They're getting all pissy about realtime write speeds... can't blame Pioneer for assuring you the most reliable burn possible. As for this bitsetting crap, listen, Pioneer and NEC basically have the best writing strategies out there. If your DVD player or DVD ROM drive can't properly read the discs, or simply cannot read them at all, guess what? Your player/drive sucks, get another one. They also complain about the DVR-108's slow CD-R writing speed. Its around 24x whereas the NEC is 32x. Big deal. They will both finish under 5 minutes. Besides, CD-R's written at speeds higher than 24x-32x tend to develop problems later on.
Also keep in mind that the DVR-108 seems to have the least amount of PI/PO errors on the discs it made, all but one were next to 0. This is a good thing. Minimal PI/PO errors ensure long disc life. The one that wasn't low was more than likely unreliable crappy media to begin with.