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Germany: Crowds cheer the burning of refugee shelter

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Is this a German thing?

No, hatred towards refugees is common throughout Europe, and also the rest of the world, but Europe in particular because there tend to be more African and Middle Eastern refugees in Europe than elsewhere because of proximity. Particularly strong in Eastern Germany because that area more or less is the gateway between East and West Europe

The international elites plan to pit the regressing working class of developed nations against minorities and immigrants is going swimmingly.

They better hope the monster doesn't have a shifting gaze. They are playing with fire.

This is absurd.
This is the stupidest thing I've heard in awhile.

The AfD party this guy is a member off seems to harbor a lot of schizophrenic people.

Like, in principle he's not wrong about helping only the people in need and not economic refugees, but then follows up with such nonsense. Same with supervising a shelter you're campaigning against.

It's good though because those people seem to be wolves in sheep's clothing and showing their true face prevents voters who are disappointed with the too naive approach from the bigger parties to give power to the AfD.

A few weeks ago a high member of that party commented that Germany should even shoot at men, women and children to stop them from crossing the border.
When confronted about this she said she misspoke as only men and women should be shot of course...

shameful but not surprising at all.
just a few days ago people assaulted a bus with refugees and police joined them. and who gets consequences? the refugees that showed the middle finger to the assaulters will now be subject of an investigation.. but not the assaulters.. they couldnt be found. and not the police.. because they just used justified force...

we will probably soon see refugees, helpers etc. getting killed and people cheering.. (and police saying that they couldnt find the culprit so they closed the case. hurdurr durr.)
A few weeks ago a high member of that party commented that Germany should even shoot at men, women and children to stop them from crossing the border. When confronted about this she said she misspoke as only men and women should be shot of course...
makes total sense to kill mother and father but not the child because the child is not able to understand that they cant cross borders.


Thought Emoji Movie was good. Take that as you will.
Yeah..because people cheering a burning shelter need someone to give us the "is not you going through it" line ��. School Desegregation wasn't popular in the US..do we need to "understand" there? People don't like change. Amazing! That doesn't mean cheering and threatening folks is something that should receive any sort of a pass. Fuck the "buts".

That's not even what you were replying to though. Maybe some reading comprehension than instant reaction post is a better approach.

I got no problem that you have a problem with me talking about how it's different to live through it than to watch it from a distance. Go ahead, attack what I wrote.

..but to "me too" someone's post that was flat out fucking wrong and had shit to do with my post is shit-posting to a T.
This is the stupidest thing I've heard in awhile.

There are different versions of this everywhere.
The general thought seems to be that a secret or not so secret elite plans to destory society by forcing diversity on it. #WhiteGenocide #IslamisierungEuropas
These kinds of conspiracy theories are often used to justify racism and xenophobia.
What the fuck is wrong with these Germans? I just don't get it.

Usually (of course not always) the neo-nazis in Germany are just brain-dead stupid. They didnt study in school, uneducated etc.
They think they cant find a job because foreigners take it from them even though they wouldnt want to do these jobs (cleaning).

So they rant about foreigners stealing their jobs (dey teek er jebs), the jobs they wouldnt even wanna do...
How is the refugee influx actually affecting people in Germany?

All you ever see is the extremes from both sides "MORE IMMIGRANTS" and "PEOPLE HATE IMMIGRANTS" never any data on how the influx is affecting the economy, safety, crime, job availability, wages, welfare etc.

Maybe it's too early for that data, but I'd be very interested in it.

If you have some time on your hands, there's an extensive series about the effects on spiegel.de:

Spiegel: The Integration puzzle - What a Million Refugees Mean for Everyday Life

Touches on everything from healthcare and education to infrastructure. It's of course subjective, as there's just not enough data at this point, but still interesting


Yeah..because people cheering a burning shelter need someone to give us the "is not you going through it" line 💩. School Desegregation wasn't popular in the US..do we need to "understand" there? People don't like change. Amazing! That doesn't mean cheering and threatening folks is something that should receive any sort of a pass. Fuck the "buts"

But you aren't going to convince people to change if you at least don't try to understand where they are coming from. That doesn't mean agreeing with them or thinking it is right, but at least understand why they feel that way. You'll be better armed to come up with solutions that work when you take the time to understand why people are doing what they are doing. And that doesn't mean you have to think they are being right or not being assholes.

And I think it is horrible what they are doing, but yes, I also agree that it's easier to say that from my perch where we don't have an influx of refugees here (which include stories about them raping people). My feelings on it is we need to get people to be more empathetic to the refugees (and also realize not all are guilty of what a few are doing). But you aren't going to do that when you aren't even empathetic to where they are coming from.

Not saying I know the solution myself, but I don't think just refusing to at least understand why people are acting the way they do is not the way to find the solution.


Luckily no one (as far as I can recall) has been murdered thanks to racism or resentment towards refugees
German Police Investigate Murder of Eritrean Refugee in Dresden (Dresden is the capital of Saxony btw)

What the fuck is wrong with these Germans? I just don't get it.
Difficult topic, but it has something to do with failures during the Reunification time. There a bit a difficult thing going on between east and west Germany still. The right wing extremists in eastern Germany are symptoms of issues routed back decades ago.


Goddamn it Germany. This trend is really really sad. Let's just hope it doesn't spread to the rest of the country and Europe.

Do you know how many arson attacks have happened in Sweden against refugee shelters already? It's already spread but for the first time you're starting to see it in countries you wouldn't expect like Germany,Sweden etc.

I mean Greece a few years back was on the verge of neo-nazi resurgence with Golden Dawn. In France, political trickery and the withdrawal of candidates is the only thing that stopped far right Marine Le Pen from being elected a few weeks back.

I wouldn't be surprised if just a few years from now you have nationalism and ethnic nationalism at the forefront of European foreign and domestic policy. You're seeing it already. 'We'll only take Christian refugees' etc. Border fences going up around several European countries etc.


What the fuck is wrong with these Germans? I just don't get it.

a certain part of any population will always harbor xenophobic thoughts. Unfortunately the right-wing extremists gaining traction at the moment because the government doesn't currently have a real plan for how to handle the refugee crisis. The moderates and liberals are still the majority but they won't make the news
What the fuck is wrong with these Germans? I just don't get it.

well you should just look back 70 years-ish and you'll understand what many germans are like. Parties like CSU and AfD are using the same arguments as the NSDAP did in the Weimar days. People are getting radicalized against a minority (then it was jews now its refugees). If CSU or AfD get similar voting results as NSDAP did in the early 30s we will probably see a melt down of the democracy like back then.
a certain part of any population will always harbor xenophobic thoughts. Unfortunately the right-wing extremists gaining traction at the moment because the government doesn't currently have a real plan for how to handle the refugee crisis. The moderates and liberals are still the majority but they won't make the news

no they do have a plan. its called being considerate human beings and rescueing peoples lives while hoping that the rest of the european union will at least accept some of the refugees. you cant wait for the EU memberstates to come to an agreement and let people die in the meantime.
Usually (of course not always) the neo-nazis in Germany are just brain-dead stupid. They didnt study in school, uneducated etc.
They think they cant find a job because foreigners take it from them even though they wouldnt want to do these jobs (cleaning).

So they rant about foreigners stealing their jobs (dey teek er jebs), the jobs they wouldnt even wanna do...

You think this is just neo nazis? Why are 15% of germans voting for an extreme right party then? Why are 40% of people in france, austria, switzerland etc. voting for extreme right parties? Why is half of europe trying their hardest not to take in any refugees?
Why is a good portion of the US voting for people like Trump and Cruz who are no different in their narrative from german politicians from the nazi party?

This isn't something a few neo nazis do and think. These sentiments have already reached the centre of society.
You think this is just neo nazis? Why are 15% of germans voting for an extreme right party then? Why are 40% of people in france, austria, switzerland etc. voting for extreme right parties? Why is half of europe trying their hardest not to take in any refugees?
Why is a good portion of the US voting for people like Trump and Cruz who are no different in their narrative from german politicians from the nazi party?

This isn't something a few neo nazis do and think. These sentiments have already reached the centre of society.

you are right although voting for someone is still a long shot from conducting actual crimes.
That's not even what you were replying to though.
What was I replying to, teach? Educate me..
Maybe some reading comprehension than instant reaction post is a better approach.

Twice with this I can't read shit. Ok, boss. My reply was to your tag, which was partly in jest, but it's starting to show. Maybe relax your sphincter a bit. Enjoy your day, professor..
You think this is just neo nazis? Why are 15% of germans voting for an extreme right party then? Why are 40% of people in france, austria, switzerland etc. voting for extreme right parties? Why is half of europe trying their hardest not to take in any refugees?
Why is a good portion of the US voting for people like Trump and Cruz who are no different in their narrative from german politicians from the nazi party?

This isn't something a few neo nazis do and think. These sentiments have already reached the centre of society.

Of course its not just Neo-Nazis. I just wanted to show that, if its neo-nazis, what might be the reason why those vote for brown parties.

The sentiments have reached the centre of society, because people themselves maybe had bad experience with refugees.
I mean one of them raped a (chinese) friend of a friend and the latest news I had was that he will be deported.
Then when me and my wife wanted to get money from the bank in Düsseldorf, there were about 30 young men standing in front of the bank doing nothing at all. Just men, no children, no women. It was kind of terrifying I have to say.
Now our city wants to build a refugee camp close to the skate-park, so I am sure if the plans go through, it will be hard to use the skate-park when its build.

Because of that shitty reasons I wouldnt vote for scum like the AfD, NPD or similar parties, but I can see why older german, who in my experience were always kind of right-wing, would vote for these parties.
Of course its not just Neo-Nazis. I just wanted to show that, if its neo-nazis, what might be the reason why those vote for brown parties.

The sentiments have reached the centre of society, because people themselves maybe had bad experience with refugees.
I mean one of them raped a (chinese) friend of a friend and the latest news I had was that he will be deported.
Then when me and my wife wanted to get money from the bank in Düsseldorf, there were about 30 young men standing in front of the bank doing nothing at all. Just men, no children, no women. It was kind of terrifying I have to say.
Now our city wants to build a refugee camp close to the skate-park, so I am sure if the plans go through, it will be hard to use the skate-park when its build.

Because of that shitty reasons I wouldnt vote for scum like the AfD, NPD or similar parties, but I can see why older german, who in my experience were always kind of right-wing, would vote for these parties.
huh? doing nothing is scary? man you must be an easily scared man.


no they do have a plan. its called being considerate human beings and rescueing peoples lives while hoping that the rest of the european union will at least accept some of the refugees. you cant wait for the EU memberstates to come to an agreement and let people die in the meantime.

I agree, the Eastern European member states are certainly also to blame for the current situation. The other issue is that the Dublin regulation isn't working as intended. Germany is actively trying to reduce the number of refugees coming into the country now - that's why they made the deal with Turkey, why there's border controls again, why Austria and Germany are fighting over who's responsible for the new refugees. Refugee reception centers in Eastern Europe and at the outer borders of the EU will probably follow soon
But you aren't going to convince people to change if you at least don't try to understand where they are coming from. That doesn't mean agreeing with them or thinking it is right, but at least understand why they feel that way. You'll be better armed to come up with solutions that work when you take the time to understand why people are doing what they are doing. And that doesn't mean you have to think they are being right or not being assholes.

And I think it is horrible what they are doing, but yes, I also agree that it's easier to say that from my perch where we don't have an influx of refugees here (which include stories about them raping people). My feelings on it is we need to get people to be more empathetic to the refugees (and also realize not all are guilty of what a few are doing). But you aren't going to do that when you aren't even empathetic to where they are coming from.

Not saying I know the solution myself, but I don't think just refusing to at least understand why people are acting the way they do is not the way to find the solution.

Trust that I don't in the slightest look at this from only one side..not what I'm saying at all. Again, change is a big thing. People will be angered. Scared. Feel like they're losing something. No doubt. There's still a difference between those feeling and burning up a shelter..then having folks standing around cheering that nonsense. That's just not the way, man.

I certainly don't have all the answers either. Wrong remains wrong though..
you are right although voting for someone is still a long shot from conducting actual crimes.

But large groups of people subcribing to hartred like that is the breeding ground for racially motivated criminals.
When this breeding ground exists its just a question of opportunity.
What do you think would happen in the american south if the US decided to take in 5 mil refugees from the middle east?

The european countries(like Germany, Sweden etc.) who took in the most refuees are the countries, with the weakest right wing in europe, and you see how big the problems with hatred in the public in these countries are.
We don't get to see what would happen in countries with a strong right wing, like france or switzerland or the US, because they aren't taking in many refugees in the first place.

I think its very dangerous to just shrug this off as something a small group of extremists do and thing.
huh? doing nothing is scary? man you must be an easily scared man.

The ones in front of us were changing debit cards around the whole time, so who knows what they did.
And the others were all male, 20-30 standing there and looking at me and my wife for whatever reason.

And my wife keeping in mind a friend of her friend was raped by a refugee, of course she was scared.
I agree, the Eastern European member states are certainly also to blame for the current situation. The other issue is that the Dublin regulation isn't working as intended. Germany is actively trying to reduce the number of refugees coming into the country now - that's why they made the deal with Turkey, why there's border controls again, why Austria and Germany are fighting over who's responsible for the new refugees. Refugee reception centers in Eastern Europe and at the outer borders of the EU will probably follow soon

The dublin regulation is horrible. Think of it. you would put everybody in greece and italy. greece is already in a dire situation because of the financial crisis and italy has been rescueing people from the mediterranean see for years at this point. Europeans wouldnt even fund projects of greece or italy to better guard the boarders and safe refugees from drowning (mare nostrum was it?). There is a need for a new regulation that doesnt simply burdens italy or greece.

The real failure was that germany (alongside other central european countries) blocked any redistribution solution five years ago or so. and yes merkel also supported that politics and is now being fucked by her bad decision.

still she has learned from her failures and is trying to solve this. saying there is no plan (when the best thing the other parties can come up with is shooting at people) doesnt help.
The ones in front of us were changing debit cards around the whole time, so who knows what they did.
And the others were all male, 20-30 standing there and looking at me and my wife for whatever reason.

And my wife keeping in mind a friend of her friend was raped by a refugee, of course she was scared.
okay I was going to make a snarky comment but lets just say this. if one is afraid of other people just minding their own business then one should really ask oneself if he/she is the problem here. rape is a crime, yes, but looking at other people certainly isnt (and is not even an attempt at a crime).
But large groups of people subcribing to hartred like that is the breeding ground for racially motivated criminals.
When this breeding ground exists its just a question of opportunity.
What do you think would happen in the american south if the US decided to take in 5 mil refugees from the middle east?

The european countries(like Germany, Sweden etc.) who took in the most refuees are the countries, with the weakest right wing in europe, and you see how big the problems with hatred in the public in these countries are.
We don't get to see what would happen in countries with a strong right wing, like france or switzerland or the US, because they aren't taking in many refugees in the first place.

I think its very dangerous to just shrug this off as something a small group of extremists do and thing.
once again I agree with this as well. I was just pointing out that in a free society you are free to vote for whomever you like and have whatever opinion you like. conducting crimes however is crossing the line.
The sentiments have reached the centre of society, because people themselves maybe had bad experience with refugees.
Yeah, thats why these thoughts are especially popular in regions where people barely have any contect with refugees. The most right wing regions in germany are the region with least immigrants.

I mean one of them raped a (chinese) friend of a friend and the latest news I had was that he will be deported.
You should befriend some refugees so they could tell you stories of crimes commited against them.

Then when me and my wife wanted to get money from the bank in Düsseldorf, there were about 30 young men standing in front of the bank doing nothing at all. Just men, no children, no women. It was kind of terrifying I have to say.
Men standing around doing nothing... would you have been terrified if they were white?

Now our city wants to build a refugee camp close to the skate-park, so I am sure if the plans go through, it will be hard to use the skate-park when its build.
Fuck people feeling war. What about my skate park?


This is absurd.

Cynical? Yes. Absurd, no way.

Just look at the Republican party and its echo chamber in the US. They pioneered fear and hate politics as applied to advanced first world polities. But the monster is starting to turn on Doctor Frankenstein here.

If you don't think politicians would rather give people a convenient "other" to focus their anger on than be accountable for their economic policies, I don't know what to tell you. It's a pretty old playbook that's being mastered again in this 21st century. Tribalism is powerful tool to consolidate power and stamp out dissent.


Oh Geez >.>
Well, as a black man in Germany it's definitely affecting me negatively. People suspect me for being an immigrant, thus act more hostile and repellent towards me. I have a hard time finding even a low-paied job, even though I have good school reports, and lived my whole life in Germany. I am constantly reduced to my skin color.
I've also almost been attacked this week, but a nice couple helped me out there.

But I'm just a single case

Fuck, that's awful. Curious, what's the black population of Germany like? From a quick google it seems to be in the area of less than 1%. Seems insanely small to me. Although my maths could be off...

Surely they can tell you're German when you speak.


As someone from Hamburg I see like the whole globe on my way to University and back. The only way for me to tell if someone's a refugee is when they are obviously not "from here". Like strolling aimlessly through the super markets or just crossing the street without minding the cars (which is even somewhat ok in like Greece but pretty dangerous over here).
Well, as a black man in Germany it's definitely affecting me negatively. People suspect me for being an immigrant, thus act more hostile and repellent towards me. I have a hard time finding even a low-paied job, even though I have good school reports, and lived my whole life in Germany. I am constantly reduced to my skin color.
I've also almost been attacked this week, but a nice couple helped me out there.

But I'm just a single case
I feel with you. Germans are particularly oblivious of their own racism towards black people. Its a country where a polititian can openly say "n***er" and a black entertainer will support that guy. Its a country where a few years ago fat cream filled choco puffs were called "N***erheads" and people will say that its a shame that they cant use that word anymore.. I could go on...



Estimates are of course only that, but it'd still be in the ballpark. I'm not sure why anyone here is surprised at this, the rate of refugees (and those coming in just because they can) is completely unprecedented and it hasn't been handled well at all. This is sadly the result, and I bet it's only the beginning, too.

Seriously, it's a major humanitarian crisis. I think for what it is it has been handled quite well. Either way nothing justifies what these fucking idiots are doing. How have they been affected at all? How is this the result of anything other than uneducated losers hating on people that have it worse.

Your causal chain is off.
okay I was going to make a snarky comment but lets just say this. if one is afraid of other people just minding their own business then one should really ask oneself if he/she is the problem here. rape is a crime, yes, but looking at other people certainly isnt (and is not even an attempt at a crime).

I know what you mean. It is just not something we are usually used to,

You should befriend some refugees so they could tell you stories of crimes commited against them.

I am aware of that and fuck those that attack anyone.

Men standing around doing nothing... would you have been terrified if they were white?

I would certainly think its strange if its about 30 20-30 year old male standing in front of a bank, watching passerbys and exchanging debit cards (at least the ones in front of us).

Fuck people feeling war. What about my skate park?

But that is why the right-wings are on the rise. I mean the teenagers/adults that visited the skate-park feel like the refugees "took" it away from them.

the fuck is that supposed to mean?

A lot of the people who try to justify what the japanese did during WW2 have anime-avatars. Or even shit that Abe said.
This migrant crisis is the worst thing that has happened in Europe in my lifetime. I've never seen the continent like this.
And immediately after recognizing myself saying this I am reminded of that Europeans are not the ones fleeing their countries with nothing, being prosecuted and dying on freeways and on boats.
Europe has completely failed collectively. Had we stood together with a joint plan refugees could have been processed in turkey, greece and other countries, and it would have been easier to identify and tag the correct individuals.
Thousands less would have died, less strain would have been put on greece and italy, and the blatant paranoia about many of these refugees being liars- about many of them being opportunistic migrants would have no basis. We would have been able to divide them equally in a resolution all over Europe evenly.
The European Union is a trade union first of all, but it has to be more in emergencies like these.
The anger towards western foreign policy can only carry us so forth.

What kills me the most is that the reaction from right wing nuts is so stereotypical and predictable. it is jihadists wet dream, because muslims being discriminated against stirs the fire and new recruits for them, and that helps their cause.

the fuck is that supposed to mean?

It's a stereotype. There have been a pattern of people engaging in racist/discrimination devils advocate position who mostly had anime avatars, and a meme was bought out from it. So many people have anime avatars though.
I guess I have an anime avatar too, but for some reason I thought it was Korean animation. Apparently, Sgt Kerero is only banned in Korea, not from Korea. lol:p


This migrant crisis is the worst thing that has happened in Europe in my lifetime. I've never seen the continent like this.
And immediately after recognizing myself saying this I am reminded of that Europeans are not the ones fleeing their countries with nothing, being prosecuted and dying on freeways and on boats.
Europe has completely failed collectively. Had we stood together with a joint plan refugees could have been processed in turkey, greece and other countries, and it would have been easier to identify and tag the correct individuals.
And what would you have proposed to do with the non-correct individuals?

The Wall

You know, before we condemn entire countries... keep in mind it's much easier to be pro-refugee when you're not the guys living in the middle of it.

Not saying this is a good thing, but Germany has taken in a LOT of refugees; locals are going to start having reactions to it and being effected by it.
Why the scare quotes? Is it not a real crowd?

My point was that the term "crowd" is sufficiently flexible that it can be used to describe any sized gathering between about 25 people and 100,000 and so can easily be deployed - it doesn't necessarily tell us anything about wider society. So just as a "crowd" of migrants sexually assaulted a bunch of people in a train station, a "crowd" of people cheered when a refugee Center burned down, but neither of these things tell you much of anything about immigrants and the native German population respectively. In a large population, a "crowd" isn't a tough thing to find, is what I mean.
Fuck, that's awful. Curious, what's the black population of Germany like? From a quick google it seems to be in the area of less than 1%. Seems insanely small to me. Although my maths could be off...

It's true. And probably part of the reason why blacks are still often treated differently at best.
People fear what they don't know. There is an obvious reverse correlation between the percentage of foreigners in a state and xenophobia here in Germany. And, as it seems, in the rest of Europe too. Countries with <<1% muslim population are among the ones that are most afraid of Islamization.


It's true. And probably part of the reason why blacks are still often treated differently at best.
People fear what they don't know. There is an obvious reverse correlation between the percentage of foreigners in a state and xenophobia here in Germany. And, as it seems, in the rest of Europe too. Countries with <<1% muslim population are among the ones that are most afraid of Islamization.

There is a sizeable (>5%) Muslim population in countries like France and Germany. Finland and the Eastern European nations are the only EU countries where the Muslim population would be lower than 1%.
There is a sizeable (>5%) Muslim population in countries like France and Germany. Finland and the Eastern European nations are the only EU countries where the Muslim population would be lower than 1%.

Exactly. And those eastern european countries are the ones that are most hesitant when it comes to accepting muslim refugees. Poland is now goverend by a right-wing party that doesen't want to take in any refugees at all anymore, even though the previous government already agreed to taking some of them.


Thought Emoji Movie was good. Take that as you will.
In his speech Hetze referred to the existence of an &#8220;American masterplan&#8221; aimed at destabilising North Africa and the Middle East in order to &#8220;weaken Europe&#8221;.
Mmhmm. Yep. Sounds reasonable*.

*fucking mental

I know many people who think like this here.

On GAF? Name names.

Give it a couple..they'll show up on their own.

One has already came.

To be fair, he's an idiot..


All of the above in order and each was in reply to the one above.

What was I replying to, teach? Educate me..

Twice with this I can't read shit. Ok, boss. My reply was to your tag, which was partly in jest, but it's starting to show. Maybe relax your sphincter a bit. Enjoy your day, professor..

Don't try to be obtuse.

Now can we get on topic?
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