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Ghostbusters Review Thread [Certified Fresh - 75%]

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Double Toasted review is in

Says it's okay, an average rental, mediocrity is the best way to describe, and a lot of reviewers probably give it more of a pass to stick it to internet trolls.

I hate when reviewers try to analyse what's in someone else's head."This movie isn't very good, but I'm going to say it's better than it is to make trolls on the internet angry" is a pretty farfetched thought process to ascribe to someone because they say they ike a movie more than you did.


I hate when reviewers try to analyse what's in someone else's head."This movie isn't very good, but I'm going to say it's better than it is to make trolls on the internet angry" is a pretty farfetched thought process to ascribe to someone because they say they ike a movie more than you did.

Well, you can't deny that there are a lot of gleeful people at the RT score upsetting sexists. The same tone is in a lot of RT reviews. "Take that haters", "A middle finger to the screaming brobabiez", etc... Those are real quotes from RT. I was waiting for Double Toasted because I knew they would be unbiased and would give an opinion not affected by the controversy.

I'm also waiting for RLM for the same reason.
Well, you can't deny that there are a lot of gleeful people at the RT score upsetting sexists. The same tone is in a lot of RT reviews. "Take that haters", "A middle finger to the screaming brobabiez", etc... Those are real quotes from RT. I was waiting for Double Toasted because I knew they would be unbiased and would give an opinion not affected by the controversy.

I'm also waiting for RLM for the same reason.

Doesn't sound unbiased to me, just one that is saying that everyone else is biased. They're human, their review is "affected by the controversy" as much as anyone. I'd find reviews a lot more credible if they just reviewed the damn movie as a movie and ignored the nonsense surrounding it. But of course they can't, because it can affect their response to the movie subconsciously, and around we go.

I should review it, I only have a vague notion of the hubub that went on, and have only seen the original movies once twenty five years ago. I think I'd give a good assessment of it as a summer blockbuster more than as a ghostbusters movie.


Doesn't sound unbiased to me, just one that is saying that everyone else is biased. They're human, their review is "affected by the controversy" as much as anyone. I'd find reviews a lot more credible if they just reviewed the damn movie as a movie and ignored the nonsense surrounding it. But of course they can't, because it can affect their response to the movie subconsciously, and around we go.

It doesn't sound like they're thrilled to be on that side. It's like the Chris Stuckmann review. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a9_lhRqhkBw It almost feels like they want to apologize for what they're about to say. Before they give their opinion, they have to spend several minutes saying sexists are bad. I don't think they're likely to subconsciously or consciously ignore faults or ignore good things. Because they don't want to be on that side.

I should review it, I only have a vague notion of the hubub that went on, and have only seen the original movies once twenty five years ago. I think I'd give a good assessment of it as a summer blockbuster more than as a ghostbusters movie.

But it is a Ghostbusters movie and the original wasn't just a summer blockbuster. If the new one is just that, it should be taken to task for it imo.


Double Toasted review is in

Says it's okay, an average rental, mediocrity is the best way to describe, and a lot of reviewers probably give it more of a pass to stick it to internet trolls.

Review seems decent and confirms some of my doubts about the film, not going to go to the movies and pay for it but ill certainly give it a watch when it becomes cheaper or when Im able to stream it.
This is kind of disingenuous of recruiters regardless of the internet going full retard over nothing. If it's mediocre call it what it is.

Most have. The score is the 6.0 range.

But it is a Ghostbusters movie and the original wasn't just a summer blockbuster. If the new one is just that, it should be taken to task for it imo.

I'd argue a film can be taken both ways and both are rather valid. Star Trek 2009 isn't what I'd consider Star Trek. I still find it to be an enjoyable film.


Just got back from seeing it. The reviews were pretty much bang-on with this one imo. 6.5/10 is the perfect rating for it. Decent enough, better than Ghostbusters 2, but never really goes to the next level.
I got back from seeing it and I think its just Okay.

Not bad, Not good just okay.

The SP Effects I dident really care for it was a bit too bright and flashy CGI.
Btw other highlight for me was some assholes freaking the fuck out after the movie because they dedicated it to Harold Ramis and these fucking idiots were talking about how much of an insult that was and how pissed off they were that they dared dedicate this movie to Ramis.


Movie was pretty good, but Melissa McCarthy was awful. Seriously, did they just find a random woman in the street and tell her "you're an actress now."? She literally stumbles her lines in the movie. I really hope she's replaced in the sequel. Hemsworth was awesome. CGI was as well.


Hemsworth killed it. I'm actually sitting here thinking it's actually disappointing that the far-and-away best character was the male secretary. Wish the main cast delivered better. Very impressed with Chris though.
Yet again you quote me solely to aim anger towards me, are you capable of having a reasonable adult conversation without resorting to petty sniping? I am not trying to argue with you but you can't seem to resist the tempatation of wanting to "bait" can you? It's like you get a kick out of it.

Well I actually bit the bullet and watched the movie this morning as I was out anyway and figured why not? I went into this movie with a fresh mind, not comparing it to the originals and viewing it as it's own product, if anything I was quite excited once I got in the theatre.

Well numerous positive reviews refer to how this movie treats men along with the trailers which is why I said that yesterday and I could clearly see it myself when I watched it today it is almost a running "joke" throughout the entire thing, I understand why Feig felt the need to do this after the sexist backlash towards the movie but I also feel like it harmed and impeded upon the quality of the movie because I don't think the way to approach these issues is fighting fire with fire, it did absolutely nothing for equality and without putting spoilers in here it was evident to me this movie is guilty of misandry.

That's not to say the movie is bad, it certainly didn't blow my socks off either, it was as I expected, an average and sometimes funny summer blockbuster, quite frankly I thought Melissa was the weak link in the movie and I expected her to be the funniest, the rest of the cast were excellent I thought, especially given they had to work with such poor writing.

In terms of the story I thought it was bad if I am honest, the villain was one of the worst I have seen and the CG looked like something out of a Nickelodeon movie, also it felt like humor aimed towards a younger audience some of it hit but most of it missed.

It's nowhere near Feigs best work and the writing kind of did a disservice to the actresses in all honesty, that being said however I have seen far worse movies, I don't think it was a waste of money to watch it, I just don't think I will be watching it again.

I think a 6 rating is about right on average for the movie.

I don't want to argue about anything, I was simply making a point, one that you apparently disagree with but yet haven't taken the time to explain why but instead have then chosen to just post a gif to try and make a "lol" and then discarded my opinion which I feel was a reasonable one even when I hadn't seen the movie.

Also what is wrong with the comparison between Star Wars and this? My point like I said in my post was that Star Wars didn't need to resort to Misandry in order to achieve equality in a movie, I don't remember any swipes at either sex during Star Wars, do you? You know why? Because it's pointless and achieves nothing.

Are you are outright denying that misandry is a part of this movie? (Which is simply not true, sorry but it is there and very evident.)

Anyway, this is a ultimately pointless discussion because you are making posts in a disingenuous manner and looking for a fight when I don't even want one, I appreciate the points you have made and you know I may be completely wrong with what I am saying but at the end of the day I am not simply quoting you because I want a fight, I am at least trying to have a decent conversation with you.

It's a waste of time though because it's a movie and I have spent far too many hours discussing this back and fourth for absolutely no reason whatsoever because the reality is it is JUST a movie, not a bad one, not a particularly good one, just a decent quite funny movie.

That's it and I really have nothing else to say about it.

Wait you actually believe this movie is misandrist? Jesus.

You're a lost cause.
It was pretty good. Huge fan of the original.

Cameos were great. Some of the jokes were flat but didnt really bother me.

Thor was great in every scene. Slimmer was the highlight of the movie.

Stay till the end credits for sequel setup.


thanks for the laugh
Mark Kermode will be reviewing Ghostbusters shortly, you can watch live here http://www.bbc.co.uk/5live (will probably not work for people outside the UK)

wanted it to be great to "knock all the misogynists out" thought the pre-release backlash was nothing other than "bigoted sexist trolling", is sad that it's just "okay". "structurally shambolic but with some laughs in it", "wanted the bar set higher."


Saw it last night. Pretty fun! It definitely has some misses, but there are plenty of hits you keep you laughing. To put it simply, if you like Ghostbusters, you'll probably like Ghostbusters.


Saw it last night. Pretty fun! It definitely has some misses, but there are plenty of hits you keep you laughing. To put it simply, if you like Ghostbusters, you'll probably like Ghostbusters.

I hate reboots for this very reason lol. Gotta remember the year it came out so you can tell which one people are talking about. Years from now it'll be a pain in the ass.

I know it's petty
I hate reboots for this very reason lol. Gotta remember the year it came out so you can tell which one people are talking about. Years from now it'll be a pain in the ass.

I know it's petty

If it makes you feel better they call it Ghostbusters: Answer the Call at the end so you can just call it that
Quoting me and saying that but then doing nothing to refute my claim isn't exactly helping me to come to any other conclusion.

If you wish to elaborate on why you think it isn't and give me reason to think otherwise I invite you to do so as I would appreciate hearing your opinion on it and possibly change my own opinion on the matter, I just like anyone am capable of being wrong.

But yes, I believe the movie has misandrist elements in it and many reviews have also stated that to be the case as well, the MTV review being a prime example.

I am not saying the movie was made with misandry being the intention, I am simply saying it involves elements of misandry mostly in what I believe to be an attempt to combat against the sexism this movie has received.

But like I said before, two wrongs do not make a right.

Also there is no need to insult me, I don't see why you feel the need to do so.

I invite you to actually show what is misandrist about it.

Then I'll refute.
I watched it last night. Some thoughts:

-Most likely in the minority, but I enjoyed it much more than 1 or 2. The romance subplot of one kills the pacing, and the premise of two makes it DOA.

-Kate McKinnon or Hemsworth steals the show. McCarthy and Wig both did their thing to perfection.

-Touches on nostalgia and callbacks in a perfect way; none of it felt hamfisted or obtuse.

-There should be another one of these.

-I'd like another 30 minutes to add in some more character development.
I watched it last night. Some thoughts:

-Most likely in the minority, but I enjoyed it much more than 1 or 2. The romance subplot of one kills the pacing, and the premise of two makes it DOA.

-Kate McKinnon or Hemsworth steals the show. McCarthy and Wig both did their thing to perfection.

-Touches on nostalgia and callbacks in a perfect way; none of it felt hamfisted or obtuse.

-There should be another one of these.

-I'd like another 30 minutes to add in some more character development.

Thanks. Great impressions

Seeing it tonight!


Saw it yesterday and it was better than I expected. Having worked on the movie for a short while I can tell the movie is re-edited to hell and back for the final because there are some weird jumps and they completely dropped some story points to make it go faster (which made it better at the end because it was godawful when I watched them months ago).
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