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Getting mouse to act like a lightgun in MAME - WTF DOOD

I want to play two of my favorite light gun games, Steel Gunner 1 and 2 in mame32. I enable lightgun and mouse in the menus at the default game options screen, I check the control settings within the game, and it's still fucking with me.

Basically, there's a little crosshair that appears, and I can get that to move around. But it has no effect on the reticule within the game. The damn thing just sits there, while the crosshair moves where I point. I don't get it. Help me!
I had the same problem.

Check to see if you also have your use joystick option for each game turned on. It if is, turn it off or Mame will get input from both the mouse and the joystick and your crosshair will get stuck in the middle.
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