Oh jeez. Did Devolution bail out yet?
A while ago. It became a circle jerk about biology.
Oh jeez. Did Devolution bail out yet?
A while ago. It became a circle jerk about biology.
It's a circle of bad for me. Little self-worth > no one likes me > even less self-worth. And I know it shouldn't be defined by what others think of me, but... I'm kind of crazy like that.
<3iluBillie <3 :')
In other words, the same perpetual circle of self-loathing I'm desperately trying to climb out of.
If you are morbidly curious. thread is this? Do I even want to know?
If you are morbidly curious.
If you are morbidly curious.
oh lol, its Jokerofspades. I don't even need to read it to know where this is headed.
Not to sound like a creep, but I saw your post in the pictures thread and you're cute, so maybe it's a self confidence thing. If you don't look confident people won't ask you out? I don't know...
What's wrong with JokerofSpades?
Look at Dating-Age.
What does a man have to do to get laid?
A woman really just has to show up where guys are.
Not that I'm saying a woman should be called any derogatory names for it... just that I can kind of understand why respect is given to a man who gets laid often. It takes work.
Women have the better orgasms, yet men are often more sex-crazy (that's what I meant by that). That's due to testosterone.
He's insanely ignorant about anything women-related and lives off stereotypes. He has difficulty understanding that not all women, and often not even the majority of women fit into his stereotype. He also has trouble seeing women as being people, and similar to men. Just have a read of that thread.
And no matter what you say, he never understands. He just uses anecdotal evidence to back up his stereotypes and reinforce that they are "facts" in his mind. Its completely impossible to reason with him.
You know, I was only trying to find out responses to those arguments. In real life I've often espoused view similar to Devo's here, despite their unpopularity. When people respond, I try to figure those things out. And I absolutely always think of women as people. Maybe it's because I'm bad at expressing my views, but I always try not to be offensive. But I get responses like this instead.
Furthermore, I always give a specific example of what I'm talking about. Maybe you guys assume I mean all women, but I'm not stupid.
I'm actually one of the only people who has posted studies in there. The anecdotal evidence has come from the other side. And what I use those things to prove have been backed up. I'm really not trying to offend any of you.
You know, I was only trying to find out responses to those arguments. In real life I've often espoused view similar to Devo's here, despite their unpopularity. When people respond, I try to figure those things out. And I absolutely always think of women as people. Maybe it's because I'm bad at expressing my views, but I always try not to be offensive. But I get responses like this instead.
Furthermore, I always give a specific example of what I'm talking about. Maybe you guys assume I mean all women, but I'm not stupid.
You use your college as a defensive mechanism for when your assumptions don't align up with anything else.
I'm not quite sure I understand. Are you pot stirring to see how people will respond, or are you really typing what you feel?
I'm sorry to come off as harsh. I am just tired of the responses (from everyone) in those kinds of threads. I can tell you aren't trying to be offensive, but you need to stop stereotyping women - and you do do it. You stop doing this and I think most of the angry responses you get will disappear.
I think now's a good time to reiterate my position:
1) Men are given respect for promiscuity because it's more difficult to be that way
2) Women are likely slut-shamed out of jealousy
3) Everything else was an argument I had heard as to why women being promiscuous was bad, or otherwise slutty - I did figure out some responses to that, though:
- Again, guys would do the same things if they could, so jealousy
- Ooh, even better. I remember saying that if women fell for guys being assholes and ended up having sex with them, how that's on them. I'm certain people in my college would agree. So if a guy is going to have sex with a girl who uses her body in that way (to gain things) - well that's on you.
Joker, if you can't stop putting your foot in your mouth, it might be best to stay away from certain threads. Like this one.
I figured you'd bailed, Devo. The guy who started the thread said he believes that women dressing provocatively "has an effect" on being sexually assaulted. So... yep.
Billie, it definitely is.It's a circle of bad for me. Little self-worth > no one likes me > even less self-worth. And I know it shouldn't be defined by what others think of me, but... I'm kind of crazy like that.
Anyway, bras! Talked to Devo about this, but found this site the other day:
You put in your measurements and it gives a list of bras that might fit you. Don't be surprised by the size it gives you! According to this and many other sites I've been reading, I'm supposed to be wearing a 30FF/G. Apparently this is a relative cup to what I've been wearing, just with a tighter band for more support. I'm going to try this to see if it works, because I get massive backaches from walking around too much, or even from just sitting up for too long.
And I like JokerofSpades' topics. Not to put any deep thought in them but they're sorta interesting and brings to light some stuff about people I otherwise wouldn't imagine.
Aw, come on. How many comments do you need to realize people like you? You just have to get a bit more used to big social events and that's all. Why don't tell us a little more? I used to be the same and it's all a matter of changing your mind.
I think I may have some actual issues I need to sort out. I've had low self-esteem all my life, and I don't know if it's because I just haven't changed it yet, or if I'm actually crazy. :/ I'm not depressed, I don't think, because I'm a pretty cheery, outgoing person in general. I'm just hiding a really bad self concept beneath it.
I dunno, I dunno.
Lissar, I don't know if it's because I don't know how to use that site yet, but it didn't have my size when I searched! Nooooooooo.
"You don't know him like I do"I was excusing some of the stuff my Ex did while we were together and I wasn't too proud of it after the fact. If I were you I'd talk to her on the level and ask her why she's excusing such behavior. Is she pulling that "but he's not always like that" or "but the good outweighs the bad" crap?
"You don't know him like I do"
I really can't stand users like him. I'd almost feel better if drugs were his reason.
That makes sense. But I'm talking to a 15 year old. And she swings the sword of the white knight like Joan of Arc.I'd level with her and say you do and he's manipulated her to the point at which she can't even talk about his behavior without making excuses. If you have to make excuses, then there is a problem.
That makes sense. But I'm talking to a 15 year old. And she swings the sword of the white knight like Joan of Arc.
I want to let her figure things out but its just such an odd situation.
I guess what I'm asking is how does a relationship where the girl is the overprotective, do it all type work.You can only protect people from themselves up to a certain point. If it gets within the realm of you think he's abusing her more than mentally, I'd say scare him away.
I guess what I'm asking is how does a relationship where the girl is the overprotective, do it all type work.
I know how bad it can get from the guy's version, but its not everyday you see a girl dealing with her boyfriend's fights.
yeahWhoa wait. She like defends him physically too? Or am I reading you wrong? Girls date scores of assholes in highschool though. It comes with the territory. Just about everyone is an insecure idiot.
She'd never fight over a guy in the typical sense. But this dude likes to lie about things that inspire other guys to kick his ass - and she has dragged his ass back one too many times.
Dude he's going to get her hurt.
Yeah, I think you need to step in.yeah
She'd never fight over a guy in the typical sense. But this dude likes to lie about things that inspire other guys to kick his ass - and she has dragged his ass back one too many times.
I think I may have some actual issues I need to sort out. I've had low self-esteem all my life, and I don't know if it's because I just haven't changed it yet, or if I'm actually crazy. :/ I'm not depressed, I don't think, because I'm a pretty cheery, outgoing person in general. I'm just hiding a really bad self concept beneath it.
I dunno, I dunno.
ran his mouth about some girl that was never his ex - the girl's boyfriend has a legit reason to kick his ass. My sister knows this.So he just lies about everything? I'm not asking you to get into specifics, but what kind of things is he saying?
He acts as tutor after school. He likes to talk shit about the people he helps. They have a legit reason to kick his ass. My sister knows this too.
They have.What the fucking fuck. Why hasn't someone chokeslammed him yet