the US alone (no idea how 4's performing). I think MegaMan might be on top for the first time since the NES days.... and on GameBoy no less (the most casual market there is).

Also, I don't remember Capcom's stock dropping in 2001 (when the RE deal announced)... in fact their real financial difficulties (resulting chiefly from bad real estate/insurance/banking investments) didn't start until 2 years later. I agree severing RE from the PS2 userbase was a financial mistake (again, which has been rectified with Outbreak) but attributing Capcom's current financial situation on that one move (or their comparatively modest GameCube support in general) is shortsighted and purposefully misleading. GameCube has been one of Capcom's more stable markets in truth.


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Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Man, the screenshots in the ad for the PS2 version look like ass.
You will be delighted to know that everyone who has played it so far, has said that graphics look virtually identical to the GC version :)
"I agree severing RE from the PS2 userbase was a financial mistake (again, which has been rectified with Outbreak) but attributing Capcom's current financial situation on that one move (or their comparatively modest GameCube support in general) is shortsighted and purposefully misleading."

It hasn't been completely rectified with Outbreak, spinoffs rarely sell better than their original counterparts although ther'es no real way of telling if this is the case with RE since it's not going to get any real RE's this gen. It's not the only reason they're losing money, it's just one of many bad decisions they've made. I think another big mistake was how they treated Onimusha. Just look at stuff like Zelda or MGS, 2 big adventure games and there are only going ot be 2 games in those series this gen. In comparison there were 3 Onimusha's in 3 years. Next gen when they get their RE/Onimusha they shouldn't be so quick to milk it.


SolidSnakex said:
It hasn't been completely rectified with Outbreak, spinoffs rarely sell better than their original counterparts although ther'es no real way of telling if this is the case with RE since it's not going to get any real RE's this gen.
Eh, it's close enough. Casuals won't care after all, they just know "Resident Evil returns to PlayStation 2" from the commercial.

SolidSnakex said:
It's not the only reason they're losing money, it's just one of many bad decisions they've made.
Well, it was a creative decision. Capcom took a gamble, hoping GameCube would really take off... it didn't work out but they really didn't lose too much over it either. Resident Evil had started it's decline on PlayStation after all, took a detour to Dreamcast and wound up on GameCube. Besides, Capcom was busy building up Onimusha & Devil May Cry on PS2, both being more exciting new properties.

I'd say securing RE probably hurt Nintendo more financially than Capcom anyway. ;)

SolidSnakex said:
I think another big mistake was how they treated Onimusha. Just look at stuff like Zelda or MGS, 2 big adventure games and there are only going ot be 2 games in those series this gen. In comparison there were 3 Onimusha's in 3 years. Next gen when they get their RE/Onimusha they shouldn't be so quick to milk it.
Wait what? There's been like 10 Zelda releases this gen and Konami went so far as to make the Metal Gear milking public policy last year? You can't be serious?!?

And it was 3 Onimusha games over 4 years. Learn to count. :p
"Wait what? There's been like 10 Zelda releases this gen and Konami went so far as to make the Metal Gear milking public policy last year? You can't be serious?!?"

I am serious. The "main" games in each will continue to be extremely popular, while Onimusha is all but forgotten at this point. There's a difference between having spinoffs or upgrades on basically a yearly basis and having actual sequels. MGS3 for example has been in development for well over 2 years, in that same amount of time Capcom has managed to release 2 new Onimusha sequels. That's why their series can't maintain any strong popularity, they don't give you any time to actually anticipate the sequels because they come almost one after another.

Li Mu Bai

That's flawed logic, SSX. Look at the Mario Party series, GTA, any FF game, (spinoffs like CC, or GBA remakes) the GBA Megaman series in JPN, GBA Zelda series, Pokemon, etc. They release variations & rehashes, sequels, etc. at quite a dizzying pace with no "anticipation" periods inbetween. Yet they still post good to phenomenal sales numbers. Series decline in popularity has nothing to do with shorter periods of release, otherwise that would hold true for all series.


SolidSnakex said:
"Wait what? There's been like 10 Zelda releases this gen and Konami went so far as to make the Metal Gear milking public policy last year? You can't be serious?!?"

I am serious. The "main" games in each will continue to be extremely popular, while Onimusha is all but forgotten at this point. There's a difference between having spinoffs or upgrades on basically a yearly basis and having actual sequels. MGS3 for example has been in development for well over 2 years, in that same amount of time Capcom has managed to release 2 new Onimusha sequels. That's why their series can't maintain any strong popularity, they don't give you any time to actually anticipate the sequels because they come almost one after another.

tell that to your beloved Sony, who looks like they are going to enjoy tons of success with Jak, Rachet, and Sly games, as well as GTA, and the games Li Mu Bai mentioned...

RE on Gamecube has had bad marketing and bad distribution plain and simple, it was never really noticied much by the mainstream, as a Best Buy worker who spends 95% of the time helping people with videogames, I can tell you from what I can tell, well over 50% of casual gamers (the ones who don't read mags or go online for game news, but get it all from friends and TV) who enjoyed RE on the PS-X don't even know about REmake and RE: Zero...
"Look at the Mario Party series, GTA, any FF game, (spinoffs like CC, or GBA remakes) the GBA Megaman series in JPN, GBA Zelda series, Pokemon, etc."

It's not just simply because they're quick releases. It's more to it. With Onimusha for example there were always several problems people had with it but Capcom ignored them and kept releasing them. Other games don't have those problems so they can continue to sell well even with quick releases. It's just a combination of both I think that ends up putting a damper on the sales overall. The quick releases without proper upgrades to the games.

Also alot of those games you mentioned tend to have releases that have a few years between releases. Like FF for example which generally have atleast 2 years between each releases (FFIX for example was the lowest selling PSone FF, it came out a year after FF8).

"who looks like they are going to enjoy tons of success with Jak, Rachet, and Sly games"

Ratchet is the only one of those that is having a release one year after another. Jak and Jak 2 came out 2 years apart, same as Sly.


SolidSnakex said:
Funny you mention Jak, the sequel ended up selling less than the original did, and i'm pretty sure Ratchet did too. And the Sly sequel is coming out 2 years after the original. Nothing wrong with that.

Yeah. And it has nothing to do with both games being full price still while the originals have not only been out longer, but are cheaper.


efralope said:
RE on Gamecube has had bad marketing and bad distribution plain and simple, it was never really noticied much by the mainstream, as a Best Buy worker who spends 95% of the time helping people with videogames, I can tell you from what I can tell, well over 50% of casual gamers (the ones who don't read mags or go online for game news, but get it all from friends and TV) who enjoyed RE on the PS-X don't even know about REmake and RE: Zero...

Well there were RE0 commercials but they probably weren't effective enough. IMO, those are partly responsible for the dive Capcom took on the title in 2002. The problem with the RE0 commercials, which fits under your correct stance on "bad marketing" is that they showed all FMV and didn't glorify the two character innovation. Capcom completely took the wrong marketing turn on this one.


not to mentionthe fact that they start advertising Resident Evil until two weeks after it was released. In November, of all the friggin months to do that.


SolidSnakex said:
I am serious. The "main" games in each will continue to be extremely popular, while Onimusha is all but forgotten at this point.
Well, there's been 3 "real" Zeldas in about 3 years then. And only 2 Resident Evils since PS2's debut in 2000 (same as Metal Gear), only one being an actual sequel.

SolidSnakex said:
There's a difference between having spinoffs or upgrades on basically a yearly basis and having actual sequels.
And again, Onimusha hasn't had annual sequels. There was a 2 year gap between Oni2-3.

SolidSnakex said:
MGS3 for example has been in development for well over 2 years, in that same amount of time Capcom has managed to release 2 new Onimusha sequels.
Oni2 came 4 months after MGS2... cute that you're trying to imply Capcom pumping out 2 sequels in 2 years though. In terms of engine and design, there's a far greater difference between Oni2&3 than MGS2&3 as well.

SolidSnakex said:
That's why their series can't maintain any strong popularity, they don't give you any time to actually anticipate the sequels because they come almost one after another.
Well, let's take a close look at commercial releases...

Legend of Zelda
-Legend of Zelda: A Linkt to the Past (GBA) 2002
-Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (GC) 2002
-Classic NES Series: Legend of Zelda (GBA) 2004
-Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures (GC) 2004
-Legend of Zelda: The Magical Hood (GBA) 2004
-Classic NES Series: Zelda II: The Adventure of Link (GBA) 2004
-Legend of Zelda (GC) 2005

Metal Gear
-Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty (PS2) 2001
-Document of Metal Gear Solid 2 (PS2) 2002
-Metal Gear Solid 2 Substance (PS2) 2002
-Metal Gear Solid 2 Substance (XBox) 2002
-Metal Gear Solid 2 Substance (PC) 2003
-Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes (GC) 2004
-Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (PS2) 2004

-Onimusha: Warlords (PS2) 2001
-Genma Onimusha (XBox) 2002
-Oniumsha 2: Samurai's Destiny (PS2) 2002
-Onimusha Tactics (GBA) 2003
-Onimusha: Blade Warriors (PS2) 2003
-Oniumsha 3: Demon Seige (PS2) 2004

...I'm not seeing too much difference here. Your "aniticipation" excuse is without much merit. You're saying rather than milking with "real" sequels Capcom should've followed Konami and Nintendo's lead by dropping out ports, upgrades and spinoffs instead? Keep reaching...

Li Mu Bai

Classic NES Series: Zelda II: The Adventure of Link (GBA) 2004

Okay, where have I been? I don't remember this being announced as part of the Classic NES series II? Great news, btw jarrod do you have the comprehensive sales numbers for the GBA Zelda:ALTTP?


Tag of Excellence
You PS2-only gamers, you better buy this game. I've done my part on the initial GC release and the torch has been passed to you. Masturbate for Joe!


Somehow I don't think Joe will set the night on fire on PS2(or GC for that matter). It's just not mainstream enough.

Musashi Wins!

efralope said:
RE on Gamecube has had bad marketing and bad distribution plain and simple, it was never really noticied much by the mainstream, as a Best Buy worker who spends 95% of the time helping people with videogames, I can tell you from what I can tell, well over 50% of casual gamers (the ones who don't read mags or go online for game news, but get it all from friends and TV) who enjoyed RE on the PS-X don't even know about REmake and RE: Zero...

lol, they just don't own gamecubes. They bought the PS1 then the PS2. If they were on PS2 they'd have better numbers and everyone knows it. Capcom bet wrong.


You will be delighted to know that everyone who has played it so far, has said that graphics look virtually identical to the GC version

they must be on some sort of drug, because I see a difference. The background textures are washed out and blurry.


lol, they just don't own gamecubes. They bought the PS1 then the PS2. If they were on PS2 they'd have better numbers and everyone knows it. Capcom bet wrong.

of course it would probably sell more just based off of userbase alone...but I think the idea that people played first played it on ps1 and then just moved to ps2 is just silly. I'm willing to bet you at least 90% of gamecube owners probably own a ps2 as well. Brand loyalty only matters when its the hardware..not software. The games haven't sold well because there was little promotion for the titles and one was a remake and the other was an updated n64 game not made by capcoms normal RE studio.

Li Mu Bai

Lisa Lashes said:
When is MK : DD going to see a PC status price?

Not until next year unfortunately Lisa. It is still selling to well to reduce the price, iirc 352k+ so far this ytd. On track to reach 500k+ by the end of this year alone at full cost. Selling 33,919 ($1,681,342) copies last month alone. Expect a WW reduction this holiday season though.

Musashi Wins!

btrboyev said:
of course it would probably sell more just based off of userbase alone...but I think the idea that people played first played it on ps1 and then just moved to ps2 is just silly. I'm willing to bet you at least 90% of gamecube owners probably own a ps2 as well. Brand loyalty only matters when its the hardware..not software. The games haven't sold well because there was little promotion for the titles and one was a remake and the other was an updated n64 game not made by capcoms normal RE studio.

No, they moved on due to hardware, exactly my point. I have no idea if 90% of GC owners have a PS2, it's probably about 90% of the adult owners. Anyhow, watching game shelves for a day will easily convince you that the large majority of GC owners are children/parents anyway. That probably didn't help. On the other hand, GC titles often benefit from a rather anemic release schedule/3rd party library, so maybe that offsets the losses due to the advertising woes.

Eh, doesn't matter really, 4 is getting all types of hype, it should sell well.

Li Mu Bai

Eh, doesn't matter really, 4 is getting all types of hype, it should sell well.

Indeed Mushashi, Nintendo IMO have the two most anticipated/best titles for next year. RE4 & LOZ. Both will definitely move systems & sell extremely well.


explodet said:
Back on topic:

This game rocks.
Buy it.

It sure does. VJ2 is one of my most anticipated games.

However, I wonder how the controls will be different for the PS2 version. I really liked how the GC's triggers were used for slow-motion and mach-speed. I'm guessing that for the PS2, either the R1 and L1 or R2 and L2 buttons will be used. IMO, the GC control fits the VJ contol scheme better. Anyway, I really hope that the PS2 users give VJ a chance at some more well-deserved success.
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