So you will give up your home for someone who just decided to take it?
I mean, if you don't really have a home of your own, or a family, or your current life is miserable, you hate your country, i get it. But i think most people wouldn't tolerate this.
Yes i will because i have no loyalty to my house or my country the same as they have zero loyalty to me. The only ground i own is under my nails. Its all material shit.
If my country will radicalize to the point it wants war and conflict and want me to do the dirty work for them? i am out.
And no my life isn't miserable and yes i own my own home.
Let me explain why.
Look my grandpa told me his story's about ww2 and nazi germany and how fucking trash the goverment here was. He wasn't afraid of the Germans as much as he was for the dutch goverment. Why? because they wanted to recruit his ass ( lol not recruit more like enslave his ass ) to get pushed in a uniform to the boarders to germany in order to defend the great nation against this german warmachine meat grinder that was right at the boarder. Guess what happened? he bailed, he took my dad and moved away as far as fucking possible then hid himself ( no we aint jews ). Guess what, the war was over my dad had a great life after it with his dad, guess what my grandpa's buddy's all did "there job defending the country like the great dutchmen they are" and what happened?
Do you think the queen gave a fuck about those and there kids that where left behind? read further ( spoiler, not a single fuck )
And for what? so this piece of shit queen straight up bailed the netherlands to the other side of the planet when hitler even mentioned netherlands for 1 second.. Endless preaches from canada "keep it up guys u doing the great works for our country i am proud of you guys". Then the war is over and the shitter goes back to the netherlands and guess what? That shitter queen decided to straight go into war again with india because we need our plantages back. It took the fucking US who liberated us to slam that shitter down from sacrificing another shit ton of dutch citizens for the greater good. And that all while half the netherlands if not 90% was starving to death as everything was destroyed.
That's the cold hard reality.
But hey atleast it was kingsday today. all those brainwashed retarded dutchmen and woman happily celebrate that piece of shit family that straight up exists out of the lowest tier scum of the society ( mass murderers / top tier mafia ) 40m every year getting paid to be glorious ( lol his kid at 16 gets 1,6m and even got a raise this year ). Isn't that nice?. talking about equality and fairness all day long. U think the oscars is bad? just look at this shit, and its not even a joke its real.
Sorry man, the reality is simple. U own nothing, u are nothing and u will realize the moment war breaks out u will be culled and u will be slammed in a boat to be shot down at the other side of the planet killing a man u never even saw in your life. exactly what the guy in the video says.