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George Michael in negative chat room scandal!

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The Register

Blaming the media and the end of all that is good, George Michael decided this week to shut down the chat section of his web site. Nasty comments about Michael looking tubby, old and tired also played a role in the decision, but Michael stressed that it was the media and the end of all that is good that were mostly to blame for the decision.

... whole article on the site.

I'm not a fan of his music but man, what a twat.
Twattitude to the maximum.

I've seen this a couple of times now. I think it may have backfired on him. 'Cause now you've got people like us calling him a twat about it. Smart move Georgey boy.

I think Madonna did this as well. At least I think it was Madonna. Might have been Mariah. Or another female American singer. But I'm 90% certain it was Madge.
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