I finally finished the campaign in Gears 4. Man it was really uneven. The first act of the game is probably the worst one in the entire franchise. Not only it's dull (yay who wants to fight robots in a Gears game) but you're also immediately introduced to a brand new team and that makes it much harder to like them (despite that I must make a note that I ended up liking JD and Kait, Del - nope, gtfo). I really struggled with this act and if I wasn't interested in Gears storyline I may have ended up selling the game and forgeting about it.
Thankfully things pick up later on and acts 2-4 are enjoyable for most part. I liked the new enemies, the windflare fights (never got sick of them

) and the heavily scripted action scenes. They not only looked great, but they were also fun to play even though you had limited controls over the character. I didn't like the forced Horde mode stand-offs in each act. Reminded me of the crappy Gears Judgment levels and they should make only 1, 2 levels max like that in the story mode.
Act 5 was for most part a return to being crap. It felt rushed and the final boss was imo second to worst in the entire series (only the one in Gears 2 was worse). I died many times in the game when I was playing on the Hardcore setting, but in the final boss battle I failed only once because I got lazy.
Overall the story campaign wasn't that good. I'd give it a 6/10. Also doesn't help that the story in Gears 4 ends without a bang. It feels like there's another act missing or like they expect you to wait for Gears 5.