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Goldeneye Rogue Agent Impressions

I got a chance to play some of the new GoldenEye in multiplayer today. The game is a total Halo knockoff. Halo's shield system is totally stolen. After taking damage, if you find cover and wait your health will fill back up, just like your shield in Halo.

The game's controls blow ass. The button mapping is fine and everything (pretty much the same as Halo's minus jumping), but the movement controls are horrible. The default sensitivty is SUPER low and turning up the sensitivty doesn't help pretty much at all. All it accomplishes is making you turn too fast when the stick is pushed all the way.

On the up side, the level design is really good. There are all sorts of cool interactive things like trap doors that can be activated to wreck your opponeants. Sadly, overall the game is a crummy Halo knockoff. Go play Halo 2 instead.
Teh Hamburglar said:
Copied Halo? Destroy! Destroy!

I'm not even an Xbox fanboy, but the game is a pretty blatant ripoff. They imitation is the sincerest form of flatter, but I think that only counts if you can imitate well.
Oh, one more thing. Apprently after sufficiently damaging an opponenat, you can grab them and use them as a human shield, and then throw them into other people. I couldn't pull it off, because I always ended up killing them before I had the chance.
bobbyconover said:
Were you planning on letting us know how it compares to, you know.. Goldeneye??

I guess I forgot because it basically doesn't compare to GoldenEye at all, apart from the bond license that is. I didn't play single player, so i can't comment on story, but the multiplayer is very similar to Halo (2) and very dissimilar to GodenEye 64. Also, you have a "golden eye" that can be turned on to do something... but i coudln't figure out what that something was.
StrikerObi said:
I'm not even an Xbox fanboy, but the game is a pretty blatant ripoff. They imitation is the sincerest form of flatter, but I think that only counts if you can imitate well.

I wasn't accusing you of anything. I find it suprising that alot of people will no doubt throw a fit because it borrowed elements from Halo. In every other product you find in a Super Wal Mart will have at one point "copied" from an existing product. Its what keeps companies innovating.
Teh Hamburglar said:
I wasn't accusing you of anything. I find it suprising that alot of people will no doubt throw a fit because it borrowed elements from Halo. In every other product you find in a Super Wal Mart will have at one point "copied" from an existing product. Its what keeps companies innovating.

Right, I'm just saying that you shouldn't bother to create a knockoff product that is not as good and try to sell it at the same price as the original, better game. If GoldenEye Rogue Agent was $30 this would be a different story. But at the same value there is NO reason to buy this game over Halo 2. I guess maybe if you own a PS2 or GameCube, but the game just doesn't play well at all. It's mostly the fact that the movement is unresponsive / undersensitive.

Agent Dormer

Dirty Drinking Smoker
StrikerObi said:
I guess I forgot because it basically doesn't compare to GoldenEye at all, apart from the bond license that is. I didn't play single player, so i can't comment on story, but the multiplayer is very similar to Halo (2) and very dissimilar to GodenEye 64. Also, you have a "golden eye" that can be turned on to do something... but i coudln't figure out what that something was.

See through walls is one thing it does. Also, if other players are using it you can actually see their eyes flash gold. And yeah, this game is nothing like Golden Eye. Even with my control sensitivity maxed it controlled like shit.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Halo's shield system is totally stolen. After taking damage, if you find cover and wait your health will fill back up, just like your shield in Halo.

I want more games to use this idea, so I'm glad to see that ONE title did just that...


so how does it compare to other EA bond games, like Agent Under Fire, Nightfire, and Everything or Nothing....fire.


It doesn't make sense for your health to recover in this game, unlike in Halo...that's why it sorta pisses me off they ripped that, it's like they did just because it's in Halo. I like how that works though, but...yeah, makes no sense for your health to recover like that when you're not wearing a suit of armor or whatever.
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