Bullet Club

Eurogamer / Digital Foundry - Stadia tech review
As a technological statement, Stadia impresses with the best image quality and latency I've seen from a streaming platform, but there's definitely scope for improvement from a stability perspective, and I'm not sure the question of what happens when someone else taps into your bandwidth has been adequately resolved: audio stutter and wobbly resolution were common on my fibre connection and even a 200mbps hook-up had very occasional slowdown.
Wired - Review: Google Stadia
Taken as a whole, Stadia’s strength lies in its versatility, and that’s never more apparent than when you’re playing a game on a laptop without a graphics card. There’s something delightfully subversive about firing up Destiny 2 on the kind of Chromebook they hand out to high school kids.
IGN - Stadia Controller Review
The Stadia controller brings integrated Wi-Fi connectivity as its only new contribution to the controller conversation. That feature in itself is only useful for Stadia and it’s not entirely essential as you only save yourself from fractions of a millisecond of lag. From a value and button quality standpoint, you’ll get a better experience with either the Xbox One or DualShock 4 controller.
Venture Beat - Google Stadia review — It works, but it doesn’t matter
Google Stadia is here, and it has worked almost flawlessly for me. But one of the many problems with Stadia is that you and I are not guaranteed to get the same experience. The other problem is everything else.
Forbes - Paul Tassi - Google Stadia Launch Review: A Technical, Conceptual Disaster
I may have been a Stadia skeptic going into this test run, but I was willing to give it a chance. But this has been a catastrophe from start to finish during my testing phase, and the problem is that even if it did work flawlessly, which it absolutely doesn’t, the entire model seemed doomed from the start. This is an enormous miss from Google, and I am really wondering what the fallout is going to be from this ill-conceived early launch.
Tom's Hardware - Google Stadia Review: Not Ready for Prime Time
If you have a gaming PC and want to tinker with settings, Stadia isn’t for you (and may never be). If you have a console, you already have Stadia's lineup of games available to you, minus Gylt. However, console players wanting the flexibility to play on other devices may be swayed. But for now, both PCs and consoles are still superior, feature-filled options.
USgamer - Google Stadia Review: A Muddled Stream of Consciousness
Stadia's streaming gameplay needs to be impeccable, and it's not at the moment. And maybe it looks better when compared to $300-400 for a Switch, Xbox One X, or PlayStation 4 Pro, but those systems have cheaper options that just… play the games. Project xCloud might not be making as many promises as Stadia, but it's an add-on to an existing console with a much larger library. But promising streaming 4K games with no issues and delivering what's here is not the way to build a platform. Despite all the claims, Stadia isn't gaming for everyone yet.
Vice - Stadia the Technology? Awesome. Stadia the Service? Not So Much
Stadia’s pitch is simple: touch a button and start playing games on just about any device in your house. Judged on that, Stadia is a success. It’s not perfect, but as a parent who values efficiency and convenience in a way I didn’t used to, it was convincing enough.
You should not sign up for Stadia today. But does it work? It does. It works.
Polygon - Google Stadia review: cloud gaming brought down to earth
Which is to say that before Stadia runs, it will need to walk. And the only way to do that will be one step at a time.
I recognize I lack the enthusiasm one would associate with a disruptive piece of technology meant to realign the landscape of an industry worth hundreds of billions of dollars. But that seismic shift seems distant from this vantage point, just as it did when I tried other streaming services like the defunct OnLive.
Right now we just need a cloud-streaming service that works, and works well. I’m less concerned with the promises of the future than I am the realistic potential of tomorrow.
The Verge - Google Stadia Review: The best of cloud gaming is still just a beta
There’s no reason anyone should buy into Stadia right now. Google has made sure of that, partly by underdelivering at launch and partly with a pricing scheme that sees you paying three times (for hardware, for the service, for games) just to be an early adopter.
The Guardian - Google Stadia review – the console vanishes from video gaming
The Stadia nailed the impossible, and then failed the possible. The single most important challenge facing Google – getting video game streaming on a par with local play – has been passed with flying colours.
Ars Technica - Google Stadia launch review: Gaming’s “future” looks rough in the present
Verdict: Early adopters feel like they're getting a beta product here. Wait until next year to see if Google can work out the kinks and proves the service's longevity.
Business Insider - I've been playing games on Google's ambitious new Netflix-like game service for the last week, and it's clear the service isn't ready for primetime
It's an approach that might work with a free service like YouTube, but it's less palatable when you're shelling out over $100 at the launch of a new product — to say nothing of the cost of each game. Though it's entirely possible that Google will iron out Stadia's issues over the coming months, it's clear that now — at launch — the service isn't ready for primetime.
Launcher (Washington Post) - Unplayable at times, magical in others: Stadia’s dream is still in the clouds
Stadia is absolutely paving a new sort of information highway for gaming. My advice today is to stay in your current lane until they finish that work.
Engadget - Google Stadia hands-on: Shockingly playable
The system is fragile and new and likely can't handle a rush of players all at once. So, instead of going live with an online subscription service that works with existing devices and mobile data, Google has jacked up the price of admission, delayed the ability to invite friends, and made hardware a key, restrictive component of a service that's supposed to be all about the cloud.
Game streaming is finally viable, and Stadia is leading the charge -- but with this launch, it's turning out to be more of a stroll. Hey, at least we're getting there.
Launch Titles Metacritic Scores (on other systems)
- Assassins Creed Odyssey 87%
- Attack on Titan: Final Battle 2 74%
- Destiny 2 : Shadowkeep 76%
- Farming Simulator 19 77%
- Final Fantasy XV 83%
- Football Manager 2020 85%
- Grid 2019 73%
- Gylt (No Score Stadia Exclusive)
- Just Dance 2020 73%
- Kine 65%
- Metro Exodus 80%
- Mortal Kombat 11 82%
- NBA 2K20 78%
- Rage 2 67%
- RDR 2 97%
- Rise of the Tomb Raider 88%
- Samurai Shodown 81%
- Shadow of the Tomb Raider 75%
- Thumper 85%
- Trials Rising 78%
- Tomb Raider 86%
- Wolfenstein: Youngblood 68%