It is pretty good, I liked it when I was younger, but now every ancient Rome movie pales in comparison to Spartacus: Blood and Sand. That one is just so on point with almost every thing. It is probably my favorite TV show of all time.
This is still the worst movie that ever found a way to win the Academy Award for Best Picture. Prove me wrong.
I liked Ridley Scott before this movie. Afterwards I think even he realized how shitty the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences really was for giving him the Best Picture Oscar for this piece of shit instead of the many better films he has made. He's been phoning it in ever since. The ongoing trainwreck which is the Alien prequel trilogy is arguably the nadir of his career.
I'm watching it tonight on 4K. The Rewatchables did an episode on it recently, I didn't know Mel Gibson was the first choice for Maximus. He would have sucked so bad in that role lol. He was great for Braveheart. As a Roman gladiator? Ehhh.....
Nah, I think Liam did a good job. The first few episodes of season 2 are a bit rough but he settles in great by the time of season 3 and by the very end he felt like Andy. Still, Andy was amazing.