A few I've liked in recent years that aren't THAT well known:
Cool German time travel/mystery show, awesome atmosphere, good acting (if you are ok with subs, the dub is terrible) and 3 seasons that tell a compelling and well planned story that avoids most of the traditional failings of "mystery box" shows.
Fun show set in 16th Century Korea that mixes political intrigue and action with a zombie outbreak. Awesome production values, compelling characters and a proper main plot instead of just endless suffering like The Walking Dead. The first 2 seasons tell a complete story arc but they've left it open for a follow up.
Follows the story of a drug shipment from 3 perspectives: The supplier (Mexico), the buyer (Italy) and the intermediary (American). One season only, really well shot and produced, dark, and a proper Mexican/Italian/American cast speaking in their native tongue (none of this "drugs deals in mexico speaking English with each other for some reason) gives it a lot of authenticity