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Got River City Ransom EX


Eh...this game isn't as good as I thought it would be.

The bad:
-It's boring. I guess the repetitiveness of it has gotten to me, and I just can't stand that nowadays like I could maybe 15 years ago.
-They changed the costumes to Japanese ugliness!
-The presentation is really bad. The first thing to pops up when you turn on the game is a file-management system...very awkward.
-The saving system is totally broken, in that it continually makes save points. I know there have been threads on this is the past, but I can't get over how stupid it is. Zelda of the late 1980s (which had a save system even back then) didn't have this problem.

The good:
-The music is largely the same but better.
-The physics are very good. The way items bounce and roll looks pretty neat for a GBA game.
-The background graphics look nice. Unlike most GBA games I've seen, these backgrounds have a real Super NES-like palette. Just looking at it, you'd think it were a Super NES game, because the colors are very vibrant.

Overall though, I don't like this game. Was it rushed or were these problems (such as the file-saving system) done on purpose?
well, it would seem that you've found fault with elements of the game that existed in its original form. river city ransom was always a repetitive fest of thrown fists; the user interface was always obtrusively clunky; and the save system was rarely used by me -- in fact, i can't recall if there ever was one. has the gameplay stayed largely intact? if so, along with the updated visuals and music, i'll definitely pick it up.

Demigod Mac

File system done on purpose (as you'll see later)

Gets quite fun when you get into the customizing character options.
I thought it was a decent game. Definitely not nearly as good as Million's previous game, Double Dragon Advance, but it's a fun pick up and play game. Yeah, it's repetitive, but RCR always was and the saving system does suck, but at least it's there. I didn't think it was that big of a deal. I just erased the last one before saving again. I had a fun 8 or so hours playing it.
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