My girlfriend is about to graduate with a B.A. in psychology (and then to graduate school for her doctoral degree in clinical psychology), and she often talks about all this psycho-babble regarding statistics that I don't understand. I've haven't delved too far into her books, but from what I've read, it's far beyond me. I'd like to be able to understand in a layman's terms myself, so we can talk about it sometimes.
Are there any from-the-ground-up books on statistics that are fairly good? I've tried online tutorials (such as Explained/glossary/se_glossary.html, which is the best one I found), but I see all this stuff like an X variable with a bar on top of it and things like that, and I just don't understand stuff like that.
I really need a book that doesn't assume I know too much, even if the book is thick. And I need solid examples.
Are there any from-the-ground-up books on statistics that are fairly good? I've tried online tutorials (such as Explained/glossary/se_glossary.html, which is the best one I found), but I see all this stuff like an X variable with a bar on top of it and things like that, and I just don't understand stuff like that.
I really need a book that doesn't assume I know too much, even if the book is thick. And I need solid examples.