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Gov. Mike Pence won't pardon wrongfully convicted man (Up: Eric Holcomb pardons)

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He's literally telling him to find somebody else to pardon him, and he'll only do it if he's exhausted ALL other options???



Please for the love of god, Tim Kaine needs to bring this up at the VP debate. Pence is a festering pile of shit and america needs to know it. Especially since he'd be the one actually running the country (shudder) in the case of a Trump presidency.


Fucking WHY?!

Racism. Institutional racism. You know; the one thats worse than being called a name. The one that doesn't get you that job interview because your name is Malik. The racism that sees a majority of prisons filled with black men. The kind of racism alot of people don't understand exist since its not obvious and in their face.


I'm not a fan of there being a political incentive for putting people in prison, so I don't like removing voting rights at all.


There should obviously be exceptions and restrictions in place, but I don't see how it's that shocking that a state strips a criminal's voting privileges for X amount of time.

See here's the problem. Voting shouldn't be a privilege, it should be a right.


I bet Indiana is so glad this sack of shit is gone, or will be soon. Now America needs to ensure he's nowhere near the presidency.

Fuck Pence, dude is arguably worse than Trump (although not as incompetent).

Pence is also a homophobe and transphobe bigot isn't he?
He's pro gay torture conversion camps, yes.


Unfortunate. Our view of crilminal justice is warped, so much so that unoverturing a wrongful conviction is seen as soft.
I bet Indiana is so glad this sack of shit is gone, or will be soon. Now America needs to insure he's nowhere near the presidency.

Fuck Pence, dude is arguably worse than Trump (although not as incompetent).
Oh I can't tell you how happy we are that he is gone.


I have to disagree with anyone saying convicts/felons shouldn't have voting rights. For one, being put in prison already strips you of most of your rights as it is, for two, even in prison you are still a functioning part of society. Therefore in my opinion you should be able to vote.

"Someone affecting society negatively shouldn't have a say in it's politics" why the fuck not? They're still here, they're still a part of it (they make prisoners work you know), unless you're going to ship them out of the country there should be no reason why they can't have a say in our politics, especially considering that the things being voted on and the people being elected can and will have a direct effect on these peoples lives (in some cases more so than it does on your or my life).

As for Pence, what a
n unfunny


See here's the problem. Voting shouldn't be a privilege, it should be a right.

Says who? I disagree, and so do many governments. Voting is a concept dependent on government/order. If you're born a US citizen, you're born with this privilege. If you take actions that harm your country and society, of course your privileges should be stripped. It's not such a crazy idea.

Your rights as a human? Not so much.
Pence is also a homophobe and transphobe bigot isn't he?


This is the Family Values section of Mike Pence's platform that he successfully ran on in 2000.

Strengthening the American Family

• The traditional two parent family is the nucleus of our civilization. Accordingly,

• Congress should support legislation designed to strengthen the economic vitality and cultural primacy of the two parent family.

• Congress should pursue tax relief and tax reform that makes it more possible for more families to live on one income so that one parent may choose to be a full-time at home parent if they so desire.

• Congress should pass legislation that would require agencies to prepare a "Family Impact Statement" to assess the effect of all federal legislation and regulation on the two parent family. This would enact into law President Reagan’s 1986 Executive Order 12606 which President Clinton revoked.

• Congress should pass the Child Custody Protection Act to require parental notification prior to the delivery of any contraceptive drugs or devices to minor children by any Title X funded clinics.

• Congress should oppose any effort to put gay and lesbian relationships on an equal legal status with heterosexual marriage.

• Congress should oppose any effort to recognize homosexual’s as a "discreet and insular minority" entitled to the protection of anti-discrimination laws similar to those extended to women and ethnic minorities.

• Congress should support the reauthorization of the Ryan White Care Act only after completion of an audit to ensure that federal dollars were no longer being given to organizations that celebrate and encourage the types of behaviors that facilitate the spreading of the HIV virus. Resources should be directed toward those institutions which provide assistance to those seeking to change their sexual behavior.


In that last bit, Pence is actually advocating for federal funds intended to improve access and quality of HIV/AIDS care for low income individuals and families to be funneled towards organizations that practice conversion therapy, a method which is banned in 5 states and is known to involve the torture of LGBT minors. Pro-LGBT organizations would have their funding revoked.



This is the Family Values section of Mike Pence's platform that he successfully ran on in 2000.


In that last bit, Pence is actually advocating for federal funds intended to improve access and quality of HIV/AIDS care for low income individuals and families to be funneled towards organizations that practice conversion therapy, a method which is banned in 5 states and is known to involve the torture of LGBT minors. Pro-LGBT organizations would have their funding revoked.

That's B.C. right?

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Someone who has any felony (even if they're out of jail) can't vote?

I find that shocking. But at the same time I should've already known this...

What is the rationale behind limiting a felon's ability to vote?

Why is their ability to vote taken away? What about their right to exercise freedom of speech? Own a firearm? Pursuit of happiness? Kind of ridiculous.
Let's see...

A disproportionate number of imprisoned felons are black.
Most blacks vote Democrat.
Preventing felons from voting is a typical "tough on crime" Republican policy.

I believe this to be the "rationale" you are looking for.
Is Tim Kaine going to point this out at the debate?

Here's to hoping. I would love to see Kaine use Pence's own record to make the whole Trump ticket look morally bankrupt and unfit for office. Between this and the diverting of public funds for AIDS sufferers into the torture that is conversion therapy, Pence is a piece of shit.

Maybe if he does badly enough, Trump will try to fire him.
Has he sued the state yet? I feel like this sort of bullshit always comes back to some sort of money issue for these hypocritical shits.
He's literally telling him to find somebody else to pardon him, and he'll only do it if he's exhausted ALL other options???


Which means, in a nutshell, he's saying to hire lawyers (or, since he already has them, keep paying them), file MORE motions, spend MORE money... all to get back the life the state of Indiana took from him, and the basic American rights he lost when that happened.

Because he doesn't want to undermine the system.

The system that imprisoned an innocent American man who lost a decade of his life.

This is why FIRE MIKE PENCE signs litter Indiana yards and buildings.


Junior Member
Sometimes, people get worried about other republican political figures. Like, if they could just put forth a candidate who wasn't a douche bag, they would be a threat.

I'm not overly worried. These guys can't try to be compassionate.


It's because he's black. That statement isn't even the least bit cynical at this point. We've seen the lot Pence threw in with and the sentiment of his constituency.

Do Better

Sometimes, people get worried about other republican political figures. Like, if they could just put forth a candidate who wasn't a douche bag, they would be a threat.

I'm not overly worried. These guys can't try to be compassionate.

Compassionate? They no longer even try to hide the fact that they intend to be intentionally harmful to their fellow citizens,
just so they can be empowered by bigots who they can rip off money from.


I don't understand the Pence administration's objection. Is it bureaucratic in nature? Should Mr. Cooper have exhausted other legal channels before petitioning the governor? From the replies I've seen in this topic, I'm gathering a governor's pardon is the only means by which to expunge all the strikes against his record. In this case though, the administration's response sounds... ignorant of its own responsibilities.


I don't understand, why isn't this stuff done by some bureaucrats automatically? Why does he have to petition the governor?
I don't understand, why isn't this stuff done by some bureaucrats automatically? Why does he have to petition the governor?
Generally speaking, because of fucked up beliefs that the justice system is perfect (or near to it, anyway) and isn't capable of making mistakes such as throwing innocent people in jail (despite evidence to the contrary, in large part because of the just-world hypothesis and how uncomfortable it is for people to have that hypothesis proven false and thus leading them to come up with some excuse or another as to why it happened instead). As a result people are left with the belief "well, they must have done something to have been found guilty, or why else would they have been convicted. They have to have been guilty of something, so whatever" and that combined with hard-on-crime policies results in stuff like that, where even when people have their name cleared and have proof that the justice system wronged them, it still is set up in a way to make it as hard as possible for such exonerees to get back on their feet again.
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