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Gizmodo: What Trump's Boycotting Supporters Will Be Living Without

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What Trump's Boycotting Supporters Will Be Living Without

In the wake of the election, Trump supporters have been calling for boycotts of companies and products whose ideals they feel do not align with the President-elect’s. The number and importance of those services grows more expansive with each passing day—and includes the vast majority of popular internet services.

CEO Matt Maloney was the first to fall under Trump supporters’ crosshairs. Maloney, co-founder or food delivery services GrubHub and Seamless, sent an all-staff memo last Wednesday calling for the resignation of employees who espouse bigoted attitudes. “I absolutely reject the nationalist, anti-immigrant and hateful politics of Donald Trump... If you do not agree with this statement then please reply to this email with your resignation because you have no place here,” the email read. In turn, Trump supporters took to Twitter under the hashtag #BoycottGrubHub.

Today, PepsiCo CEO Indra Nooyi came under fire for the mere mention that many of her employees were concerned by Trump’s stated platform of intolerance. Nooyi made made these remarks last week at the The New York Times DealBook conference, where YouTube videos of the event have been flooded hateful comments. Trump supporters are, predictably, also calling for a boycott of Pepsi products.

Switching from Pepsi to Coke is as easy as, say, switching from Seamless to Delivery.com. But PepsiCo is a massive food conglomerate comprised of much more than a single soda brand. The hundreds of products under the PepsiCo umbrella include a variety of soft drinks (Mountain Dew, Lipton, Mug, Mist, SoBe), Gatorade, Lays, Ruffles, Smartfood, Cheetos, Doritos, Rice-a-roni, Quaker Oats, Cap’n Crunch, Rockstar energy drink, and Tropicana juices, and the absurdity of trying to avoid all of these products at all costs balloons as Trump supporters called for boycotts to internet services.


On Reddit, r/the_donald subscriber WhiteChristianMan created an “official” list of products to boycott which has received over 4,600 upvotes. It includes Macy’s, Time Warner, Amazon, ConAgra, Comcast, Netflix, Starbucks, and Dell, and OREO—though not its parent company Nabisco, for some reason.

Trump’s feud with OREO began when he claimed a production facility in Chicago was being closed down and moved to Mexico. Time Warner, presumably, was added because of the New Right’s longstanding hatred towards its subsidiary news organization CNN. Meanwhile, Macy’s chairman Terry Lundgren banned Trump’s menswear line from his stores after the President-elect’s derogatory comments towards Mexican immigrants. Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos publicly stated that Trump “erodes our democracy around the edges.” Reed Hastings, CEO of Netflix, claimed, “Trump would destroy much of what is great about America.”

Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz described the Trump campaign as a “vitriolic display of bigotry and hate and divisiveness,” though his all-staff memo was markedly more staid than Maloney’s, the crux of which was:

Whether you are pleased or disappointed by the outcome, we each still have a choice. Today and every day, we have a choice in how we treat one another in our homes, in our neighborhoods, and of course in our stores.

Presumably Trump supporters will now forgo patronizing any business that opposes the President-elect, that had disagreed with him in the lead-up to his victory, or that even mentions the imminent threat he represents to Democracy as we know it. Oh, and we can also expect boycotts on companies that donated money to the Clinton campaign (Dreamworks) or has recently moved jobs to Mexico (ConAgra.)

Trump supporters are more than welcome to show support with their wallets, just as anti-Trump protesters are a constitutionally protected to express their outrage. But a witch hunt on this scale this broadens to the point of absurdity. Ford is moving all of its small car production to Mexico within the next two years, as much of the auto industry has done. Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google, was a member of the Democratic Victory Task Force. Marriott International CEO Arne Sorenson called on Trump to “break the cycle of retribution,” in an open letter on LinkedIn, a company whose co-founder Reid Hoffman called Trump “almost like a schoolyard bully.”


On Reddit, r/the_donald subscriber WhiteChristianMan created an “official” list of products to boycott which has received over 4,600 upvotes. It includes Macy’s, Time Warner, Amazon, ConAgra, Comcast, Netflix, Starbucks, and Dell, and OREO—though not its parent company Nabisco, for some reason.

Amazon and Netflix? Good luck.
Don't worry by the time the 2020 election rolls around, we'll have all been mailed a easy laminated guide on where to shop if you're Republican or Democratic

When large companies start drawing lines in the sand politically, you know somethings up


What a time to be alive

At the rate this is going, and with China potentially threatening to cut trade ties with America, these people are going to be eating dirt and playing with sticks by the time Trump leaves office


Damnit I work for the Home Depot. I guess I will do all my shopping at Lowe's. Besides I got an interview with Ikea anyway.

Edit : the co-founder of the Home Depot the one who said that but he is retired. Officially the company hasn't done anything to support Donald Trump.
This reminds me of when I was at a grocery store near Penn State and I overheard a woman forcing her kid to put back the apple juice because "Apples come from Washington where all the gays are."


On Reddit, r/the_donald subscriber WhiteChristianMan created an “official” list of products to boycott which has received over 4,600 upvotes. It includes Macy’s, Time Warner, Amazon, ConAgra, Comcast, Netflix, Starbucks, and Dell, and OREO—though not its parent company Nabisco, for some reason.

this will either be the shortest boycott in history or peeps will be disingenuous in their loyalty to the cause. xD


As a left-winger i learned that such boycotts are silly unless they're actively using that money to do something heinous.

It's funny for the Trump supporters, though. They literally own America now and they're whining about what the "losers" are concerned about.

Much like their god-emperor, insecurity is all they know. Their hands are too small to grasp any victory that is handed to them.


It is amazing to the way Trump supporters communicate. So angry. So vulgar.

But when I say, "hey that is fucking racist" I get the moderate lectures on my tone and listening to them.

Not to mention I live in rural white America so stop with the "you don't understand" bullshit.
Companies only respond/react to boycotts if their bottom line is affected, which could take months to see. It will be interesting if one of these boycotts affects a company enough that they have to acknowledge it. (but i doubt these die hard Trump supporters will affect sales in any significant way)
Don't worry by the time the 2020 election rolls around, we'll have all been mailed a easy laminated guide on where to shop if you're Republican or Democratic

When large companies start drawing lines in the sand politically, you know somethings up

Yup, if even the money thinks you're dirty...
The Grubhub CEO's email is especially hilarious cause the company abuses independent contractor laws to make sure they can't get health indurance, get paid under minimum wage, and have to pay the employer portion of payroll taxes, etc. What great behaviors and views!


this will either be the shortest boycott in history or peeps will be disingenuous in their loyalty to the cause. xD
It's easy to boycott something it's a shoe product you don't wear but like i said in that New Balance thread if i went out boycotted every company because of their politics my house would be fucking empty.

I honestly don't care who supports what i am not boycotting anything on this list because i don't give a shit if trump supports X or trump supporters support Y or Z supports Trump. But to those New Balance boycotters who claimed to of boycott anything Trump i await to see receipts.


LOL, companies are already falling over themselves to welcome President Trump.

This boycott will be over before it starts, because Trump will be normalized.
This reminds me of when I was at a grocery store near Penn State and I overheard a woman forcing her kid to put back the apple juice because "Apples come from Washington where all the gays are."

I had a similar (though exactly opposite) example in my own youth. After Colorado passed some strong anti-gay legislation, my mother informed me that I could no longer get Celestial Seasonings tea, since they were headquartered in Colorado and were thus homophobes. I have no idea if the CEO actually supported the legislation, so maybe she was on to something, but it seems pretty bold to take the stance of "everyone from this state is _____."


CEO Matt Maloney was the first to fall under Trump supporters’ crosshairs. Maloney, co-founder or food delivery services GrubHub and Seamless, sent an all-staff memo last Wednesday calling for the resignation of employees who espouse bigoted attitudes. “I absolutely reject the nationalist, anti-immigrant and hateful politics of Donald Trump... If you do not agree with this statement then please reply to this email with your resignation because you have no place here,” the email read. In turn, Trump supporters took to Twitter under the hashtag #BoycottGrubHub.
Ugh..... maybe.... just separate business stuff and political stuff, bro.
I'm 100% confident that Trump supporters, above all others, will be able to take a long, principled stand on something. Let's give them a chance, guys!


Maybe it's all just an elaborate ruse to try to relegate Trump supporters to living in cabins in the woods, foraging for their food, and shitting in plastic bags - far from roads or internet connections.


Ugh..... maybe.... just separate business stuff and political stuff, bro.

Why? Even then, the money and politics aren't inter-twined so much as the personal beliefs of the CEO and the relationship they have with their employees. Plus, it's not saying, "No Trump," it's saying, "No bigotry."

That's sorta a good rule to abide by in the first place.
It includes Macy’s, Time Warner, Amazon, ConAgra, Comcast, Netflix, Starbucks, and Dell, and OREO—though not its parent company Nabisco, for some reason.

LOL good luck boycotting all that fuck nuggets.
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