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GOP planning on ramming through 6 PEOTUS cabinet member hearings on the same day

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helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
The Daily 202: Republicans run the spread offense to ram through Donald Trump’s cabinet nominees

THE BIG IDEA: By scheduling six confirmation hearings for the same day, the Senate GOP is working to prevent any one Donald Trump nominee from dominating a news cycle. The gambit is very likely to succeed.

It’s no coincidence that Republican committee chairmen scheduled hearings for some of the president-elect’s most controversial and polarizing nominees next Wednesday.

Trump, after putting it off repeatedly, will also finally have his first press conference since the election at the same time. And Mitch McConnell plans a budget vote-o-rama, including votes related to the repeal of Obamacare. This will further distract the press and the public.

The GOP leadership’s approach will minimize unflattering process stories and prevent Trump’s nominees from receiving the kind of full airing and scrutiny that they would otherwise.


In fact, the conventional wisdom inside the Capitol right now is that all of Trump’s picks will get confirmed, no matter how many red flags several have in their backgrounds.

-- Here are the six hearings now set for next Wednesday:

Secretary of state nominee Rex Tillerson, with his questionable ties to Vladimir Putin and long tenure as CEO of ExxonMobil, will appear before the Foreign Relations Committee.........

Trump’s pick for CIA director, Mike Pompeo, appears before the Intelligence Committee. He’ll face questions about Trump’s sustained attacks on the integrity of intelligence professionals, his plans to reorganize the community (much more on that below), as well as his outspoken support for torture.

Education secretary nominee Betsy DeVos, who has funded campaigns both to expand charter schools and to limit regulations on them, will appear before the education committee. She played a central role in a Michigan charter school movement that even supporters of charters acknowledge lacks in oversight and quality. Patty Murray, the ranking Democrat on HELP, said yesterday that DeVos still hasn’t returned her questionnaire or submitted financial disclosures.

The Judiciary Committee on Jan. 10-11 considers the nomination of Attorney General nominee Jefferson Beauregard Sessions, whose checkered record on race prompted the Senate to block him when he was nominated for a district judgeship. Wednesday is when Democrats finally get their chance to call witnesses who can speak out against Sessions. (In addition to civil rights, which everyone knows is a liability for the Alabama senator, a new ACLU report is highly critical of his record on immigration, abortion and criminal justice. Read it here.)

John Kelly’s confirmation hearing to run the department of homeland security, which would have jurisdiction over Trump’s proposed deportation force and crackdown on illegal immigration, will be at 2 p.m............

Elaine Chao, the wife of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, is a lock to become Transportation secretary. She was George W. Bush’s labor secretary and the first Asian American female Cabinet member in U.S. history. In 2001, she was approved by unanimous consent.

-- It is inconceivable that Trump and his team did not have the Senate schedule in mind when they rescheduled their press conference for the 11th.

-- Frustrating some Hill Democrats, Barack Obama – who is concerned primarily with his own legacy at this point – has scheduled his farewell address for 9 p.m. Eastern on the night of the 10th. The speech is happening so late – to maximize the west coast audience – that it will probably dominate the cable conversation on Wednesday morning, instead of news about the nominees.

-- The Post has the resources to flood the zone, with multiple beat reporters assigned to every hearing mentioned above, but very few news organizations do. And TV news has limited airtime. Moreover, it is difficult to imagine even savvy news consumers reading six standalone stories about Senate confirmation hearings, plus analysis of Obama’s farewell speech and coverage of Trump’s presser.



I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
Oh, look. All the names I recognize that stand out as particularly awful.

Surely a coincidence.


Oh, look. All the names I recognize that stand out as particularly awful.

Surely a coincidence.

Rex Tillerson is first, lmao


He's going to be SOS, I'm fucking terrified. Is there anything that the Democrats can do to torpedo his appointment?
We are all so fucked right now, might as well freeze ourselves for 4 years then come back and try to repair the damage this administration is gonna cause.

lol they're gonna get another 4 years in 2020 aren't they, who am I kidding ugh
I'm not familiar on much of this, but can Mitch McConnell's wife be allowed to be in office while he's in Congress?

I'm also concerned about the Homeland Security pick. I'll have to do some research on him.


Rex Tillerson is first, lmao


He's going to be SOS, I'm fucking terrified. Is there anything that the Democrats can do to torpedo his appointment?
He's gonna get confirmed for sure, they all are I think. You know now we're in this mess, I wonder if just accepting it and hoping that it enables accelerationism to left leaning politics. Unlikely, but that's why I say hope. Bush for all his flaws was not this far to the right.


He's gonna get confirmed for sure, they all are I think. You know now we're in this mess, I wonder if just accepting it and hoping that it enables accelerationism to left leaning politics. Unlikely, but that's why I say hope. Bush for all his flaws was not this far to the right.

Letting the berners run the Democrats is also concerning. I mean yeah I'd rather have them in charge a million times over but reactionary politics is rarely good and pleasant. Although in modern day America I have no idea what 'left' even is. Everyone in America is right wing to some degree.

Also once again, FUCK. An Exxon Mobil CEO as SOS, absolute nightmare.

The only thing this asshole will accelerate is Climate Change.


Unconfirmed Member
Drain the swamp, so we can pump it full of toxic sludge as quickly as possible.

I guess the Gish Gallop version of governing is going to be their strategy to thoroughly fuck over everyone but the rich?


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!


Normally I'd give few fucks about how idiotic our neighbours can be but this shit is 100% going to cause problems here in Canada, whether financial or just encourage dipshit populist pricks to rip pages out of Republican/Trump playbooks.

Thanks a fucking heap USA.


Few days to weeks in between hearings for Obama in 09. Nothing like this with 6 hearings on the same day including 4+ controversial ones on top of the first press conference the president elect has had since winning, a vote related to Obamacare, and the departing president having his farewell speech the night before.


Thanks, just wanted to make sure I wasn't going to start bitching about something that always happens :)


It's absolutely amazing on how evil
And diabolical Republicans are. Seriously 8 years of a black man made them go insane.


Thanks, just wanted to make sure I wasn't going to start bitching about something that always happens :)

Rest assured you can bitch about whatever happens all the time. Basically everything Trump does will be "unpresidented", as he put it

Opponents should focus on Sessions and let the others all pass.

Oh lord, voting rights v.s. international fuckery. We should keep Sessions from fucking the minorities over more but Tillerson scares the fuck outta me.


The almost open acknowledgement that media won't deal with this because the will just isn't there becuase too darn much is happening in one day, after years of endless "Benghazi" and then the following email related coverage, is the most depressing.

Get ready ready for breathless headlines about the GOP's "bold" cabinet hearings process, and quotes about how "The American people don't want dragged out hearings, they want us to get to work."


These fucking dipshits know how to play the game too well.

They need to get the Sessions nom killed. Dems should fight that one as hard they can. Sessions will be do infinitely more damage than Tillerson.


No Scrubs
Rex Tillerson is first, lmao


He's going to be SOS, I'm fucking terrified. Is there anything that the Democrats can do to torpedo his appointment?

The Dems can't do anything about anyone but Mattis unless some of the GOP breaks ranks.


No Scrubs
Basically asking for a miracle to happen.

If I remember right McCain and a few others were concerned by Tillerson's ties to Russia and Putin, but I don't know if there's enough of them to do anything. Or if they'll eventually wind up falling in line or not.


Opponents should focus on Sessions and let the others all pass.

Sessions is too personally liked by the Senate, both Dems and Republicans, for his confirmation not to go through. Same with Pompeo. Kelly and Chao are locks too.

I think Dems should train their fire on Tillerson and DeVos. Tillerson's Russian ties, coupled with the intelligence drips and a few Republicans' own reluctance (thinking McCain, Graham, Rubio, and Rand Paul here), could make him the most liable. DeVos' financial fuckery is also a vulnerability begging to be exposed. I think these are the only realistic shots Dems have at blocking nominations.
I'm hoping Democrats focus an effort on Sessions.

He's gonna get confirmed for sure, they all are I think. You know now we're in this mess, I wonder if just accepting it and hoping that it enables accelerationism to left leaning politics. Unlikely, but that's why I say hope. Bush for all his flaws was not this far to the right.

I never cared for Accelerationism. The Left is in a real shitpile if it needs to sit through a political snuff film in order to get off its ass.


Their plan will likely have quite a bit of success unfortunately. It's disgusting.

Accelerationism is a crock of shit that needs to go away. Somehow expecting the entire nation to snap back immediately is straight up nonsense. You have posts within the federal and state governments that do not suddenly change on a whim. A SCOTUS packed with conservatives doesn't suddenly become part of this grand progressive wave because of some miracle where people wake the fuck up one day and decide to be politically engaged. Get fucking real.
It's absolutely amazing on how evil
And diabolical Republicans are. Seriously 8 years of a black man made them go insane.

I'm sorry but these aren't the moves of a crazy GOP. This is pretty normal. People just forget after 8 years of just how crazy they have always been which sucks because it means they feel rewarded and they will never change and even if dems ever regain power in any way again it takes one election cycle for everyone to forget again and give them power all over again. The democrats are the only side playing the democracy game anymore.


I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
Accelerationism is a crock of shit that needs to go away.

Yeah, I hope we have a slow, measured recovery from the incoming fuckery that is sure to come. Hopefully that recovery plan takes into account the real and valid concerns that I'm sure conservatives are going to have about progressive ideals in 8 years.

The right seems to have no problem hitting the gas pedal and shoving their shit down everyone's throats when they win. When we get a little bit of power we beg and beg for them to allow us to enact, what was essentially, their own plan for health care reform. Then they act like the ACA is a tragedy only rivaled by 9/11 and Pearl Harbor. Now we've handed everything back to be dismantled and Barack Obama's legacy in history books 100 years from now will read "Barack Obama: was black, was president."

Hopefully the Democrats can convince the Bush family to switch sides so we can run old Jebbber in 2020 and then sit idly and wait for the Republicans' regularly scheduled realignment of our Overton window in 2028.


Yeah, I hope we have a slow, measured recovery from the incoming fuckery that is sure to come. Hopefully that recovery plan takes into account the real and valid concerns that I'm sure conservatives are going to have about progressive ideals in 8 years.

The right seems to have no problem hitting the gas pedal and shoving their shit down everyone's throats when they win. When we get a little bit of power we beg and beg for them to allow us to enact, what was essentially, their own plan for health care reform. Then they act like the ACA is a tragedy only rivaled by 9/11 and Pearl Harbor. Now we've handed everything back to be dismantled and Barack Obama's legacy in history books 100 years from now will read "Barack Obama: was black, was president."

Hopefully the Democrats can convince the Bush family to switch sides so we can run old Jebbber in 2020 and then sit idly and wait for the Republicans' regularly scheduled realignment of our Overton window in 2028.

Jeb? LOL. He was Trump's favorite punching bag.

Because Reid implemented the Nuclear Option, Trump now has the opportunity to flip the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals as well.


I'm hoping Democrats focus an effort on Sessions.

I never cared for Accelerationism. The Left is in a real shitpile if it needs to sit through a political snuff film in order to get off its ass.
Well the rise of Trump and total domination of Republicans in state legislatures and congress shows us that this is in fact the case. It probably needs to get much worse to force people to act. The threat of Trump alone clearly wasn't enough. I mean you still see people on GAF arguing that Bernie got stiffed and all the various what ifs that go with it. The left is lazy as fuck and live in bubbles. Maybe when those start getting pierced they'll be forced to put effort into moderating their families and friends.

Accelerationism is not ideal but it's everything to this point has shown me that the left lacks the drive and purpose that conservatives possess. Already braced myself for 8 years of this.
I think history, should we exist long enough, will end up looking back at this period of time as what happens when you let a bunch of entitled, ignorant man-children govern. It's almost impossible to take anything the GOP does seriously at this point, they should all be ashamed of themselves, most of them should probably be in jail, but they just keep getting mandate after mandate.
I'm trying to get more active in politics, but then I see shit like this and wonder what's the point.

There's a million fucking issues going at once and they're all terrible. There's no chance of slowing down let alone halting all of the fuckery that's about to happen.
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