They were cute but Rito kids were the cutest.
I shot an arrow at one of them hoping they'd turn into a raw drumstick.
Hang around the Oasis and talk to people there. They will point you in the right direction.How in the hell do you get in there.... Can't find that dumb guy?
HannibalI find it funny and somewhat disturbing that there's a Rito in Gerudo Town who desperately wants to buy cooked poultry.
I find it funny and somewhat disturbing that there's a Rito in Gerudo Town who desperately wants to buy cooked poultry.
Where is the oasis from the city?
Something's wrong with this image
Why are the arrows fully stocked? How do you go into a town and not buy the entire stock of arrows?
Tell them to stop messing with the mipha statueSorry folks
Best Town was Zora
Specifically because the Zora children are kawaii as shit
Gordon City is easily the most disappointing village in the game. Don't get your hopes up too much. The Gorons are charming but it's even more sparse than the Rito village. Also I like the Tabantha region better in general.
Yet another BOTW thread title that casually spoils me.. There'll be nothing left to spoil by the time I get around to playing this game :'[
Something's wrong with this image
Why are the arrows fully stocked? How do you go into a town and not buy the entire stock of arrows?
Who buys arrows in this game?
SPOILER: Today is Friday
If I had to rank the civilizations here is what I'd say:
1. Gerudo City - definitely the most fully realized town. I love the characters, culture and size of it.
2. Hateno village- I love the music to this town. It is a beautiful village. Various side quests and a good size.
3. Zoras Domain- Another beautiful location that has a lot of npcs, shops and you can really learn about their history if you explore the nearby area. There are tablets all over Lanayru that detail various parts of the Zora's history.
4. Korok Forest- I really enjoy the music in the region. There are 4 shrine quests that the Koroks help you through, Hestu, the Master Sword, Great Deku Tree, and a handful of NPC Koroks with sidequests to complete.
5. Kakariko Village- I like the Asian inspired motif to the village and there are several sidequests you can do in town but there isn't a ton there.
6. Rito Village- Rito Village's music and Hateno's song are my top two tracks in the game. I also loved the visuals and concept of it but there are what 10 Rito NPCs in town? Not much to do in the town either.
I've spent 40-50 hours on this game and I have yet to go to the Eldin province and see Goron City. It's actually the only area that I haven't explored as last time I was exploring Faron and Lake Hylia regions. So I can't say how I'll feel about that region.
But with birds
They were neutral/good in FSA too.These are the best the Gerudo have been represented in a Zelda game. The fact they're not mere bad guys following Ganon like in OOT or that no they're fucking extinct like in the other games goes a long way towards fleshing them out.
Might be a translation error then. Or I misread it or remeber it wrong, but I know that I was suprised back then when I read it.
True, but I don't think he was actually meant to come off as racist. I just think they didn't think it through.I mean, they aren't promoting that view point, I'm actually fine with the fact that some characters may hold bigoted views and whatnot, makes the world seem a bit more real instead of a "everyone gets along" vibe.
She says "we Hylian vaai need to stick together, hehehe" in German, so she's just jokingly telling him she won't give away his disguise.
Kind of upset they seem to have dropped the "male Gerudo every 100 years" thing. He didn't even have to be a champion or even in the town, I would have just liked to see one that wasn't an ambitious evil overlord like Ganondorf.
I find it funny and somewhat disturbing that there's a Rito in Gerudo Town who desperately wants to buy cooked poultry.
After seeing how ganon died turned out I could see them putting a male gerudo to death.They were neutral/good in FSA too.
But they haven't been in very many games... I was glad to see them again. Kind of upset they seem to have dropped the "male Gerudo every 100 years" thing. He didn't even have to be a champion or even in the town, I would have just liked to see one that wasn't an ambitious evil overlord like Ganondorf.
Ganondorf was brought up by 2 literal witches. How did they expect him to turn out?After seeing how ganon died turned out I could see them putting a male gerudo to death.
Either way it would have been interesting to see the dynamic a male gerudo could have brought to this game and it feels like a bit of a missed opportunity.
My assumption is that there can only be one Gerudo male around at any one time, and Ganondorf takes up that spot now forever. If he could somehow be defeated permanently, a new male Gerudo could be born.
There are no female Gorons.
My theory is Gorons have no gender at all. They probably had no concept of gender at all until they met Hylians and them calling each other "brother" likely lead the Hylians to refer to them as male and it just stuck.
Can't we all just agree Hylian kids were the least cute?
I clicked on this thread to say PLEASE stop posting location spoilers for BOTW in thread titles.
I've seen people post these a couple of times and it's making me want to stay away from GAF.
Humans don't eat primates though.... well, some, but that's a tiny minority.Nope.
You've gotta eat another member of your own species to be a cannibal.
"Bird" is a taxonomic class just like "mammal".
Calling the Rito lady a cannibal because she wants poultry is like saying a human lady (mammal) is a cannibal because she wants some beef (cow = mammal)
I'm honestly surprised that a lot of people don't seem to comprehend this idea.
It's like the Pluto and Goofy thing...nobody seems to think that maybe Pluto is to Goofy what chimps are to humans, totally seperate species that belong to the same larger group.
Humans don't eat primates though.... well, some, but that's a tiny minority.
Ganondorf was brought up by 2 literal witches. How did they expect him to turn out?
Also, Ganondorf did nothing wrong:
I love this
this isn't a spoiler
don't think you can, BUTI love how grounded it feels, other than the class room of 'how to interact with men' there really isn't anything that makes it feel different to a mixed gender town. I love hanging out at the bar.
Does anyone know if you can get in the town with any means other than cross-dressing?Gotta fight that matriarchy!The leader of the soldiers offers you a position but I couldn't seem to unlock it
Four Swords Adventures featured a new Gerudo king.
For a town with such a diversity it made the trans erasure so much more visible
But I guess for a japanese game JUST trans erasure is a high point for trans representation =P
Where's the erasure? Seems like nobody's actually trans in BOTW, there's just a lot of cross dressing.
If they were all considered Hylian then the complaint would be sure the Hylian champ just happens to be a white male.
Honestly its better that the Gerudo get their own representative. Not just because they are considered a seperate race.