BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
You know who you are, meatheads! Time to fire up the chainsaws and skullpoppers, Horde it up, and smash some egos in Team Deathmatch!
GT: Denogginizer OS
Tentatively, at the very minimum, we will meet at 900EST on Wednesdays. Of course, people can use this thread to set up other times as well. But in keeping with tradition, we will try to meet at least once a week on Wednesdays.
EDIT: Don't forget to add GAF GoW2 to your friend's list.
This week: November 12th, 915EST.
*** We need someone to host. Beamber? ***
GT: Denogginizer OS
Tentatively, at the very minimum, we will meet at 900EST on Wednesdays. Of course, people can use this thread to set up other times as well. But in keeping with tradition, we will try to meet at least once a week on Wednesdays.
EDIT: Don't forget to add GAF GoW2 to your friend's list.
This week: November 12th, 915EST.
*** We need someone to host. Beamber? ***