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Goldeneye Rogue Agent screens


works for Gamestop (lol)




The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
EA please change the name of this game... even if it does turn out to be good the name man... the name....


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I don't know what to say. I look at this game and the only word that pops in my head is "meh."
Is it just me, or does it seem like there are seriously like three guns in the game? That huge assault rifle, pistol, and rocket launcher. That's all I've seen.
It looks like an excuse to put all the cool Bond movie moments in games. Fort Knox, the GG Bridge fight, the Moonraker facility, etc
The game seriously has no crosshairs? That was one of my complaints about TimeSplitters. They're pretty much forcing you to rely on the auto aim. The crosshairs were more for precise long distance shots.
Society said:
If I can not shoot a guy up the ass and watch him skwirm, then it is not Goldeneye.

Yeah what's up with most shooters these days not having some sort of sign that you've hit enemies or in a particular part of their body. There's too few around. It's not just cool to see and realistic but it lets you know you've actually hit the enemy. It's hard to tell in the heat of a gun fight if they don't even flinch when you shoot them. One of my only complaints about Nightfire. It was a surprisingly good game.


Grizzlyjin said:
I don't know what to say. I look at this game and the only word that pops in my head is "meh."
Me too...i mean it looks good, nothing really to complain about but yeah it just seems very meh.



I don't really care about this game, I just want to thank the thread starter for not calling it Rouge Agent.
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