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Good DC books to pick up? (Comics, graphic novels, trades)

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Alright, so the only DC book I collect on a regular basis is Green Arrow. I have every issue since Smith resurrected the character and seriously think it's one of the best crime fighting books out there today. Judd Winick has been a God-send, already providing a couple of very entertaining storylines and transforming the make up of Star City altogether. Anyways...

I've been wanting to get more into the world of DC. I want to read Batman, Catwoman, Robin...whatever is good. I'd love opinions on any of the following:

Batman: Hush (I'm a fan of Loeb...how was this arc?)
Batman (I totally forgot that Winick started doing this a while ago...how has his run been?)
Catwoman (I remember a ton of praise for this book before. Is it still good or should I just go back and pick up the trades of the earlier story arcs?)
Birds of Prey (Have heard good things...)
Robin (Have also heard good things about this one. Any story arcs in particular that I should pick up?)

So yeah, I guess that's about it. I want to pick up Batman: The Long Halloween since I'm almost positive that I'll love it, as well as that Allan Moore collection. DC? Yes?...
The whole Robin arc with Spoiler has been pretty good. I am really digging the new team on this book. I really don't like Stephanie but I'm really hoping she meets some misfortune soon and Tim returns to the role. Go pick up the issues by Bill Willingham which started like 5 issues ago.

I'd also HIGHLY recommend Teen Titans. Kickass book all around.


Birds of Prey is definitely good. The first trade from Simone is out and you can pick that up anytime. That's about when the series gets really good anyhow. Hush was OK, but nothing spectacular. That's definitely a book to be purchased solely for the art. The Batman Loeb and Sale stuff is much better. HERO is pretty good in my opinion. The first trade is out and can be picked up. Superman/Batman is one guilty pleasure of mine that many on this board loathe. It has Loeb writing though so you might like it.

All of that though is really filler. The one title you want to pick up more then anything else and you should pick up all the issues right now if you can is...

DC: The New Frontier! That title is fucking awesome. It's a mini of 6 issues and each issue is double sized and fairly expensive, but man is the writing and art absolutely amazing. Buy it. Buy it right now.
Yeah, Superman/Batman is such a fun book. Probably the one I enjoy the most just because it has Supes/Bats teaming up every issue.


Alucard said:
Birds of Prey (Have heard good things...)

I started reading Birds of Prey when Gail Simone started writing and, so far, have thoroughly enjoyed it. I'd never read the comic before, knew very little about current Batman happenings, and still have been having a grand time with the comic. Fun, mildly gratuitous, and well written; if you're going to read a Batman book, I'd say this is a fine place to start. The first four issues of her run (56-59) have been collected as Birds of Prey: Of Like Minds. Definately check it out.

I also whole-heartedly second Ryu's plug for DC: The New Frontier, which is simply stunning. You're paying $7 an issue, but you're getting 64 pages of pure brilliance, without any ads to get in the way. It's astounding. Don't wait for the trade on this, go ahead and snag the flavor at your local shop. Issues 1-4 of 6 are already out, with 5 on the way shortly.

JSA : best team book anywhere
birds of prey: laready mentioned
supes/batman: eh, im not liking it now but it was fun for a while
dc: the new frontier: this is all you need to read

there's more but everyone has covered it already.


Best DCU books out right now are FLASH, GOTHAM CENTRAL, and HAWKMAN.

GREEN ARROW is okay, but Winick's run started losing it's steam somewhere during the second arc.

TEEN TITANS is pretty good. JSA is good too, but you'll be lost if you're a new reader.

CATWOMAN used to be good, before they changed the art team. I wouldn't even bother looking at the book, anymore.

Jim Bowie

Veritgo is pwned by DC, right? In that case, Transmetropolitan and Hitman. Definitely. Both are pure gold, with outstanding dialouge and stories.

EDIT: And if you like Alan Moore, pick up Watchmen, V for Vendetta, and his Swamp Thing graphic novels. All are delicious.
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