I don't think it matters how much it made, it could've been 10 billion, you're not a shareholder, and everything in gacha is a calculated attempt to make you spend more money, celebrations included. And even with all the "outrage", people are still going to play and spend tons, like that classic "boycott modern warfare" steam group.
What's currently going on might be slightly bad for mihoyo's PR (let's be honest, most people will forget in a few weeks), but doing dumb shit like review bombing not just other games, but random apps like
google classroom and various banking apps, makes the fanbase look much worse.
First celebrations are always gonna "suck"(air quotes because why get upset at free stuff if you like the game), because in gacha there's this expectation to grow the celebrations; if the genshin 1st anniversary gets someone's blood boiling, they might need to reevaluate their priorities in life
