C'mon, post your most emotional movie moments! If you can't remember, just post some that you can. Hmm...possible spoilers, I suppose. How do you put spoiler tags anyway?
Happiest moment: In recent times, probably RotK, just when everyone bows to the Hobbits. Nearly had me in tears. Ending of Frequency deserves a mention.
Saddest moment: The ending of Of Mice and Men (the one with Gary Sinise) - I saw this for an English class, where I was the only guy in about 30 of us, and everry one had to pull out a tissue. Maybe that bit in Iron Giant.
Scariest moment: I think most of the Japanese version of Dark Water. Pretty creepy.
Ickiest moment: End of Se7en. Feel bad movie of the decade.
Exciting/thrilling moment: Probably the intro to Episode I. I was so pumped for that. Just being in the theatre, knowing it was starting - a new Star Wars movie, and I'm old enough to understand it!
Funniest moment: can't think of one right now.
Biggest surprise: DEfinitely spoilers required for this part. For me, and maybe some of you will call me dense, but the ending to Sixth Sense. I had no idea, and I went in not knowing what it was all about.
Happiest moment: In recent times, probably RotK, just when everyone bows to the Hobbits. Nearly had me in tears. Ending of Frequency deserves a mention.
Saddest moment: The ending of Of Mice and Men (the one with Gary Sinise) - I saw this for an English class, where I was the only guy in about 30 of us, and everry one had to pull out a tissue. Maybe that bit in Iron Giant.
Scariest moment: I think most of the Japanese version of Dark Water. Pretty creepy.
Ickiest moment: End of Se7en. Feel bad movie of the decade.
Exciting/thrilling moment: Probably the intro to Episode I. I was so pumped for that. Just being in the theatre, knowing it was starting - a new Star Wars movie, and I'm old enough to understand it!
Funniest moment: can't think of one right now.
Biggest surprise: DEfinitely spoilers required for this part. For me, and maybe some of you will call me dense, but the ending to Sixth Sense. I had no idea, and I went in not knowing what it was all about.