At least these lunatics got one thing right. From their FAQ:
"Why do you preach hate?
Because the Bible preaches hate. For every one verse about God's mercy, love, compassion, etc., there are two verses about His vengeance, hatred, wrath, etc. blah blah blah"
I totally agree with them on that one.
Other gems:
"The only true Nazis in this world are fags. They want to force you by law to support their filth, and they want to shut you up by law when they hate what you say. They would be perfectly happy to make it a crime to preach that "God hates fags" under the guise of "hate speech legislation." Likewise, baby-killers support the genocide of millions of innocent babies, and then act indignant that Hitler killed millions of Jews. Baby-killers are responsible for more murder and blood-shed than Hitler and his Nazi party ever dreamed. See The Pink Swastika by Scott Lively and Kevin Abrams."
"Why do you say "Thank God For September 11?"
For several reasons. First, God ordained and decreed these acts. He determined in eternity to hurl those airplanes like fiery darts out of the sky. He used the evil followers of Osama bin Laden to punish even more evil people, just as He used the evil, blood-thirsty Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar, His servant, to punish wicked Judah (Jeremiah 25:9). As the sovereign Creator, His acts by definition are perfect and all humans are duty bound to be grateful for all that He does. "Shall there be evil in a city, and the Lord hath not done it?" Amos 3:6. You are supremely arrogant and evil if you don't believe that your Creator was responsible for September 11. Second, the saints of God watch for the return of Christ. The worse this world becomes in its institutionalized iniquity, the greater the hope that the return of Christ is nigh. September 11 took things to a new level. That is a good reason to thank God. Third, this nation is awash in arrogant disobedience to God. By all that is just, God is fully entitled to utterly destroy the nation immediately. The fact that instead He gave us a fair warning on September 11 is something that those who fear and obey God as all mankind is bound to do are thankful for this warning. Of course, the perverse people of this evil nation are not getting the hint, and instead of repenting in sackcloth and ashes, they continue to spit in God's face. "And I gave her space to repent of her fornication; and she repented not." Revelation 2:21. "